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TMG Utility is a suite of utilities that perform various housecleaning chores on TMG data sets (e.g., global capitalization, globally add married names, set the LIVING flag, etc.). Donorware. Click here for more information.
The Rootsweb TMG-L mail list will end 02 Mar 2020 although the archives will continue to be available. See the next reply about the new TMG-L mail list. TMG-L is a popular internet mailing list for discussion of issues related to The Master Genealogist and related products. You can arrange to have TMG-L messages delivered to your e-mail box and subscription is free. TMG-L is regularly attended by many expert TMG users who gladly share their experience and advice with more novice users. Click here to search the Rootsweb TMG-L archives.
Use a custom flag to keep track of the editing progress Applies to: TMG Tip: TMG's custom flags can be used a number of different ways. Many experienced users define one or more custom flags to keep track of lengthy editing tasks. For example, if you decide to change the way you record census data, you may have many existing census events to modify. To keep track of your progress, create a custom flag with the values "NY", for No and Yes, where the default value is "N". After you modify the census events for a particular person set the flag to "Y". That way, you an easily create a report of the people whose census events still need attention. Many users create a custom flag to manage the manual cleanup of data after it is imported to TMG. GenBridge does an excellent job of importing data, but as a result of the differences between programs, there still may be manual changes required. Use a custom flag to monitor your progress. Other keywords: Import, Cleanup, Clean Up
Second Site is a companion program that supplements the web output features in TMG to create professional quality web pages. Copy the web pages to a web server to share your research with the world. Copy the web pages to CDs to share your ancestry with your family. Click here for more information.
The Project Explorer is a very helpful window but it is not open in the Standard Layout so a lot of users never discover it. There is a button on the toolbar (just to the right of the yellow ones) to open the Project Explorer. Then you can resize, sort, filter, and scroll the window. Click on a plus sign to "drill down" through descendents. This tip was originally published in the Wholly Genes Newsletter, 22 December 2003.
Address: Level B1, 257 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000 Australia Telephone: (03) 9639 2005 Web store: http://www.vicgum.asn.au E-Mail: info@vicgum.asn.au
Add children efficiently Applies to: TMG Tip: The easiest way to add two or more children is to use the add sibling commands Add > Brother, Add > Sister, or Add > Sibling. Add the first child by navigating to one of the parents and choosing Add > Son, Add > Daughter, or Add > Child. (Use Add > Child if you don't know the gender of the child) For subsequent children, you don't have to navigate back to one of the parents: use Add > Brother, Add > Sister, or Add > Sibling instead. (Use Add > Sibling if you don't know the gender of the sibling) In this case, TMG considers the new person a full sibling, i.e., they have the same mother and father. If that is not the case, don't use this method.
Let me see if I understand your question. You have installed the trial version of TMG V6 from the Conference CD. The trial period has not expired yet. You want to know if you purchase V7 will you have two different programs. First you are no longer able to purchase V6. You can only purchase V7. V7 does in fact install on your computer without disturbing anything in V6. And at that point you will have 2 programs on your computer. HOWEVER the only way to move your data from V6 to V7 is to backup your V6 project and then RESTORE that backup in V7. Once you are comfortable that your data has been moved successfully to TMG V7 you can delete TMG V6. Phil Wholly Genes Tech Support
Back up the smart way Applies to: All products Tip: You should back up your project(s) on a regular basis. But that's only part of the story. Rotate through several backups. If you discover a problem or decide to reverse changes, it is sometimes very important to be able to go back more than one backup. Don't store your critical backup on the same HARD DRIVE as your project because if your hard drive crashes, then you may lose both. Don't store your critical backup on the same COMPUTER as your project because computers are sometimes stolen or damaged. Don't store your critical backup in the same ROOM as your project because fires, floods, or other disasters could destroy both. Don't even store your critical backup in the same BUILDING as your project for the same reason. A prudent strategy may be to: backup to your hard drive every day, rotating through at least 3 or 4 file names. backup to external media (zip disk, CD-R, etc.) every week and store it in a storage room away from the computer backup to external media (zip disk, CD-R, etc.) every month and give it to a neighbor or store it in a safety deposit box. Of course, the appropriate backup strategy for you will depend on how much you use the program. When designing that strategy, hope for the best but plan for the worst! Nothing ruins your day faster than losing a decade of research.
TMG7 is WinVista-compatible. The information below does not apply to v7. %%%%%%%%%% TMG version 6.12 will work with WinVista. You must use the full installer version of V6.12 from a CD or by downloading the Free 30 Day Trial from our web site. The 30 Day Trial version can be unlocked using the registration info you received via email when you purchased TMG V6. Installing from a CD of a TMG version earlier than V6.12 and upgrading to V6.12 won't work. Because of the various security features of WinVista there are other things that must be done in order for TMG to work well. These are described in the following article. http://www.whollygenes.com/files/tmg6andwinvista.pdf Phil Wholly Genes Tech Support
To combine wall charts, just generate a chart and save it as a VC2 file. Then generate a second chart to the screen. While that chart is open, go to File > Open and select the first chart. Now that they are both open, go to the Window menu and choose Tile in order to see both windows at the same time. Now you can simply select and drag one chart (or pieces of it) from one window to the other. Hold down the Ctrl key to copy the chart elements instead of moving them. This tip was originally published in the Wholly Genes Newsletter, 22 December 2003.
Lori, You might want to take look at a tool called CLOOZ. It's a program designed to do most of what you want. Phil
You can perform a backup with just ONE click. You can add a button to the custom toolbar which performs a backup without stopping to ask you any questions. On the Custom Toolbar Manager (View > Toolbars > Customize), go to the end of the right-hand list and find "Run a backup of a specific name." Highlight it and click on ", the custom toolbar button will be created. Now you can back up with one click! This tip was originally published in the Wholly Genes Newsletter, 17 May 2004.
Don't pay for printed TMG manual!
Admin replied to gregharper's topic in Older Products and Versions
It is more than 99%. With the exception of about three fixed typos and the "v5" on the title page, the two manuals are identical. The manual never has been intended to cover every feature in the program - or there would be five or six volumes. It covers the basic features (which haven't changed since v5) and is supplemented by the online help file which can be more easily revised as new features are added. Greg, you don't say from whom you bought it but it surely wasn't directly from Wholly Genes. For any customer who is concerned about the appearance of the title page, dealers are welcome to replacements for any v5 manuals that they may still have in stock. -
A little more than a day ago, someone found a security hole in our forum software and exploited it in an effort to disrupt this user community. The person managed to gain administrative access to the forum and delete messages from a variety of forum areas. Most of the forum messages have been preserved or restored from recent backups. In particular, the member database, announcements, newsletters, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), user group information, list of companion products, sample reports, Tips and Hints, TMG users web sites, cruise information, and messages in many other important areas have been preserved or recovered. Working with the developer of the forum software, we have also identified and repaired the security hole. You may notice some changes and some areas in the forum that still need to be tweaked as a result of the software upgrade. Unfortunately, the deleted messages in the public “Support Forums” have not been recovered. By design, those topics have a short lifespan and the messages are automatically deleted from the forum anyway after a period of time. For that reason, they were not backed up on as regular a basis. We emphasize that the main web site and the web store were never at risk. The unauthorized access was limited to these discussion forums. As a precaution against misuse of your forum account, you may want to click on “My Controls” near the top right and then use the “Change password” option on the left side of the screen. We apologize for the loss of the support messages but we trust that, like us, you won’t let the efforts of a single malicious user disrupt the valuable user community that we have all built here. If you were involved in an ongoing discussion, we invite you to post another message and we will carry on as usual, working with each other to make the most out of our genealogical software tools. Thank you, Bob Velke President Wholly Genes Software
=== TMG v6 has been released! ==================== The newest version of The Master Genealogist includes a long list of exciting new features that were requested by our users. TMG v6 now includes even more tools to help you to find your ancestors, record their data, search and navigate the program, and produce professional reports. Following is a list of the major new features in TMG v6. For screen shots of some of these new features, please visit: http://www.whollygenes.com/tmgnew6.htm A NEW LOOK Toolbars now optionally support large buttons with descriptive text. Right-click on any toolbar to change the button size. The Standard Layouts have been redesigned with these new toolbar buttons in mind. NEW MULTIMEDIA FEATURES - New support for GIF images and other formats. - Box charts (Visual Chartform) now support all image formats supported by TMG. - Link exhibits directly to places! - Link exhibits directly to citations! - Exhibits now have a separate Caption field. NEW QUERY BY EXAMPLE The handy new Query By Example tab is a shortcut for creating simple filters on the Picklist, Project Explorer, or List of People report. Don't bother with building filter conditions. Simply fill in the blanks and click on to filter the list. But that's just the beginning! You can use the Query By Example screen to learn how to use TMG's more powerful filtering features. After entering some search criteria, click on the Filter tab to see how you can represent the same conditions using a filter. Then you can further customize the filter, add other conditions, etc. It is not just an alternative to filters. It is a great way to learn how to use some of TMG's most powerful features, including filter operators, AND/OR connectors, parentheses, etc. NEW DNA LOG DNA testing is getting more popular and it is destined to be one of the family historian's most valuable tools. The new DNA Log lets you record the results of DNA tests for the people in your project. You can keep track of multiple tests for each person, including the laboratory results, your own comments, and links to web sites that explain the tests. TMG v6 supports a variety of current DNA fingerprint tests from popular laboratories and can be expanded to support other tests and laboratories using a powerful template system. REDESIGNED FOCUS GROUP WINDOW The Focus Group window has been redesigned to meet the suggestions of users. Among other new features, you can now: - Control the number of generations to add for ancestors and descendants. - Add ancestors, descendants, spouses, and name variations all at once. - Click to Select All. - Use the Delete key to remove members. - See the number of names and the number of selected names in the group. - Sort members by surname, given name, or ID number. - Export members to an existing group. NEW DATA ENTRY TOOLS - A new Witness Memo field. Now you can have a separate memo for each witness. The contents can be referenced by the new witness sentence variables [WM], [WM1]...[WM9]. - A new Citation Memo field is designed to hold comments, rationale, etc., that is separate from Citation Detail and is not necessarily intended to be output. However, it can be referenced by the new source template variables [CM], [CM1]...[CM9]. - Source output can now include the contents of the repository memo. The source template can refer to [REPOSITORY MEMO], [REPOSITORY MEMO1]...[REPOSITORY MEMO9]. Shorter versions of the same variables, [RM], [RM1]...