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Everything posted by jgr

  1. I posted this message in response to a message of Terry's in another thread: I've come to realize that I don't understand Witness Memos very well at all. Is there some primer as to how to use them?
  2. Well, I'm glad I wasn't missing something simple, but sorry this can't be done the way I'd like. Darn. Thanks for your help and, again, thanks for posting the system.
  3. Census data

    I'm in the process of learning your method (and I'm very grateful to you for putting the work in on this!!) but have run into a snag. I'd like to have the report for the parents include the memo info for the witness children (Father and Mother were enumerated on that census at this location... Living with them were their children Son, age 12, born TX, attending school, Daughter, age 10, born OK, attending school and Son, age 5, born OK). The info in bold is in the witness memo fields, but I can't quite figure out how to write the sentences to get that to appear with the parents. Help??? Thanks.
  4. Google Earth, anyone?

    I'm a volunteer for the Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness folks and use it to show people where the graves are that I've photographed for them, such as these.
  5. That makes perfect sense to me and would also explain why the links are there in the grid format and disappear in the narrative format. Thanks!
  6. Terry, I've spent a fair amount of time today working through the sentences used on the website, for which I thank you greatly. But I've come up with something odd in the census reports for one family when I then create a site in Second Site (v 1.08, Build 7). In the 1880 and 1900 census, the parents are together and the children are listed: Father and Mother were in Whatever County. Their children One, Two and Three were listed as living with them. Each child's name was a hotlink in Second Site narrative style (they were also hotlinked in the grid style). In 1910, the mother has finally kicked the old man out and the census listing says: Mother was in ThatThere County. Her children One, Two and Three were listed as living with her. But this time none of the children's names was a hotlink in Second Site narrative style (but they were hotlinked in the grid style). I've gone over the sentences a dozen times and they're identical except for the year: him [P] <|and [PO]> appeared on the year Federal Census of< [LCI],>< [LCN],> [LS]<, at [LD]><, enumerated [D]>. <Their children [RG:with Parents] were listed as living with them.><His children [RG:with Father] were listed as living with him.> <[M]> her [P] <|and [PO]> appeared on the year Federal Census of< [LCI],>< [LCN],> [LS]<, at [LD]><, enumerated [D]>. <Their children [RG:with Parents] were listed as living with them.><Her children [RG:with Mother] were listed as living with her.> <[M]> The same children are listed as witnesses each time. I cannot for the life of me figure out why the kids are hotlinked in 1880 and 1900 but not in 1910. I've tested this and this repeats with any family -- the last census listing does NOT hotlink the kids. Any ideas, or shall we punt this one over to John Cardinal? -- jgr
  7. I would put $100 on the table right now as a personal pledge towards this development. -- jgr
  8. Is there a way to get the report for a List of Research Tasks to include the comments field? I can't seem to locate an option for the report to include that. Thanks. -- jgr
  9. I run TMG full screen on a 19" screen. So the fact that this tab appears as a single wide "tab" in the rear appears to be a matter of the default settings -- something I'd certainly recommend be changed.
  10. If you hadn't said it would be one large tab, I would never ever have seen it. It seems like I looked for that for HOURS, and never noticed that. Thanks very much! -- jgr