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  1. Problem with tags linking correctly

    I spoke too fast. After a while the same problem developed but went back to the original mixup between focus persons 528 and 4880. Once again last night I ran File>Maintenance>Reindex and validate file integrity several times with no errors and also not fixing the problem (nor changing the mixup to other than these two focus persons). Finally exited TMG and restarted and once again the mixup has disappeared - but for how long? Any ideas? Tom
  2. Problem with tags linking correctly

    I've run File>Maintenance>Reindex/Optimize/Validate file integerity a number of times with no errors indicated and the problem still persisted. Finally I closed the program and restarted it and now the problem has disappeared (at least on this focus person). I'd still be interested to learn if others have experienced this problem. Tom
  3. I'm a new user to TMG. I recently (after a number of practice conversions) converted my FTM data to TMG and have started a process of carefully redocumenting my sources and ensuring my tags are correct (about a week into this process). Today I ran into a situation as follows: When I attempt to edit a tag associated with a particular person on the detail screen (that is with a particular focus person - appears to apply only to this one focus person and not to any other) and click OK (after an edit or without editing the tag) the focus person changes to an unrelated individual (something like a great-great grand niece of the focus person - so seperated by number 528 vs 4880 and generations). I have run file maintenance - reindex, optimize and validate file integrity but the situation persists. However, after just running these file maintenance options again my problem is now betwee 528 and 8203 - go figure! Running these file maintenance options several more time has not resulted in another change. This appears to happen no matter what type of tag I work on; whether I actually change anything in the tag or in a source attached to that tag, but not if I click on cancel, as opposed to OK, to get out of the tag. Any ideas? Tom