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Everything posted by Rootdigger

  1. Does anyone know of an efficient and effective way to record each individual's RESIDENCE throughout their lifetime while still maintaining current ADDRESSES in TMG? I know you can list children as WITNESSES in these tags, but as each child moves out, how can you maintain a record that they were there at that time, but are not there now? Creating individual residences for each individual seems redundant. It also becomes much more convoluted the larger the family is. Take the example below: Susie is born in 1960 John in 1962 Frank in 1964 Mary in 1966 Paul in 1968 In 1971 all five children move with their parents to a new home. John moves out in 1980. Susie moves out in 1981. Frank moves out in 1983. Mary moves out in 1985. JOHN moves BACK IN in 1986. Paul moves out in 1988. With constantly changing "WITNESSES", Mr. & Mrs. would have amassed a large number of RESIDENCE or ADDRESS tags since 1971 even though they had never moved. Also, prior to 1971, would they have had 6 additional residence tags for before-children through the birth (addition) of each child? My understanding was that the ADDRESS tag can be used to create current mailing lists and that TMG recommends using the date field within it to note when that address was last confirmed/updated. Is there a way to "have it all"? Tracking who was where with whom when AND having a current mailing list with all individuals within a household? Even with custom entries? Or do I need to just view the RESIDENCE tag as a snapshot in time rather than perceive it as an ongoing thing such as an occupation or religion? In other words, is it all in the way I look at it? Any suggestions? Successes? (Or even things that absolutely will not work?) Thanks, everyone, for struggling through this. I really hope someone can help. -Rootdigger