[RM9], are also supported. - All memo fields now show formatted text (bold, italics, underline, etc.), rather than codes for those functions. Real clickable web links and email links are now supported in memos. NEW NAVIGATION/DISPLAY FEATURES - The Tag Box supports new optional columns for witnesses, exhibits, and tasks. - New buttons on the Tree View allow moving upward one generation at a time. - The Person View now shows the primary parent relationship type (e.g., "Father-Ado") if it is not Bio. - The right click menu allows you to show/hide child tags. NEW CHARTING OPTIONS - The left-to-right version of the Descendant Box Chart has a new "Waterfall" option. - The Ancestor Box Chart has a new option for "Overlapping generations." - 25 new fancy frames are now included. - Box charts now include an option to output the chart (tab type labels, months, etc.) in another language. - Control the width of curved text generations on fan charts. - Control the size of the first generation circle on a fan chart. NEW REPORTING FEATURES - Print a blank Family Group Sheet. - Print spouse events on the Journal report for children who are not carried forward. - Control the number of copies of a report to print. - Specify the number of the first page. - Control the print page range. - Specify whether to include leading zeros on dates (e.g., 09 Sep 1942). NEW CONFIGURATION OPTIONS - Specify your preferred output file types. Unselected file formats will not appear on the Report Definition Screen, in order to keep the list to a manageable size. - Specify a default name or place style for each tag type. - Optionally suppress the prompt to change the Last Edited date after writing to flags with secondary output. - Click to for the Auto-Relationship tag. - Add spacers between buttons on the Custom Toolbar. GENSMARTS INTEGRATION GenSmarts analyzes your research data and provides advice about how to fill the holes in your research. It makes detailed suggestions about what records to search, where, and why. GenSmarts users can now access this popular research advisor directly from within TMG. (Requires a separate purchase of GenSmarts.) Now you can simply access TMG's Tools menu and choose "Research suggestions from GenSmarts." TMG will leverage the power of GenSmarts to produce a list of research suggestions for the focus person. The complete explanation for each GenSmarts suggestion is also included. If the data is available online, then you can just click to access it. You can even select one or more GenSmarts suggestions and convert them into TMG research tasks with one click. When you are ready for a research trip, you can generate a List of Tasks report. And you can do it all without ever leaving TMG! OTHER NEW FEATURES - New smart place searching allows matching on partial place names. For instance, a search for Birth Place Contains Elizabethton, Tennessee will find a birth in: Elizabethton, Carter County, Tennessee - Soundex calculator. It produces a "standard" Soundex code plus a variety of other suggestions based on common Soundex errors. Daitch-Mokotoff coding is also supported. - Edit State/Province Abbreviations. - Edit a role name. - Control the sequence of roles. That sequence is honored on the Tag Entry Screen. - Control the sequence of witnesses. The sequence is honored in reports. - Control the sequence of citations. The sequence is honored in reports. - Control the sequence of bookmarks on the Bookmark Manager. - The Relationship Calculator now produces sorted results. - Reports generated in other languages now honor the translated tag labels, past tense and tag abbreviation fields as defined on the Tag Type Definition screen, rather than doing automated translations that are out of the user's control. - Import tag type translations (for the label, past tense, abbreviation, and default sentences) from another project. - Various improvements have been made to GEDCOM export and direct import from Generations, Family Origins, Legacy, and Family Tree Maker. OTHER FIXES/CHANGES: The v6 upgrade includes fixes to bugs that were reported by users, including: - Backup now backs up timelines based on the default program timeline path, rather than based on the Preferences timeline path. - Fixed a possible UK Style box chart overwrapping line problem. - Fixed a problem of canceling the untabbed Tag Entry screen. - Fixed an issue where the style could be lost when saving the Place Edit screen. - The fields on the Global Search and Replace form and the MPL now use labels from the default place style, as defined on the Data Set Manager. - The Gendex site has been removed from Web search feature. - Corrected an issue of some audio and video exhibits not playing in the Exhibit Log and Slideshows. - Fixed an issue where the Automatic Relation Tag would not always select the most direct relationship. - Fixed some other issues related to translated report output. - Fixed a variety of more obscure bugs that were reported by users. SPECIAL CD BONUS The upgrade can be obtained by download but those who order the CD-ROM will also receive a free electronic copy of "The Universal British Directory of Great Britain 1791" from Archive CD Books on the same disk (a $65 value!). Digitized from five huge volumes, this is the earliest directory for Great Britain and is among the most important resources for those researching ancestors in the United Kingdom. It includes excellent descriptions of towns and villages of the time and those residents with trades (even farmers, hay-binders, labourers, bakers, shop keepers, etc.) and their addresses. Although titled "Great Britain," this directory covers places in England and Wales. Volume 1 is devoted to London, volumes 2 to 4 cover the places in England and Wales in alphabetical order, and vol 5 contains a number of the subsequent amendments that were published in the next few years.
Wholly Genes Newsletter, 2 September 2005, Issue 2005-11
Admin posted a topic in Wholly Genes Newsletter
================================================== Wholly Genes Newsletter 2 September 2005 Issue 2005, Number 11 ================================================== You received this newsletter subscription by your own request. To unsubscribe, see the end of the newsletter. Please do not respond to this message. Its mailbox is for outgoing messages only. See "How to reach us" below. ================================================== o TMG v6.03 is now available o VHS training video clearance sale o Using the Support forum o Email notifications o Users Group news o TMG Companion Products o Wholly Genes online chat o How to reach us === TMG v6.03 is now available ================== The Master Genealogist v6.03.000 is now available. This free update includes a collection of bug fixes and a few new or changed features as follows: NEW/CHANGED o As described in the last issue of this newsletter, the behavior of the [A] sentence variable has been changed to conform to that of TMG v6.01. o Exhibit Log - Right-click menus were added to the Topic and Reference fields on the exhibit Properties General tab. o Exhibit Log - The exhibit Properties Description tab was updated to re-proportion the two fields and to add a label to the Description field. o The DNA Log Relative Genetics links were updated to reflect a change in the website. FIXED o Working with the Expanded Picklists or Master Event List in some contexts could cause the program to appear to lock up. o Using the expanded memo field (F7) in some contexts could cause changes to the memo field to not be saved. o Prompts were not being centered in the program workspace. This could result in some or all of the prompt being hidden from view. o Fixed some problems associated with customizing the Add Person screen. o Circa dates with only years, or with only month and year, were printing in reports with the underscores for the missing months and days. o When the tag type of a name tag was changed, the output of the tag sentence in narrative reports would include unwanted characters such as [R=Principal][C= ,0 ,0 ]--$!&[R=Witness]. Note that the cause of this has been fixed. If you see this problem in a report, edit the appropriate tag, edit the sentence, select the sentence text and delete it, and, then, save the sentence and tag. The output problem will be corrected. o If a project name included periods ('.') and the project was merged with another project, Open dialogs occurred during the merge process and the merge was not successfully completed. o The Preferences settings for the Family View and Tree View font sizes were broken. o In some circumstances, the Tag Box could show incorrect check marks in the exhibit, witness, or sources columns o Tag Entry screen - If the cursor was in the memo field, F5 did not open the selected or first listed exhibit. o Editing a Name-Marr tag and adding a citation surety for the memo when the memo field was empty would result in the name being mis-sorted in the Project Explorer and Picklists. o If you 1) created a new tag with data in only the Memo, or 2) edited an existing tag, changing only the Memo text, then pressed Esc, there was no "Are you sure you want to lose the changes on this Screen?" prompt. o If you had a person with no primary parents but with one or more non-primary parents... If you edited and saved one of the non-primary relationship tags, it became primary. o In one context, the F4 key from the Tag Entry screen brought up the Tag Type List instead of the Citation screen. o On the Relationship tag Citation screen, the date (D) surety field was not grayed as it should have been. o A delay could occur when changing flags while the Project Explorer was filtered. o Fixed some cosmetic problems associated with the Data Set Manager, Master Repository List, and Exhibit Log. o Research Log - The F4 (Add), F5 (Edit) and F6 (Delete) shortcut keys didn't work. o Fixed some problems with the new design of prompt windows. o UFT import - Exhibit captions were being imported to the Description field rather than the Caption field. o FTM import - Multiple parents for a child were all marked primary after import. o GEDCOM import - The citation TEXT tag is now imported to the Citation memo field. - Illegal QUAY values (4 and above) are now sent to the .LST file for the import. - A certain data pattern in a GEDCOM created by Embla Family Treasures would result in erroneous relationship links after import. o GEDCOM export - The Export Wizard Step 7: Option screen 3 choices for places were redesigned to clarify the selection options. o Backup - The .SQZ file comment was updated to reflect the correct TMG program version number. - The CUSTOMIZATIONS ONLY backup filename was corrected to reflect the correct TMG program version number. - Under Win98, Win98SE and WinME, backups which included the project inadvertently omitted most of the project data files. o Fixed a handful of more obscure bugs that were reported by users. This free v6.03.000 update requires a previous installation of v6.00.000 or later. (Users with a prior version must first apply the update to v6.00.000). To download and apply the update, run TMG, access the Help menu and choose "Check for an update." Alternatively, you can choose "Check for a Program Update" from the Windows Start menu > The Master Genealogist group. The update will be applied automatically. Upon restarting, the startup screen will reflect a version number of "v6.03.000." === VHS training video clearance sale ============ Some VHS training videos are still available under the 30% discount offer: Due to the overwhelming popularity of the DVD format, The Studio, the manufacturer of the TMG training videos, will no longer be producing them in VHS format (i.e., for a VCR). When existing inventories of the VHS format are gone, these popular training videos will only be available on DVD. The Wholly Genes web store has limited supplies of the "Getting Started" and "Intermediate" TMG training videos in VHS format. ("Advanced" and "Expert" are not available in VHS format). To make room for more DVDs, those remaining VHS tapes are now offered for just $10.95 each plus shipping/handling. That's more than 30% off the regular price of $15.95. Please use the following special links to get one of the few remaining copies of these products in VHS format: Video Training for TMG - Getting Started: Teaches the new user of The Master Genealogist about basic concepts, including the main display elements, navigation, creating a new project, simple data entry, accents, searching for people, and simple reports. http://store.whollygenes.com/Detail.bok?no=111 Video Training for TMG - Intermediate: Introduces the intermediate user to a variety of concepts and features, including custom screen layouts, the Image window, the Project Explorer, Focus Groups, filtering, timelines, the multimedia (exhibit) log, the Research Log, Advanced Data Entry mode, and report options. http://store.whollygenes.com/Detail.bok?no=112 (Note that your local dealers may have their own limited supplies of the Getting Started, Intermediate, or Advanced training videos in VHS format.) === Using the Support forum ====================== The Wholly Genes Community forum is the best way to get questions answered directly from Wholly Genes technical support and experienced users. With the help of a powerful search feature, the message board also serves as a valuable knowledge base of previous questions and answers - so it is a great place to start when you have a question that is not covered in the Users Guide or Help file. The forum is also the home for a variety of other important TMG resources, including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's), users groups, sample reports, TMG-related web sites, Tips & Hints and much more. Accessing the Wholly Genes Community forum is free and easy. Just go to http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm and then click on "Register." After a simple validation process, you'll be a member of the new forum with access to all of its features. ("Guests" have restricted access). === Email Notifications ========================== Did you know that you don't have to keep checking the Wholly Genes Community Forum in order to keep up-to-date on support topics that interest you, program tips and hints, and other news and information? Here are some handy hints to keep you informed: 1) Keep current with the "View New Posts" link. Click on that link in the upper-right hand corner to get a chronological list of every topic that has been updated since your last visit. 