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  1. Unable to add new birth or death events

    I happened onto to the cause of my problem. I must have accidentally clicked on "Filter for Primary Events". All of my events that failed were non-primary. Gary Kueber
  2. Suddenly yesterday TMG 9.05 will not accept new birth or death events. All appears normal until I click OK but no new event appears on the Person page. Other events do not appear to be a problem. I can add marriage, burial, etc. I have tried this with multiple tags in the Birth and Death Groups. I have also tried with multiple projects including the Sample project. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Gary Kueber
  3. I am receiving the following error message often in TMG 9.02. Numeric overflow. Data was lost. 1084 FRMDETAILS.CNTEVENTLIST.MPREPAREEVENTS3 I ran Validate File Integrity and received that message at the end of the process. Does anyone know what to make of this?
  4. Losing data

    I recently merged two large datasets with many individuals in common. Since then I have been merging the individuals in common. With each merge there are some tags to delete. Sometimes after I delete a tag TMG forgets which ID number I am focused on and switches to the first person (in surname sequence) in my file. This has been an annoyance but I just go back to the ID number I am working on. This evening after I merged the two ID numbers for one person things suddenly got much worse when I deleted a tag. The person's name was gone. I edited the name tag to put it back and then all the tags for that person disappeared. At that point I restored a backup file and the person was there fine. I then optimized the file and the person was still there fine. Then I did a backup and the name disappeared again. I tried to edit the name tag but it would not take. The other tags were there fine. I changed to a different ID number and then changed back to this individual. At this point all the tags for the person were gone. Does anyone have any suggestions? Gary Kueber