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Stephen Hansen

TMG7 loses track of current person after copy person

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I've made a scan of the forum looking for a previous report of this error and didn't see any. My apologies if it's been reported before and I just missed it.


This is a problem that I've had with both version 6 and currently with version 7, version 6 was with WinXP only, while version 7 is with both WinXP and Win7.


When I've used the "copy person" feature, after a short while making any change to the copied persons will instead make the change to another person and show that person as the current one. This is a repeatable problem on my system and since it has occurred repeatedly over time, OS versions, TMG versions, and multiple computers, I don't believe that it's a problem with my installation. It has also been detected with more than one project so a corrupt database doesn't seem likely either.


To reproduce the error, I would suggest taking a copy of the sample project, pick a leaf node descendant and make 3 or 4 copies. Start changing the names and birth dates or some other tag info and within a short while you will suddenly find yourself looking at a person other than the one whose tag you just attempted to modify.


This bug becomes a problem when I find a new family that has a large number of children with essentially identical source and location fields. The copy feature would make the input go much easier, but I've had to learn workarounds to avoid it.


Restarting TMG clears the error and allows me to continue.

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