2) Be notified by e-mail of new topics. The message board has many categories for news, information, and support. Click on any forum that interests you (e.g., "The Master Genealogist v6") and then click on "Subscribe to this forum" on the right side. Thereafter, you will be notified by email of the subject of every new topic that is posted to that forum! If you are interested in that topic, you can click on a handy link in the e-mail to go directly to that section of the message board. Hint: Don't forget to subscribe to the "Frequently Asked Questions" and "Tips and Hints" forums! 3) Be notified by e-mail of new responses to existing topics that interest you. Subscribing to a forum (as above) will notify you of the _first_ message in each new topic. But if you read a topic and decide that you are interested in it, just click on "Track this topic" on the right side. Thereafter, you will receive an email notification whenever a response is posted to that topic. (You can also choose to receive just one e-mail every day or week with all such notifications.) If you post or reply to a message, then tracking the topic is almost automatic. Just make sure that "Enable email notifications of replies" is checked when you compose your message. If you want that box to be checked by default, then click on My Controls in the top-right corner of any screen, click on Email settings on the left, check "Enable Email notifications by default" and set the notification type to "Immediate." On the same screen, you can specify that email notifications should include the full text of the response (not just a notification that a response exists). If you use these powerful features, you can stay up-to-date with all of the developments on the Wholly Genes Community forum without having to go online periodically to check for new messages! It is all free, of course, and you can cancel your email notifications at any time through My Controls > Subscriptions. === User Group news ============================= You can check for a TMG Users Group in your area by accessing the Wholly Genes Community Forum http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm and then choosing News and Information > Other Resources > Users Groups Note that Users Group Coordinators are authorized to edit the Users Group listing so that you can be kept up-to-date with schedule changes, speakers, or other User Group news. They can also update the Wholly Genes Calendar (click on Calendar in the top-right corner) to reflect meeting dates and other events and information. === TMG Companion Products ====================== Don't miss these helpful products that are specifically designed for TMG users like you: "Getting the Most Out of The Master Genealogist" The popular book compiled by Lee Hoffman. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gettingthemost.htm Video training for TMG on DVD Getting Started, Intermediate, Advanced, or Expert See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/videotapes.htm Second Site Web site construction tools for your TMG data. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/secondsite.htm Latest version=1.8 Build 7 Pocket Genealogist The TMG companion program for Windows CE handheld users. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/pocketgen.htm Latest version=2.95 GedStar PRO The TMG companion program for PalmOS users. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gedstarpro.htm Latest version=2.1 GenSmarts The research advisor that reads your TMG data directly. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gensmarts.htm Latest version= Chartform Delivery An inexpensive chart printing service See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/wallcharts.htm For the full list of companion products, please visit the Wholly Genes Community forum (http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm) and click on "Companion Products." The Wholly Genes web store also offers among the lowest prices you'll find for standard research works such as "Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian" (Elizabeth Shown Mills), "Producing a Quality Family History" (Patricia Law Hatcher), "The BCG Genealogical Standards Manual" (Board for Certification of Genealogists), and others. For the full selection, please visit: http://store.WhollyGenes.com === Wholly Genes online chat ===================== The next online chat with Wholly Genes will be on Saturday, 22 October 2005, at 2pm EDT and again at 11pm Eastern Time. Don't miss this opportunity to "talk" online with Wholly Genes representatives, as well as with other TMG users around the world. Remember that the Wholly Genes chat room is available to you at any time. Just go to http://www.WhollyGenes.com and click on Chat in the menu. When you see the security warning, click on or . Then be patient because it could take 30 seconds or more (especially on a dial-up connection) to load the necessary chat tools. When prompted, simply enter a chat nickname and then click on Connect. That's all there is to it. We hope to see you there! ==== How to reach us ============================= For tech support, please access the Wholly Genes Community message board at: http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm or write to: support@whollygenes.com Please be sure to note what version of the program you are using. You can also reach us at: Wholly Genes Software 5144 Flowertuft Court Columbia, Maryland 21044 410-715-2260 410-379-5424 (fax) http://www.WhollyGenes.com -
Wholly Genes Newsletter, 22 August 2005, Issue 2005-10
Admin posted a topic in Wholly Genes Newsletter
================================================== Wholly Genes Newsletter 22 August 2005 Issue 2005, Number 10 ================================================== You received this newsletter subscription by your own request. To unsubscribe, see the end of the newsletter. Please do not respond to this message. Its mailbox is for outgoing messages only. See "How to reach us" below. ================================================== In this issue: o Age [A] variable change o Space Available on the 2005 Cruise o PathWiz v5 released o Terry's TMG Tips expands o TMG Companion Products o Wholly Genes online chat o How to reach us === Age [A] variable change ===================== This is a notice of an intended change to the interpretation of sentence structures in the next release of TMG. In TMG v6.01, the age variable, [A], returned no value when the age could not be precisely calculated (e.g., b. 1900, d. 1985). If the [A] were was bound by conditional brackets like this: then the sentence variable was ignored and no age was output. An unconditional use of the variable like this: [A] would return "at an unknown age." In TMG v6.02, in response to user suggestion, such age calculations return an approximate age (e.g., "~85"). After further consideration at the urging of users, however, it is clear that some lifespans (e.g., b. bef 1900 d. aft 1985) could produce misleading approximate ages. For that reason, the next release (TMG v6.03) will revert to the previous behavior. We will make that release available for download as soon as possible. This notice is intended to discourage users from changing their use of the [A] variable in sentence structures in order to conform to the behavior of v6.02. === Space Available on the 2005 Cruise =========== The 2005 Genealogy Conference and Cruise to the Caribbean (6-13 Nov 2005) has been sold out for many months but health or schedule conflicts have caused a few cancellations. We therefore have two cabins available and at least one male looking for a roommate. Prices start at about $849 per person, including food, port fees and taxes, shipboard entertainment, and attendance to lectures by such notable genealogical speakers as: Robert Charles Anderson, FASG Dick Eastman Cyndi Howells Elizabeth Shown Mills, CG, CGL, FASG, FNGS Marsha Hoffman Rising, CG, CGL, FUGA, FASG There will also be a number of TMG-specific presentation by Bob Velke, John Cardinal, and others, as well as a TMG Users Group meeting and a limited number of hosted breakfasts and scheduled one-on-ones with the speakers. All this and eight days and seven nights in the Caribbean with exotic ports of call at the Cayman Islands, Costa Maya, Cozumel, and Belize City! Prices do not include travel to/from Tampa, alcohol, tips, or optional guided shore excursions. Interested parties should contact the travel agent ("The Cruise Web" TODAY at 1-800-377-9383 extension 269. Available space won't last long. For more information about the cruise, speakers, or presentations, please visit: http://www.whollygenes.com/cruise.htm === PathWiz v5 ================================== Bryan Wetton, the developer of TMG Exhibits utility, PathWiz!, has made the following update announcement: I am very pleased to announce Version 5, the Multi Language Version, of PathWiz! New features in PathWiz! 5 ( in response to a number of requests from users ) With the help of users of German, Dutch and Norwegian origin, PathWiz! is now fully renderable in these languages including built-in tag types. The [strings] and [Tags] buttons allow non-English users to change PathWiz! supplied translations. Additional languages not yet supplied may be added in the strings.csv file (the changed file can also be sent to BeeSoft for inclusion of the added language in future versions). In addition a number of detail features have been added to enhance your experience in using PathWiz! A short test of MSWord capability is available on the main screen of PathWiz! The [Contacts] window allows the user to easily get in touch with us in various ways from within PathWiz! (Internet connection required). PathWiz! now finds the location of the TMG Sample Project and presents it in the Path Chooser box to allow you to 'investigate' the program quickly on other than your own data. MSWord is now forced to run in Print Layout view with smaller top and bottom margins and is visible when reporting by default (you can turn visible off). Three types of MSWord reports are available: 1 Condensed - only prints fields that contain data. 2 Default - prints all related fields with a precis of Description fields and Internal Text exhibits. 3 Full - contains the full entries of the Description fields and of any Internal Text exhibits. Two new filters are incorporated :- 1 Find and report on all external exhibits that are not on their correct paths on your Computer. 2 Find and report on all 'Primary' images together - images may be changed and exhibits annotated in a very convenient fashion. The Filter is included in the filename for MSWord and CSV reports. For example: SAMPLE_ExhibitCatalogue__Exhibit_Int_i_PE_Pr_Cond.doc (= a condensed MSWord catalogue filtered for internal primary person exhibits) - thus reducing the need to rename the report. This, plus the sort chosen are now shown on the cover of the MSWord Exhibit Catalogue. Filtering can be repeated as many times as you like to investigate your exhibits file without proceeding to a [Commit] step. The Global [Edit/Modify] and the Filtered [View/Edit] windows now contain thumbnails of image exhibits which may be viewed in different sizes. The exhibits in the Global [Edit/Modify] window are now colour coded by the type of attachment (eg Person, Event, Source etc) and may be filtered accordingly. The screen may also be 'stretched' in width so that long paths are shown in full. Deleting a number of no longer wanted exhibits is made easy by simply selecting them in a grid (list) environment. With the help of PathWiz! the user now has the ability to rearrange exhibits to change the order in which they appear (eg in TMG Exhibit Log, reports and, to some extend, SS created websites) if there are multiple exhibits for that person or event. In line with the concept of path management, PathWiz! can now assist the TMG user using different computers with different storage needs (drive letters and storage locations). The array of paths used by TMG can be saved and new ones entered. These new setting can be Saved and Loaded back to TMG at anytime using PathWiz! facilitating the use of different paths in different situations. As a convenience the user of PathWiz! can now open TMG to reindex without leaving PathWiz! - directly in the project that has been edited. Exiting from [Commit] now allows a return to select a new project. For your convenience the following settings are saved and 'set' when you next use PathWiz! :- 1 Language 2 Project Path 3 MSWord Zoom size === Terry's TMG Tips expands ====== Terry Reigel's TMG Tips website has continued to expand. If you don't know about Terry's site, or haven't visited it for a while, you might want to stop by. It now contains over 75 articles covering a wide variety of topics of use to TMG users. No matter what your experience level with TMG, you'll likely find something of interest here. The topics include: - A "basic concepts" series that seems to help some users conceptualize how TMG works, so it's easier to grasp such basic ideas as tag, flags and sources. - A step-by-step tutorial on entering sources, with several examples. - Articles on TMG basic functions, like Importing from another program, working with Layouts, understanding Projects and Data Sets, and merging Projects, Data Sets, and People. - Articles on intermediate topics, such as using Accents, modifying Sentence Structures, working with Roles, Customizing Tags, and copying people between Data Sets. - Suggestions on how to deal with common situations, like managing census data and dealing with conflicting information, and some examples of custom Tag Types and Source Types . - A section on sharing your data with others, including some thoughts about what to share with who, and how; creating Wall Charts; and using the TMG companion program Second Site to create web pages to be posted on the Internet or burned to CDs. - In the more advanced area, an article on the use of TMG's alternate language features. The site can be found at http://tmg.reigelridge.com remember don't use "www." The newest addition to the site is the availability of some of the articles in German, for those readers more comfortable in that language. Terry is working with German TMG user Vera Nagel to translate the site. An initial group of pages is now available at http://tmg.reigelridge.com/de more will be added as the work progresses. Articles that have been translated also have flag icons at the top of the page so readers can easily switch between the English and German versions. === TMG Companion Products ====================== Don't miss these helpful products that are specifically designed for TMG users like you: "Getting the Most Out of The Master Genealogist" The popular book compiled by Lee Hoffman. