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  1. Hi Jim, Thank you! I installed Macrium, ran a backup and TMG is giving no errors. I wonder if Acronis only caused a problem for me because my TMG always indexes names before opening. That makes my TMG different from yours. Thanks again! Karen
  2. Hi Jim, I'll try it. Do you need to exclude TMG from the backup in Macrium? Karen Zander
  3. Hi Jim, The problem seems to be solved now that I uninstalled Acronis. I wouldn't have thought that Acronis would cause such a problem, but TMG opened this evening with no problem now that I uninstalled Acronis. I'll just have to continue using the outdated and now unsupported backup software I was using with the old external drive. Hopefully this is the end of the problem. Thank you for your patience. Karen Zander
  4. Hi Jim, I ran the repair on TMG this morning, then maintenance procedures, then opened, closed and reopened several times during the day without problem. The Acronis backup just ran and then the error occurred again when I tried to open TMG. I am now going to uninstall Acronis and see what happens tomorrow afternoon. If I can open TMG without problem in the evening, then I'll know it was Acronis causing the problem. If TMG still doesn't open without error in the evening, then it's a mystery to me. In that case I may have to take you up on your kind offer to check the database. Karen Zander
  5. Hi Jim, I had a suspicion that the problem might be caused by my recent installation of Acronis True Image for Western Digital. I had to replace an external back-up hard drive, because the one I had ran out of room. The new drive uses a different software, and I couldn't figure out how to deselect certain folders. Though I never ran TMG during back-ups, and the external HD was only connected for back-up, I thought maybe Acronis had caused the problem. I figured out today how to deselect folders and deselected TMG in Acronis. The back-up just finished. The same problem with TMG occurred when I tried to open it. So either Acronis has damaged TMG, or something else unrelated has occurred. I will try the Repair mode tomorrow morning and let you know. Karen Zander
  6. Hi Jim, Yes, I ran the maintenance procedures. Each time I get the index error, I get errors in Validate File Integrity. That's unusual. Yesterday evening I tried opening TMG again, and it opened without issue. This morning I got the error again, was able to open by clicking abort - and 7 Validate File Integrity errors again. I can't tell in the VFI log what the problem is. I've attached it. What would I be looking for? Would it be worthwhile to run the TMG Repair function? Or should I reinstall? Or just keep on with hoping for the best? (I don't like that last option!) Karen Zander Last VFI.log
  7. Hi Jim, Well, it happened again despite re-creating the index files, and running all maintenance procedures. When I try to open TMG, it starts updating names before the program opens, but then I get the same error message. When I click Abort, TMG opens. It appears to be running normally, but this makes me very uneasy. What could be causing this error? Karen Zander
  8. Hi Jim, I remember that now. It's been a long time since I needed to do that last. Thanks so much for the reminder! Karen
  9. The problem seems to be resolved now.
  10. On trying to open TMG I got the following error: Index does not match the table. Delete the index file and re-create the index. 12203 FILL_N Where can I find the index file? I searched the forum but only found posts of people asking where to find the file to delete it. Is it one of the I.xxx files in the project folder? Maybe important, since deleting several projects a few years ago, TMG always begins with Updating Names. This time it got stuck and I can't open TMG at all. Thank you in advance! Karen Zander
  11. A few days ago I deleted (from within TMG) several datasets from my project which I no longer need. Since then, every time I open TMG I always get: "Please wait Updating names" I have run "optimize, validate file integrity, optimize" several times. TMG seems to run normally, but I am worried that I have caused some kind of corruption by deleting the datasets. Before I begin to enter too much new data into this project, can someone please give me a clue as to whether I've got a problem? Thank you and Happy New Year! Karen
  12. This morning I tried to restore my TMG project on my second computer, and when I clicked on Restore from the Welcome screen I got this: Please wait while Windows configures AutoCad (went by too quickly to capture, but it said something like that) Then: AutoCAD LT 2015 The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'acadt.msi' in the box below. Use source: c:\Users\ etc. I clicked out of that, and could enter TMG in Repair Mode. I ran all the maintenance procedures, and backed-up and exited. Then I made a second attempt to open TMG and got the same AutoCad messages. I clicked on cancel and got this: Error 1706. No valid source could be found for the product AutoCad LT 2015 - English. The Windows installer cannot continue. clicked OK. TMG started normally at this point. Any ideas why opening TMG is trying to install AutoCad? - which by the way has been installed for a while and running normally. What can I do to avoid this problem in the future? Thanks Karen
  13. In TMG8.01, when I open another dataset in addition to my main dataset, there are no names for the second dataset in the Pick List. They do show in the Project Explorer, and the source list also contains the sources for the second dataset. When I have two datasets open at once, only the main dataset has names in the pick list. When I have only the second dataset open, the pick list gives me an error: OLE error code 0x800a017d: Unknown COM status code. 22 FRMNAMESEL.SHOW After that error occurred I tried the PE and finding that it worked, tried the Pick List again, but now clicking on it did nothing. Clicking on "File" or anything else, also did nothing, so I had to close out of TMG. Any suggestions? Karen
  14. Hello Vera, I do not believe that I edited the death tag, but I have now changed it to read as you indicated. Although all entries that contain information are correct, I am still getting English terms for the unknown information. Interestingly the blank family group sheet prints correctly with all German terms and no English. It's only on the FGS that have partial information, where I am getting a mish-mash of languages. Also, any ideas why the exhibit options are grayed out? Thanks Karen
  15. I'm having problems with the family group sheets. They are supposed to have Subject, Spouse, Children, and M and F in gray blocks, and the names in clear blocks, but mine only have a thin line separating the sections, and no blocks at all. See attached. Also, I am printing them in German, with blanks for filling in, but the Birth, Marriage, Death tags for the blank items are in English, not German! I realize I could edit this in Word, but that's a nuisance. Most importantly I would like to fix the general lay out problem, since I really don't like the way they are coming out. By the way, it makes no difference which language I choose. Only the pdf's look the way they should, but I can't edit the pdf to change the English words to German, so I can't use that in this case. I have to use the Word Document, because that's the only way I can edit them to fix the English problem. Another thing I have noticed is that the exhibit options are all grayed out, whether the person has exhibits or not. Why don't my charts look like the sample family chart? Karen Wilhelm_Forster_Familie.DOC