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gettingthemost.htm Video training for TMG on DVD Getting Started, Intermediate, or Advanced. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/videotapes.htm Second Site Web site construction tools for your TMG data. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/secondsite.htm Latest version=1.8 Build 7 Pocket Genealogist The TMG companion program for Windows CE handheld users. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/pocketgen.htm Latest version=2.95 GedStar PRO The TMG companion program for PalmOS users. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gedstarpro.htm Latest version=2.1 GenSmarts The research advisor that reads your TMG data directly. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gensmarts.htm Latest version= Chartform Delivery An inexpensive chart printing service See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/wallcharts.htm For the full list of companion products, please visit the Wholly Genes Community forum (http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm) and click on "Companion Products." The Wholly Genes web store also offers among the lowest prices you'll find for standard research works such as "Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian" (Elizabeth Shown Mills), "Producing a Quality Family History" (Patricia Law Hatcher), "The BCG Genealogical Standards Manual" (Board for Certification of Genealogists), and others. For the full selection, please visit: http://store.WhollyGenes.com === Wholly Genes online chat ===================== The next online chat with Wholly Genes will be on Saturday, 27 August 2005, at 2pm EDT and again at 11pm Eastern Time. Don't miss this opportunity to "talk" online with Wholly Genes representatives, as well as with other TMG users around the world. Remember that the Wholly Genes chat room is available to you at any time. Just go to http://www.WhollyGenes.com and click on Chat in the menu. When you see the security warning, click on or . Then be patient because it could take 30 seconds or more (especially on a dial-up connection) to load the necessary chat tools. When prompted, simply enter a chat nickname and then click on Connect. That's all there is to it. We hope to see you there! ==== How to reach us ============================= For tech support, please access the Wholly Genes Community message board at: http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm or write to: support@whollygenes.com Please be sure to note what version of the program you are using. You can also reach us at: Wholly Genes Software 5144 Flowertuft Court Columbia, Maryland 21044 410-715-2260 410-379-5424 (fax) http://www.WhollyGenes.com -
Wholly Genes Newsletter, 13 August 2005, Issue 2005-9
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================================================== Wholly Genes Newsletter 13 August 2005 Issue 2005, Number 9 ================================================== You received this newsletter subscription by your own request. To unsubscribe, see the end of the newsletter. Please do not respond to this message. Its mailbox is for outgoing messages only. See "How to reach us" below. ================================================== o TMG v6.02 is now available o VHS training video clearance sale o GEDStar new low price o New Tech Support staff o Supporting John Cardinal o Arizona TMG Conference o TMG Companion Products o Wholly Genes online chat o How to reach us === TMG v6.02 is now available =================== The Master Genealogist v6.02.000 is now available. This free update includes a collection of bug fixes and a few new features as follows: NEW FEATURES: o Many prompts and warnings can now be disabled from the prompt without the need to go to Preferences. o The font size for prompts and warnings can now be adjusted on the Other tab in Preferences. The default size is 8 points. o A right-click menu has been added to the Tag Entry citations window that will add or remove exclusion marks to citations without opening the Citation screen, and without adding the citation to the repeat list. o The Preferences settings for List and Project Explorer fonts and font sizes are now all stored in the layout files. After installing v6.02.000, you need to resave (overwrite) your layouts to add the font settings to the layout files. o The memo seen on the Data Set Manager screen is now read-only. To edit the data set memo, click the [Edit] button. o Memo fields with formatting options now have two new right-click menu options. 1) 'Show no codes' expands the memo to a read-only window showing no formatting or formatting codes. 2) 'Show formatting codes' reveals all formatting codes and lets you find any case of unbalanced codes. 'Apply formatting codes' returns the memo display to the normal state of showing any formatting that has been applied. FIXES: o Changing flags whether directly or by using the List of People or List of Events reports took an excessive amount of time. o After project merge, the event tags didn't display in the data set that had just been merged into the target project until you close and reopen the project. o When merging two persons with the language set to German, with the split screen display, the labels for the Father-bio and Mother-bio were not translated. o The text on the Data Set Merge screen was revised. o Data set merge could result in two primary source types. o The status bar didn't align correctly when using Normal display fonts. o Ctrl+S and the Spell Checker option on the Edit menu did not work in Memos. o The CTRL+F12 shortcut to open the Exhibit Log did not work from the Tag Entry memo field. o There was a painting issue in the memo field when the tag Entry screen was maximized and then restored down. o In HTML output, the apostrophe character (" ' ") occurring in text was being translated to "'". o Research Log. When you selected a task, the subject line on the right was not correctly reflecting the focus of the task. o The position of the cursor after inserting a TAB in a memo was incorrect. o Formatting corrections were made to the Electronically Published Paper (Previously Published in Hard Copy) and Electronic File (Listserve Message) source types. o Generations import. Blank Birth, Death and Burial tags were being created. o GEDCOM import. In some cases, the primary surname was not being correctly inferred for names with only a given name. o UFT import. Some adjustments were made in custom name tags and their translations. o When switching to a new project and immediately opening the Expanded Picklist, the Picklist would disappear leaving the program menus disabled. o The Backup Customizations filename contained Tmg5 rather than Tmg6. o The program couldn't be closed from the minimized state when there was a save layout or backup project prompt pending. o Accent. Accents based on "Is not an Ancestor" or "Descendant of ID #" didn't work. o DNA Log. Fixed several navigation issues. o DNA Fingerprints. Made some field length adjustments. o It is no longer possible to reorder exhibits in an locked data set. o Items retrieved using F2 were not being added to the F3 repeat list. o When adding a citation using the F3 repeat key, you had to press F3 twice. o Double-clicking or selecting [View] on the a DNA Fingerprint brought up the last DNA Fingerprint that was being edited. o If a tag had its type changed using the Tag Entry screen, the roles of witnesses remained even if the roles did not exist in the new tag type. o Under specific circumstances, witnesses from a previous edit were duplicated or added to a new tag without user input. o Add Person Screen - Adjustments to the screen column widths were not saved. - Blank lines appeared on the screen after modifying the template. - Place date ranges were ignored and appropriate warnings didn't occur. - If you add a husband or wife and fail to enter a surety for the Marriage tag, you did not get a prompt for sureties when you saved. o The "last viewed spouse" logic as applied in the Children and Siblings windows failed when the current "last viewed" spouse was edited and was no longer a spouse of that person. o If you sort the roles in a tag type such that custom roles appear before the default Principal role, the display of sentences for principals was in some cases incorrect. o Name-Marr tag. When a married name was created, name parts from the female's primary name were being incorrectly added. o Could not create Husb-Can tag type. o Tag Entry. Adjustments were made to the double-click speed used to open a citation. o Adding a non-primary father tag hid the existing primary father tag. o Edits were lost when the memo field was edited after being expanded with F7. o Exhibit Log. The view sorts by Caption or Description were reversed. o A problem in the handling of female sentences was corrected. o When you add a Son/Daughter/child tag, then use the Quick Add button to enter that child, the system will no longer ask you to identify the other parent. o When you used the Tag Type button on the Tag Entry Screen of a Name Tag, the sentence became corrupted, by the additon of the terms [R=Principal] and/or [R=Witness]. o Tag Type List. The display of the GEDCOM export tag for name tag types was cleaned up. o The leading zeroes date option for the Ahnentafel, Ahnentafel - Direct Line, Descendant Indented Chart, Descendant Indented Narrative, and Journal reports didn't work. o There was a problem with the List of Events output when the output contained the P1, the report was run, an event was edited and the P1 and P2 switched, and the LOE was run a second time. o Fixed some problems using the Picklist from the report filter fill-in-the-blank screen. o List of Citations report. The sureties option is now not selected by default when in Beginners mode. o The 'Use place styles' option was not being used in the Family Group Sheet or Individual Detail reports. o The Family Group Sheet and Individual Detail reports did not respect the style and insert a comma before the postal data. o The List of People report 'Witnessed' filters were not giving correct returns for witnessed events. o Narrative reports were missing a comma when split Detail fields were used. o When creating a new VCF chart configuration, the preposition could reset to default. o List of Events report. The flag column in the output was not showing the correct (P1) flag value. o List of People report. Filter for custom Birth-Est tag gave incorrect returns. This free v6.02.000 update requires a previous installation of v6.00.000 or later. (Users with a prior version must first apply the update to v6.00.000). To download and apply the update, run TMG, access the Help menu and choose "Check for an update." Alternatively, you can choose "Check for a Program Update" from the Windows Start menu > The Master Genealogist group. The update will be applied automatically. Upon restarting, the startup screen will reflect a version number of "v6.02.000." === VHS training video clearance sale ============ 30% off! Due to the overwhelming popularity of the DVD format, The Studio, the manufacturer of the TMG training videos, will no longer be producing them in VHS format (i.e., for a VCR). When existing inventories of the VHS format are gone, these popular training videos will only be available on DVD. The Wholly Genes web store has _very_ limited supplies of the "Getting Started" and "Intermediate" TMG training videos in VHS format. ("Advanced" and "Expert" are not available in VHS format). To make room for more DVDs, those remaining VHS tapes are now offered for just $10.95 each plus shipping/handling. That's more than 30% off the regular price of $15.95. Please use the following special links to get one of the few remaining copies of these products in VHS format: Video Training for TMG - Getting Started: Teaches the new user of The Master Genealogist about basic concepts, including the main display elements, navigation, creating a new project, simple data entry, accents, searching for people, and simple reports. http://store.whollygenes.com/Detail.bok?no=111 Video Training for TMG - Intermediate: Introduces the intermediate user to a variety of concepts and features, including custom screen layouts, the Image window, the Project Explorer, Focus Groups, filtering, timelines, the multimedia (exhibit) log, the Research Log, Advanced Data Entry mode, and report options. http://store.whollygenes.com/Detail.bok?no=112 (Note that your local dealer may have their own limited supplies of the Getting Started, Intermediate, or Advanced training videos in VHS format.) === GEDStar new low price ======================== GHCS Software has announced a new low price for its popular PalmOS companion for TMG. GedStar Pro reads data directly from TMG so that you can carry it with you in your PalmOS handheld device. It supports virtually all types of TMG data, including multiple names, events, memos, sources, and repositories. It also has a major advantage over any GEDCOM-based product in that it can process data that is not part of the GEDCOM standard, such as the very useful Research Log "to-do list" feature of TMG. The new price for GedStar Pro is just $24.95. For more information, screen shots, upgrades, or to purchase the program, please visit: http://www.whollygenes.com/gedstarpro.htm === New Tech Support staff ======================= The last edition of this newsletter noted that Wholly Genes had a position available in our Technical Support department. Like you, we really don't like talking to software "support" people who are just computer geeks with little understanding of the subject matter. That's why Wholly Genes always tries to find support staff who have a strong interest in family history -- and usually from within the TMG community. On that score, we couldn't have done better than Phil DeSilva. Phil has been a family researcher for more than 30 years, nearly half of which was with TMG. He was a "sysop" (system operator) on the CompuServe genealogy community in the early 90s where the blueprint for TMG/DOS was original designed and evolved through many versions. Phil was an active beta tester on those very early versions of TMG so he understands its fundamental principles and he has an insider's understanding of its evolution. We're thrilled to welcome Phil to Wholly Genes and we're sure that you'll find him to be a valuable addition to our support team. You can find him at the company headquarters (x130) and phild@whollygenes.com. === Supporting John Cardinal ===================== Within the TMG community, John Cardinal wears many hats. He is the author a suite of popular add-on tools called "TMG Utility" and other free TMG companion programs, "On This Day" and "Mocakebi." He is the developer of an equally-popular and inexpensive tool called "Second Site" which creates elaborate web sites directly from your TMG data. John is also a TMG beta tester and a frequent contributor to TMG-L and other online forums where he volunteers his time to help other TMG users. Each year about this time we take note of the fact that John's "TMG Utility" is technically "donorware." That means that, while he does not charge for the software or its many free updates, he invites those who benefit from those tools to make a voluntary contribution in his name to the Jimmy Fund of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Each donation supports the participation by John, his wife, and daughter in the "Pan-Mass Challenge," a two-day, 192 mile bike ride, through which each rider hopes to raise $2,750 for cancer research. If you appreciate all that John does for the TMG community or if someone in your life has been stricken with cancer, we hope you'll make a modest contribution to the Jimmy Fund. John's web site suggests a donation of $15 to $25 but a contribution of ANY size is sincerely appreciated -- and is a small price to pay for all that John does for us all. This year, our company contribution is dedicated to Bob's dad, Fritz Velke, who is struggling with prostate cancer. John's web site makes it easy to make a secure online donation with a credit card. http://www.johncardinal.com/tmgutil/donorware.htm === Arizona TMG Conference ======================= The Fourth Annual Arizona TMG Workshop is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, October 8-9, 2005 at the Holiday Inn in Mesa, Arizona. This two-day event features hands-on TMG instruction (beginner, intermediate, advanced, and expert) by Bob Velke, President of Wholly Genes Software whose presentations are largely driven by the questions of the attendees -- so they are different each year. The event is sponsored by the Sun Country TMG Users Group. Seating is limited to 150 participants and previous workshops have filled fast. The fee is just $25 per day (less for members of the Sun Country or Tucson TMG Users Groups) and does not include lunch. Bring your laptop or share with a friend. Registration forms and more information can be found on the Sun Country TMG Users Group web site at: http://members.cox.net/tmgpaz We hope to see you there! === TMG Companion Products ====================== Don't miss these helpful products that are specifically designed for TMG users like you: "Getting the Most Out of The Master Genealogist" The popular book compiled by Lee Hoffman. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gettingthemost.htm Video training for TMG on DVD Getting Started, Intermediate, or Advanced. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/videotapes.htm Second Site Web site construction tools for your TMG data. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/secondsite.htm Latest version=1.8 Build 7 Pocket Genealogist The TMG companion program for Windows CE handheld users. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/pocketgen.htm Latest version=2.95 GedStar PRO The TMG companion program for PalmOS users. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gedstarpro.htm Latest version=2.1 GenSmarts The research advisor that reads your TMG data directly. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gensmarts.htm Latest version= Chartform Delivery An inexpensive chart printing service See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/wallcharts.htm For the full list of companion products, please visit the Wholly Genes Community forum (http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm) and click on "Companion Products." The Wholly Genes web store also offers among the lowest prices you'll find for standard research works such as "Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian" (Elizabeth Shown Mills), "Producing a Quality Family History" (Patricia Law Hatcher), "The BCG Genealogical Standards Manual" (Board for Certification of Genealogists), and others. For the full selection, please visit: http://store.WhollyGenes.com === Wholly Genes online chat ===================== The next online chat with Wholly Genes will be on Saturday, 27 August 2005, at 2pm EDT and again at 11pm Eastern Time. Don't miss this opportunity to "talk" online with Wholly Genes representatives, as well as with other TMG users around the world. Remember that the Wholly Genes chat room is available to you at any time. Just go to http://www.WhollyGenes.com and click on Chat in the menu. When you see the security warning, click on or . Then be patient because it could take 30 seconds or more (especially on a dial-up connection) to load the necessary chat tools. When prompted, simply enter a chat nickname and then click on Connect. That's all there is to it. We hope to see you there! ==== How to reach us ============================= For tech support, please access the Wholly Genes Community message board at: http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm or write to: support@whollygenes.com Please be sure to note what version of the program you are using. You can also reach us at: Wholly Genes Software 5144 Flowertuft Court Columbia, Maryland 21044 410-715-2260 410-379-5424 (fax) http://www.WhollyGenes.com -
================================================== Wholly Genes Newsletter 18 June 2005 Issue 2005, Number 8 ================================================== You received this newsletter subscription by your own request. To unsubscribe, see the end of the newsletter. Please do not respond to this message. Its mailbox is for outgoing messages only. See "How to reach us" below. ================================================== o TMG v6.01 issues o Technical Support position available o Book sale ends June 30th o TMG Users Groups o 'Tis the season for chart printing o Did you know? o Wholly Genes online chat o How to reach us === TMG v6.01 issues ============================= The following two bugs in TMG v6.01 have generated a lot of questions to technical support and TMG discussion lists. Both of these problems will be fixed in the next release but have simple workarounds in the meantime. 1) FLAG EDITING: For some users, saving a change to a flag is much slower in v6.01, sometimes making it appear that the program has locked up. The problem is related to the use of the Project Explorer (PE) window and can be solved by either of these two methods: a) Right-click on the Project Explorer window uncheck the option to "Link Project Explorer to other windows." Now exit the program and restart. OR Close the Project Explorer, reposition the remaining windows (or open others), and then save a new screen layout (View > Layouts > Manage Layouts). Now exit the program and restart. 2) NON-PRIMARY PARENTS: If you open a non-primary parent tag and then click on OK, then that parent becomes primary. If there was already a primary parent of the same sex, then that previous primary parent becomes temporarily invisible. The tag and its citations, etc., still exist but are hidden from view. To fix the problem, make the recently-edited parent tag non-primary (highlight it and press the asterisk key on your keyboard) and then run the Validate File Integrity feature on the File > Maintenance menu. We will provide an update soon that will resolve both of these problems. In the meantime, they have fairly painless workarounds so that you can stay productive. === Technical Support position available ========= Wholly Genes has a position available for a full- or part-time support technician in its Columbia, Maryland office. As always, we prefer for our support personnel to be family researchers first and computer geeks second . That is, if you use TMG (even as a beginner), then we can teach you everything else that you need to know. Lissa Soergel, a Vice-President of Wholly Genes and a part-time support technician since 1992, is retiring from her support duties. Dorothy and Barbara, our popular and longstanding support personnel, are still with us in that capacity but they are increasingly involved in special projects. In order to maintain our reputation for timely and quality support, therefore, we're looking for a TMG user who enjoys helping others and has a pleasant telephone manner. If you live within commuting distance of Columbia, Maryland and are interested in this position, please contact Bob Velke at bvelke@whollygenes.com or at 410-715-2260 x127. === Book sale ends June 30th ===================== Remember that the book sale on the Wholly Genes web store ends in less than two weeks (June 30th). Don't miss this opportunity to get these standard reference works at 25% off their regular retail prices: "Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian" By Elizabeth Shown Mills, CG, CGL, FASG, FNGS. The ultimate source book for genealogical standards of citation and analysis. Retail Price : $16.99 Our Sale Price: $12.74 "Producing a Quality Family History" By Patricia Law Hatcher, CG. Learn how to create an attractive and functional family history report, including how to organize your work, write the narrative, and choose type faces, grammar styles and punctuation. Retail Price : $19.95 Our Sale Price: $14.96 "Professional Genealogy: A Manual for Researchers, Writers, Editors, Lecturers, and Librarians" Edited by Elizabeth Shown Mills, CG, CGL, FASG, FNGS. A manual by professionals for everyone serious about genealogy. Retail Price : $44.95 Our Sale Price: $33.71 "Becoming an Accredited Genealogist: Plus 100 Tips to Ensure Your Success" By Karen Clifford, AG. Karen Clifford offers a clear understanding of what should be expected from the efforts of a professional family historian. Retail Price : $19.95 Our Sale Price: $14.96 "The BCG Genealogical Standards Manual" By the Board for Certification of Genealogists. Achieve excellence in genealogical research and presentation. Retail Price : $19.95 Our Sale Price: $14.96 To take advantage of these special discount prices before June 30th, please visit: http://www.whollygenes.com/books.htm === TMG Users Groups ============================= The leader of the TMG Users Group in your area would love to hear from you. There are more than 50 TMG Users Groups around the world and there might be one within driving distance of your home. TMG Users Groups are made up of users like you: those who want to learn more about the program and how to use it effectively. Some Users Groups are nothing more than a local "help" contact list. Other groups hold informal meetings, conduct question-and-answer sessions, or have scheduled presentations on specific features. Some Users Groups host a web site or mailing list so that local users can keep in touch with each other. A few groups even publish a newsletter or host local workshops. To check for a TMG Users Group in your area, please visit http://www.whollygenes.com and click on Support in the menu. Then select the "Other Resources" section and "Users Groups." If you don't find a group in your area, you can start one by simply posting a message to the appropriate forum section. Include your contact information so that other users can find YOU. === 'Tis the season for chart printing =========== We're now fully into the reunion season and the busiest time of the year for our popular wall chart printing service, Chartform Delivery. Our full-color wall charts are always a great hit at reunions and are a terrific way to get the kids interested in their family tree. But to ensure timely delivery, please order your wall chart at least two weeks prior to the date of the event. Access to the chart printing service is built directly into TMG. After you generate a wall chart and save it its native VC2 file format, choose "Chart Printing Service..." directly from the Report menu. The feature will direct you to the chart printing order form and will upload your chart directly to the service. Unlike most chart printing services which rely on a GEDCOM file, our service allows you to: o Control ALL of the characteristics of your chart including colors, fonts, background, images, etc. o Preview your completed chart exactly as it will appear in print - no surprises! o Hold on to your precious data file. There's no need to send us anything except your chart. o Avoid the data export process. o Full-color charts on a white background begin at just $19.95! For more information, please visit: http://www.gotcharts.com === Did you know? ================================ DID YOU KNOW that you can add a new person to the project while editing a tag? How often have you opened a new Marriage tag and then realized that the spouse doesn't yet exist in the project? You don't have to leave the Marriage tag. Just click on the small Add Person button in the top-right corner of the Tag Entry screen. When you finish adding the spouse to the project, you'll be taken right back to the Marriage tag that is already in progress. DID YOU KNOW that you can add a new person to the project while adding a _witness_. As above, don't exit the Witness entry screen and then the tag. Simply click on the Add Person button in the top-right corner of the Witness Entry screen. When you finish adding the spouse to the project, you'll be taken right back to the Witness Entry screen that is already in progress. DID YOU KNOW that you can customize the Add Person screen? You can include different types of tags (Baptism, Burial, Note, etc.), different data entry fields (Sort Date, Memo, etc.), or even flags during the Add Person process. This makes it easy to add the data types that are important to you DID YOU KNOW that you can drag an image, video, or sound file from your Windows Explorer and drop it directly into the Exhibit log? Just open your Windows Explorer on top of TMG, positioning it so that you can see the Exhibit Log below. Then click and drag a multimedia file with your mouse and drop it on the Exhibit Log. That's all there is to it! DID YOU KNOW that you can add multiple exhibits to the log at the same time using the drag-and-drop method described above? Just highlight more than one file in the Windows Explorer (hold down Shift or Control while clicking) and then drag all of the selected files onto the Exhibit Log at once. A great time saver! DID YOU KNOW that you can stop that annoying warning that "Drive A: is not accessible" during Step 2 of the backup procedure? That is encountered when TMG is unable to access the default backup location. If drive A: doesn't exist on your system, then you can change the default backup location so that you'll never see that message again. With the Backup Wizard closed, access the Preferences option from the File menu. Then on the left, find the "Current Project Options" and click on Advanced. Now change the "Backups" location on the right side and click on . DID YOU KNOW that you can embed citations in the middle of an event memo (e.g., at the end of each paragraph)? Just right-click the mouse in the memo where you want to insert a citation. Then choose "Embedded Citation" from the menu. Select the source that you want to cite (and a surety value if that feature is turned on) and it will be inserted in the text. You will see the citation surrounded by [CIT:] and [:CIT] codes. You can also optionally add a citation detail after the semicolon. === Wholly Genes online chat ===================== The next online chat with Wholly Genes will be TODAY, Saturday, 18 June 2005, at 2pm EDT and again at 11pm Eastern Time. Don't miss this opportunity to "talk" online with Wholly Genes representatives, as well as with other TMG users around the world. Remember that the Wholly Genes chat room is available to you at any time. Just go to http://www.WhollyGenes.com and click on Chat in the menu. When you see the security warning, click on or . Then be patient because it could take 30 seconds or more (especially on a dial-up connection) to load the necessary chat tools. When prompted, simply enter a chat nickname and then click on Connect. That's all there is to it. We hope to see you there! ==== How to reach us ============================= For tech support, please access the Wholly Genes Community message board at: http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm or write to: support@whollygenes.com Please be sure to note what version of the program you are using. You can also reach us at: Wholly Genes Software 5144 Flowertuft Court Columbia, Maryland 21044 410-715-2260 410-379-5424 (fax) http://www.WhollyGenes.com
================================================== Wholly Genes Newsletter 29 May 2005 Issue 2005, Number 7 ================================================== You received this newsletter subscription by your own request. To unsubscribe, see the end of the newsletter. Please do not respond to this message. Its mailbox is for outgoing messages only. See "How to reach us" below. ================================================== o TMG v6.01 is now available! o NEW: Expert training video o NEW: Badge holder o Free charts at NGS Conference o Wholly Genes online chat o How to reach us === TMG v6.01 is now available! ================== The Master Genealogist v6.01.000 is now available. This free update includes a collection of bug fixes and a few new features as follows: NEW FEATURES: - The font size for memo fields can now be set in Preferences / Options / Program Options / Data Entry. - An option to Paste Unformatted Text to memo fields has been added to the Edit menu and to the Memo right-click menu. - Exhibits can now be sequenced for narrative report output in the Exhibit Log using drag and drop (person exhibits in the person's Exhibit Log, event exhibits in each event's Exhibit Log). - HTML reports: The HTML tab 'File Header' field can now use an external file reference (e.g, "!c:\myfile.txt"). FIXES: Display: - Fixed issue of Mother label in Name box displaying as Mother-Bio. - Life span in Name box was incorrect with incomplete mm/dd/yyyy date. - The P2 no longer causes a checkmark to be in the Tag Box Witness column. - The PE/Picklist display of non-primary names is now updated correctly after the primary name is edited. Data entry/Navigation: - Unable to add or edit witnesses to event types for which Principal and Witness were the only roles. - A fatal error could happen when editing text in memo fields. - A copied repository could be linked to the wrong repository record. - The data set and tag type place styles are now respected on Tag Entry. - Fixed some issues with the F3 repeat function. - Fixed various Citation repeat issues when exclusion markers were involved. - Cancelling Citation Entry no longer creates a citation to source #0. - Witness and Citation sorting were reset when other edits were made before saving changes. - A delay when adding a witness to event tags has been fixed. - F9 now saves edits to the sentence on the Add Witness screen. - The repeat functions for History group tags now use the same repeat lists as those used for other tag groups. - Edits in some expanded memo fields were not being saved under some circumstances. - The Memo right-click menu Spell Checker selection didn't work. - Fixed various issues associated with using default and custom sentences. - A new tag type now defaults to group of the tag type selected when you click [Add]. - Fixed some issues resulting from editing/deleting role names in the Master Tag Type List. - Sentences were lost if you created a new tag type and edited the tag type name before selecting the tag type group. - When you rename a tag type in UK English, the tag type name used in filters was not updated. - A fatal error could occur when selecting a source element from the General tab of the Source Definition Screen. - New projects created by the UK Edition were missing the repository memo and citation memo source elements. - Standardized the results when using the three copy functions (Add/Copy, LOP/Copy to project, LOP/Copy to data set). - Data set merge was not copying custom styles. This showed up when adding UK customizations to a data set. - Warnings were added to prevent using the same label at different levels in custom styles. - The current position in the Research Log is remembered when you edit a task. - Position in the Master Event List was not remembered when you edited a tag from the list. - Some other 'navigation' problems have been fixed Configuration: - All columns added to the Tag Box are now saved in the Layout. - The new memo field didn't respect system display setting for background color. - Fixed abbreviation for Montana (MT) in abbreviation table. Miscellaneous: - Fixed a problem that altered the tag type table on project update (Mother/Child -Fst issue). Project update to v6.01 will repair the tag type table if the Mother/Child -Fst issue exists. - Some error messages and problems with filters occurred when the Language Pack was not installed. - Fixed issue of multiple projects with similar names being added to the backup SQZ file. - Several DNA fingerprint titles were corrected to match the vendor designations. - Fixed a problem with GenSmarts use when place fields had exclusion markers. - Various fixes were made to the caption update during project update. - The bottom of the Exhibit Log now shows text from the Caption field. Journal report: - When you selected to output memos to footnotes and unique sources to endnotes, the memos were output as endnotes. - Fixed problem with 'suppress living'. - If suppress details for living people is selected, the report will not print the name of descendants who have children. - Inconsistent output when 'Group common birth places' is selected. - Fixed an issue with non-primary name output when 'BMDB in a separate paragraph' is not selected. - Characters were added after male children in reports output in non-English languages. List of Citations report. - There were problems with filters in a project with multiple data sets. - You can now filter for all citations linked to a given tag type. - The citation memo was not included in the output. List of Events report. - You can select custom flags for output columns. - The output column for number of tasks displayed the number of exhibits. List of Names report. - There were problems with some sentence filters. List of People report. - Sources weren't copied using List of People / Copy to new project. - Sources used only by embedded citations were not copied using Copy to project and Copy to data set. - The filter was fixed for Name-Marr Suffix Is Empty. - New Place subfilter didn't work correctly. - Filter fixed for Father-Bio Number of Citations 0. List of Places report. - Filter for Comment Is Not Empty screen showed a value field when it should not. List of Sources report. - Author ID... filters are fixed. List of Tasks report. - Fixed several issues with general tasks. List of Witnesses report. - Fixed some incorrect column headings. Miscellaneous Reports: - An erroneous interrupt message occurred when generating a report containing a bibliography. - When generating a report to a word processor file, the font options for Dates, Places, Memos, Exponents, and Labels are all dimmed. - Fixed character output to Word for † (ALT+0134) and ÿ (ALT+0255). - Characters should be displayed on the Fill-in-the-Blank screen as they are typed. - HTML reports. '' characters should be encoded on output. - HTML reports. The external file reference for the Introduction field now works. GEDCOM: - Some issues of adding inferred name parts to imported names were fixed. - Fixed a problem of text export when using the alternate CONC setting. - Citation exhibits were not exported. GenBridge direct import: - FTM: Multiple parents are now imported. - Generations: blank events are no longer imported. - Legacy: ToDo items are now imported. - PAF: Divorced event is now created. - UFT: Fixed problem importing custom tags in Dutch and French. - Fixed a variety of more obscure bugs that were reported by users. === NEW: Expert training video =================== Wholly Genes is proud to announce the fourth in a series of popular training videos on The Master Genealogist. The self-paced tutorials are among the best ways to learn TMG. The new "Expert" video covers some of the most sophisticated features of TMG, including: - custom roles - sentence structures - source templates - citation output - chart accents - editing charts The training series is professionally produced by The Studio of Hurricane, Utah. The three previous videos in the series (Getting Started, Intermediate, and Advanced) have proven extremely popular and all are now available in the convenient DVD format. Each video is about 1 hour and 30 minutes in duration and narrated by Bob Velke, President of Wholly Genes Software. For detailed information about each video in the series, please visit: http://www.whollygenes.com/videos.htm === NEW: Badge holder ============================ A new item in our web store is destined to be a popular one. Although designed as a badge holder for conferences, it is really handy for trips to the library or courthouse. Our Vylon badge holder hangs around your neck with an adjustable cord and has four convenient pockets (one transparent, one zippered, one with a Velcro flap, and one open for easy access). Take everything that you need, including ID cards, business cards, photocopier cards, parking stub, notepad and cash. The pockets are even large enough to carry a PDA or cell phone along with other necessary items. Two extra pockets on the reverse will hold your writing utensils. Lock your purse away and carry everything that you need in this convenient little pouch. Keep your hands free when you walk through the stacks! For photos or to order your Wholly Genes badge holder, please visit: http://www.whollygenes.com/badgeholder.htm === Free charts at NGS Conference ================ If you are coming to the National Genealogical Society conference in Nashville this week, please be sure to drop by our exhibit booth (#241, 243, and 245), where Wholly Genes employees and expert users will be eager to say hello, answer your questions, and demonstrate the features of The Master Genealogist and companion products. Our large-format color printer will also be at the exhibit booth, and we will be printing FREE wall charts for TMG and FTST users. Bring a chart that you have designed and saved (in VCF or VC2 format) on a CD-ROM or USB drive, and we'll print it for you so that you can take it home from the conference. This offer is limited to charts that are less that 12 feet long and have a white background (although colored boxes and images are encouraged). One chart per registered user. While supplies last! For more information about the NGS Conference, please visit: http://www.ngsgenealogy.org === Wholly Genes online chat ===================== The next online chat with Wholly Genes will be Saturday, 18 June 2005, at 2pm EDT and again at 11pm Eastern Time. Don't miss this opportunity to "talk" online with Wholly Genes representatives, as well as with other TMG users around the world. Remember that the Wholly Genes chat room is available to you at any time. Just go to http://www.WhollyGenes.com and click on Chat in the menu. When you see the security warning, click on or . Then be patient because it could take 30 seconds or more (especially on a dial-up connection) to load the necessary chat tools. When prompted, simply enter a chat nickname and then click on Connect. That's all there is to it. We hope to see you there! ==== How to reach us ============================= For tech support, please access the Wholly Genes Community message board at: http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm or write to: support@whollygenes.com Please be sure to note what version of the program you are using. You can also reach us at: Wholly Genes Software 5144 Flowertuft Court Columbia, Maryland 21044 410-715-2260 410-379-5424 (fax) http://www.WhollyGenes.com
================================================== Wholly Genes Newsletter 22 May 2005 Issue 2005, Number 6 ================================================== You received this newsletter subscription by your own request. To unsubscribe, see the end of the newsletter. Please do not respond to this message. Its mailbox is for outgoing messages only. See "How to reach us" below. ================================================== We're busily putting the final touches on TMG v6.01 but some of the following news is time-sensitive so we just couldn't wait... o TMG Workshops in Nashville o Books for Sale o Pocket Genealogist Update o PathWiz freeware v5 o TMG-L Index Version o Wholly Genes online chat o How to reach us === TMG Workshops in Nashville =================== The National Genealogical Society (NGS) annual conference is fast approaching, but there are still a few seats available in the TMG Workshops. This year's conference will be held in Nashville, Tennessee, from June 1-4, 2005. There will be a total of 7.5 hours of hands-on workshops and presentations by Bob Velke, President of Wholly Genes Software, as follows: Beginners: Thursday, 2:15-2:45pm (2.5 hours). An introduction to The Master Genealogist, including basic data entry, navigation, and TMG concepts. Intermediate: Friday, 8:00-10:30am (2.5 hours). Further instruction on the use of TMG, including witnesses, timelines, and other power tools. Advanced: Saturday, 8:00-10:30am (2.5 hours). Advanced instruction on the use of TMG, including sentence construction, advanced source citations, and the Custom Report Writer. These popular hands-on workshops sell out every year, so please act quickly to reserve your space. For more information, please visit: http://www.ngsgenealogy.org === Books for Sale =============================== By popular demand, the Wholly Genes web store now carries a variety of standard reference works that are used by professional researchers. These great resources will help you to learn and apply professional research and documentation standards. They are fixtures on every serious researcher's bookshelf and they should be on yours too! As a special introductory offer, these extremely popular books are available for 25% OFF their regular retail prices! We doubt that you'll ever find them at lower prices: "Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian" By Elizabeth Shown Mills, CG, CGL, FASG, FNGS. The ultimate source book for genealogical standards of citation and analysis. Retail Price : $16.99 Our Sale Price: $12.74 "Producing a Quality Family History" By Patricia Law Hatcher, CG. Learn how to create an attractive and functional family history report, including how to organize your work, write the narrative, and choose type faces, grammar styles and punctuation. Retail Price : $19.95 Our Sale Price: $14.96 "Professional Genealogy: A Manual for Researchers, Writers, Editors, Lecturers, and Librarians" Edited by Elizabeth Shown Mills, CG, CGL, FASG, FNGS. A manual by professionals for everyone serious about genealogy. Retail Price : $44.95 Our Sale Price: $33.71 "Becoming an Accredited Genealogist: Plus 100 Tips to Ensure Your Success" By Karen Clifford, AG. Karen Clifford offers a clear understanding of what should be expected from the efforts of a professional family historian. Retail Price : $19.95 Our Sale Price: $14.96 "The BCG Genealogical Standards Manual" By the Board for Certification of Genealogists. Achieve excellence in genealogical research and presentation. Retail Price : $19.95 Our Sale Price: $14.96 Which of these standard reference works is missing from your bookshelf? The 25% discount offer expires 30 June 2005, so don't wait to take advantage of these unprecedented prices! For more information, please visit: http://www.whollygenes.com/books.htm === Pocket Genealogist Update ==================== Pocket Genealogist is the leader in genealogy software for PocketPCs and other "Windows Powered" mobile devices -- and it will read your data directly from TMG. A recent update to Pocket Genealogist added a number of new features for TMG users, including: - Ability to select which "Custom Flags" are imported - All sources imported including non-cited - Source Type and Source Element names imported - Support for Citation and Witness Memos (Version 6) - Source and Citation screens changed to better support TMG sources. To read more about Pocket Genealogist, to see screen shots, or to download the latest version, please visit: http://www.whollygenes.com/pocketgen.htm === PathWiz freeware v5 ========================== PathWiz! is a handy utility that is designed to address the needs of users whose external exhibits are stored in different drives/folders, including those who move their TMG projects between computers with different folder structures. PathWiz! works with TMG v5 and v6. Now the author, Bryan Wetton, has released PathWiz! Version 5, the International FreeWare Version. This new version uses an English, German, Dutch, or Norwegian interface and sports a number of new features to help you sort, filter, annotate, catalog, and make global changes to your multimedia exhibits. To read more about PathWiz! or to download the new freeware edition of Version 5, please visit: http://www.sceya.com.au/pathwizv5/ === TMG-L Index Version ========================== TMG-L is the most popular mailing\discussion list about The Master Genealogist. TMG-L is so popular, in fact, that the volume of message traffic can sometimes be overwhelming. Now there's a simple way to take advantage of that discussion list without swimming in messages. Following is an announcement from Lee Hoffman, the administrator of the TMG-L list: This is to announce the availability of a new Index version of the TMG Mailing List. In addition to the regular version (TMG-L) and the Digest version (TMG-D), the Index version (TMG-I) is also available. Similar in a minor way to the first part (the contents table) of a list Digest, the Index version is basically only the table of contents of the messages that have been posted to the TMG list for that day. This will include the message number, the subject of the message, the number of lines (size) and the sender. The index massage thus is a relatively short index or table of contents of the messages posted to the list during the previous 24-hour period. As you review the Index, if you are interested in seeing a particular message, you may then send a message to RootsWeb asking for it. A brief explanation about how to do this is included. This Index message will usually be transmitted around midnight. To subscribe to the Index version, send a message to: with only the word "subscribe" (no quotes) in the body of the message. Do not include anything else in the body of the message (not even a signature). You may unsubscribe in a similar manner. You should post to the list by sending a message to the following address: As always, you may browse or search the list archives via the list page at: . The new Index version may be just the thing for those who feel that they are getting too many messages from TMG-L. This way, a subscriber will get just the single message. They can then decide if they will review the message(s) by browsing the Archives or request certain messages to be sent to them. Hope this helps - TMG-L Administrator === Wholly Genes online chat ===================== The next online chat with Wholly Genes will be Saturday, 18 June 2005, at 2pm EDT and again at 11pm Eastern Time. Don't miss this opportunity to "talk" online with Wholly Genes representatives, as well as with other TMG users around the world. Remember that the Wholly Genes chat room is available to you at any time. Just go to http://www.WhollyGenes.com and click on Chat in the menu. When you see the security warning, click on or . Then be patient because it could take 30 seconds or more (especially on a dial-up connection) to load the necessary chat tools. When prompted, simply enter a chat nickname and then click on Connect. That's all there is to it. We hope to see you there! ==== How to reach us ============================= For tech support, please access the Wholly Genes Community message board at: http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm or write to: support@whollygenes.com Please be sure to note what version of the program you are using. You can also reach us at: Wholly Genes Software 5144 Flowertuft Court Columbia, Maryland 21044 410-715-2260 410-379-5424 (fax) http://www.WhollyGenes.com
Wholly Genes Newsletter, 30 March 2005, Issue 2005-5
Admin posted a topic in Wholly Genes Newsletter
================================================== Wholly Genes Newsletter 30 March 2005 Issue 2005, Number 5 ================================================== You received this newsletter subscription by your own request. To unsubscribe, see the end of the newsletter. Please do not respond to this message. Its mailbox is for outgoing messages only. See "How to reach us" below. ================================================== Special Edition With apologies because it has only been two days since the previous newsletter, we felt it was important to note two imminent changes to the event calendar. The first one starts _tomorrow_. March 31 - April 3 New England Regional Genealogical Conference, Portland, Maine Bob Velke of Wholly Genes Software will be making presentations on "Moving Genealogical Data" (Sat, 10-11am) and "Google Power Tools" (Sat, 4:45-5:45pm), replacing presentations by Cyndi Howells, who is unable to attend because of illness. Please also visit our Exhibit Booth #68-69 on Thursday evening, Friday, and Saturday. The booth will be attended at various times by Bob Velke, Jim Byram, and John Cardinal. Please stop by to chat or get a demonstration of TMG v6 or its companion programs. For more information, please visit: http://www.nergc.org/ April 29 - 30 Society of Genealogists Family History Show, London, England Please stop by to visit Bob Velke or get a demonstration of TMG v6 UK Edition or its companion programs. Teresa Pask will also make a TMG presentation at 12:00-13:00 on Saturday. For more information, please visit: http://www.sog.org.uk/ ==== How to reach us ============================= For tech support, please access the Wholly Genes Community message board at: http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm or write to: support@whollygenes.com Please be sure to note what version of the program you are using. You can also reach us at: Wholly Genes Software 5144 Flowertuft Court Columbia, Maryland 21044 410-715-2260 410-379-5424 (fax) http://www.WhollyGenes.com -
Wholly Genes Newsletter, 28 March 2005, Issue 2005-4
Admin posted a topic in Wholly Genes Newsletter
================================================== Wholly Genes Newsletter 28 March 2005 Issue 2005, Number 4 ================================================== You received this newsletter subscription by your own request. To unsubscribe, see the end of the newsletter. Please do not respond to this message. Its mailbox is for outgoing messages only. See "How to reach us" below. ================================================== In this issue: o TMG training videos converted to DVD o GenSmarts gets even smarter o Latest versions o Cruise News o TMG workshops at NGS Conference o Alphabetical Index to Terry's Tips o TMG Cheat Sheets by DeAnna Burghart o TMG Companion Products o Wholly Genes online chat o How to reach us o How to unsubscribe === TMG Training Videos converted to DVD ======== In response to many requests from users, The Studio of Hurricane, Utah, the producers of the popular series of TMG training videos, has agreed to make the Getting Started and Intermediate TMG videos available on DVD. The training series, narrated by Bob Velke, president of Wholly Genes Software, introduces the user to TMG concepts and terminology while demonstrating techniques of data entry, navigation, and all of the major features of the program. Topics are organized as follows: Getting Started * Basic concepts and terminology * The main display elements * Navigation * Creating a new project * Simple data entry * Searching for people * The multimedia (exhibit) log * Simple reports. Intermediate * Custom screen layouts * The Flag window * The Image window * The Project Explorer * Focus Groups * Filtering * Bookmarks * Importing data * The Data Set Manager * Accents * Advanced Data Entry mode * Witnesses * Creating sources and repositories Advanced * The Automatic Relation tag * The Custom Toolbar * Custom flags * Report focus options * Designing report filters * Advanced report options * Excluded and sensitive data * Indexes and other publication tools * Output file formats * Watermarks For some time, The Studio has experimented with offering the Advanced TMG video on both VHS and DVD. During that time, users have shown an overwhelming preference for DVD, finding it very convenient to run the video on their computers along with TMG. The DVD also offers the handy ability to jump to specific subject headings, etc. The Getting Started and Intermediate DVDs are now in production and, in the interest of those who may already own the VHS tapes, the pair of DVDs is available at a 20% discounted "Upgrade Package" until 31 May 2005. Other discount bundles are also available. For more information, please visit: http://www.WhollyGenes.com/videotapes.htm === GenSmarts gets even smarter ================= Underwood Innovations, the makers of the GenSmarts research advisor, have announced a new update which allows users to create customized records. Now you can "teach" GenSmarts about new data collections and provide your own analysis rules. For instance, if you have a cemetery inventory that was published by a local historical society, you can add it to GenSmarts and specify the geographic area(s) and time frame that is associated with it. GenSmarts will consider that resource (along with more than a thousand that are already built-in) when it analyzes your data and makes research recommendations. It is a great way to organize miscellaneous publications and other resources so that they make a real contribution to your research efforts. This new "customize records" feature is in a "working version" of GenSmarts (v1.0.7.33) which Underwood Innovations recommends that you install in a separate folder than your "production" version. A helpful video describes how to use this great new feature: http://www.gensmarts.com/customAnalysis.asp For more information, please visit: http://www.gensmarts.com/versionHistory.asp === Latest Versions ============================= As suggested by a user, the list of companion products at the end of this newsletter now includes the latest version of each software product. Check the list to see if you have the latest version of each product. === Cruise News ================================= The response to our announcement in the previous newsletter of the 2005 Genealogy Conference and Cruise was nothing short of overwhelming. The original space that we reserved for 300 people was sold out in just 7 days! When the cruise line allowed us to expand our group to accommodate another 100 people, it too was sold out shortly thereafter. While we're thrilled with the response and look forward to an exciting event in November with 400 researchers, we're sorry to have disappointed many others who would like to go. In light of the response, we are likely to repeat the event next year (with different conference and cruise details) and we hope that you can join us. Watch this newsletter for announcements. We occasionally get cancellations for the 2005 event due to schedule conflicts or health issues, so we've set up a waiting list. If you'd like to join us, then please add your name to the list and we will contact you with details if/when space becomes available. For more information about the conference and cruise or to add your name to the waiting list, please visit: http://www.WhollyGenes.com/cruise.htm === TMG workshops at NGS Conference ============= Each year Wholly Genes conduct three popular TMG workshops at the National Genealogical Society (NGS) annual conference. The Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced TMG workshops each provide 2 hours of hands-on instruction and demonstration. It is a great way to expand your knowledge or refresh your memory of the many features in The Master Genealogist. This year's NGS conference is in Nashville, Tennessee, June 1-4, and those workshops are sure to sell out as usual. Space is limited to 50 people per workshop -- so please register soon in order to reserve your spot! If you register before April 15th, you will get a $35.00 discount on the conference fee. For all of the details of the 27th NGS Conference in the States, please visit: http://www.ngsgenealogy.org === Alphabetic index to Terry's Tips ============ Expert TMG user Terry Reigel is the author of the "Terry's Tips," a popular site that includes more than 50 articles and tutorials about using The Master Genealogist. The site is located here: http://tmg.reigelridge.com/ Now Terry has announced the creation of an alphabetic index which makes it easy to navigate his extensive site by subject. You can find this great new resource at: http://tmg.reigelridge.com/AlphaIndex.htm While you're on his site, don't miss Terry's latest article, a great new tutorial on creating and using roles. It includes helpful screen shots and detailed step-by-step instructions about using this powerful feature of TMG. === TMG Cheat Sheets by DeAnna Burghart ========= DeAnna Burghart has created a helpful "cheat sheet" that summarizes many of TMG's features in a handy one-page format for easy reference. It itemizes the function keys, shortcut/navigation keystrokes, source elements, sentence variables, formatting codes, and other information. You can find DeAnna's handy "cheat sheet" here: http://members.cox.net/danieleb765/genealogy/ DeAnna has recently added a series of similar reference sheets that itemize the options when creating custom reports. You will find them on the same site referenced above. For this and other helpful resources like keyboard templates, screen layouts, and timelines, please visit the "Miscellaneous Resources" page on the Wholly Genes Community Forum: http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums201/index.php?showforum=82 === TMG Companion Products ====================== Don't miss these helpful products that are specifically designed for TMG users like you: "Getting the Most Out of The Master Genealogist" The popular book compiled by Lee Hoffman. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gettingthemost.htm Video training tapes for TMG Getting Started, Intermediate, or Advanced. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/videotapes.htm Second Site Web site construction tools for your TMG data. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/secondsite.htm Latest version=1.8 Build 7 Pocket Genealogist The TMG companion program for Windows CE handheld users. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/pocketgen.htm Latest version=2.93 GedStar PRO The TMG companion program for PalmOS users. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gedstarpro.htm Latest version=2.1 GenSmarts The research advisor that reads your TMG data directly. See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gensmarts.htm Latest version= Chartform Delivery An inexpensive chart printing service See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/wallcharts.htm For the full list of companion products, please visit the Wholly Genes Community forum (http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm) and click on "Companion Products." === Wholly Genes online chat ===================== The next online chat with Wholly Genes will be Saturday, 16 April 2005, at 2pm EDT and again at 11pm Eastern Time. Don't miss this opportunity to "talk" online with Wholly Genes representatives, as well as with other TMG users around the world. Remember that the Wholly Genes chat room is available to you at any time. Just go to http://www.WhollyGenes.com and click on Chat in the menu. When you see the security warning, click on or . Then be patient because it could take 30 seconds or more (especially on a dial-up connection) to load the necessary chat tools. When prompted, simply enter a chat nickname and then click on Connect. That's all there is to it. We hope to see you there! ==== How to reach us ============================= For tech support, please access the Wholly Genes Community message board at: http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm or write to: support@whollygenes.com Please be sure to note what version of the program you are using. You can also reach us at: Wholly Genes Software 5144 Flowertuft Court Columbia, Maryland 21044 410-715-2260 410-379-5424 (fax) http://www.WhollyGenes.com -
Wholly Genes Newsletter, 10 February 2005, Issue 2005-3
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================================================== Wholly Genes Newsletter 10 February 2005 Issue 2005, Number 3 ================================================== You received this newsletter subscription by your own request. To unsubscribe, see the end of the newsletter. Please do not respond to this message. Its mailbox is for outgoing messages only. See "How to reach us" below. ================================================== Special Edition ANNOUNCING THE 2005 GENEALOGY CONFERENCE AND CRUISE Hosted by Wholly Genes Software You're invited to join us on a grand adventure, an educational experience, and a fun-filled voyage through the Western Caribbean while we learn about genealogical research methods, tools, and technologies from some of the most popular speakers and authorities in those fields. We are proud to offer a first-class lineup of speakers and at least 11 hours of lectures on a wide variety of topics that are relevent to every family history researcher. Users of The Master Genealogist (TMG) (or other interested researchers) will have access to an additional 6 hours of instruction that is specific to that software. Best of all, the conference will be conducted on a 7-night cruise which visits such exotic ports of call as Grand Cayman, Costa Maya (Mexico), Cozumel (Mexico), and Belize. All lectures are scheduled while the ship is at sea so that you can spend the days at port relaxing on exotic beaches, visiting Mayan ruins, snorkling, swimming with the dolphins, or participating in any number of other optional guided shore excursions. What better environment could there be to enhance your research skills while soaking up the sun and enjoying a relaxing week-long vacation? And at prices starting at just $700 per person (including lodging, food, port fees and taxes, and attendance to all conference lectures), it will probably cost less than a week at your local Holiday Inn -- but it will be much more fun! Scheduled speakers and presentations include: Robert Charles Anderson, FASG Director of the Great Migration Study Project "Are You Sure You Have the Original?" (1 hr) "Building a Great Migration Sketch" (1 hr) "Genetics and Genealogy" (1 hr) Dick Eastman of Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter "Grandpa in Your Pocket" (1 hr) "Blogging for Genealogists: What is a Blog and How can it be Used in Genealogy?" (1 hr) Cyndi Howells of Cyndislist.com "Googling for Grandma" (1 hr) "The Internet Communications Depot" (1 hr) Elizabeth Shown Mills, CG, CGL, FASG, FNGS Longtime editor of the National Genealogical Society Quarterly "Battle of the Burned Courthouse: How to Solve Your Problem Even if John Wayne Did Burn All the County Records" (1 hr) "Oral History, Documentary Evidence, and Core Truths: Genealogical Standards for Success" (1 hr) Marsha Hoffman Rising, CG, CGL, FUGA, FASG President of the American Society of Genealogists "Problem Analysis and Planning a Strategy" (1 hr) "Proving Identity: Distinguishing Individuals of the Same Name" (1 hr) Bob Velke President of Wholly Genes Software "Beginner: The Master Genealogist" (2 hrs) "Intermediate: The Master Genealogist" (2 hrs) "Advanced: The Master Genealogist" (2 hrs) Other speakers and presentations may also be available. You will have an opportunity to rub elbows with the support staff from Wholly Genes Software and some of the most well-known leaders in the TMG community, including John Cardinal, Lee Hoffman, and Jim Byram. There will be door prizes and other surprises too! For complete details about the speakers, lectures, ship, itinerary, and cabin pricing, please visit: http://www.WhollyGenes.com After just ONE DAY on our web site, bookings already exceeded 25% of capacity so don't wait to make your reservation or you may be disappointed. If not sold out, prices will go up after March 9th. ==== How to reach us ============================= For tech support, please access the Wholly Genes Community message board at: http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm or write to: support@whollygenes.com Please be sure to note what version of the program you are using. You can also reach us at: Wholly Genes Software 5144 Flowertuft Court Columbia, Maryland 21044 410-715-2260 410-379-5424 (fax) http://www.WhollyGenes.com