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Posts posted by kaye
Hi Kaye,From your message I gather you mean Word 2007?
Generally older versions of programs can not open newer programs data files unless the data file has been converted in some way to the older format.
One way for for people using older Word to open newer/older formats is for them to try the Word 97/2000 Converter for Word 6 and 95 Users or similar type of program from Microsofts website.
Or you can try to save the file in Word 2007 as a old a file version of Word (select "save as" then select from the "save as type" drop box the file format you want.)
Yes, there is a Word 7 which was also called Microsoft Word 95 it was included in MS-Office 95, I still have it installed on my old laptop with a lot of research files in that format and earlier!
Sorry Sam - no I meant Word 2007. I think the converter came in a windows update as it uses it when I send my V4 reports (that use Word 95) to Word 2003. I havent had any trouble with opening my older files using XP3 Word 2003.
I dont want to use PDF as I want people to check the reports and make changes. As I explained above I need to be able to use TMG with Word 2007 with no hassles. I am ok at the moment but need to be aware of all the potential problems changing to Win 7 and Word 7 in relation to TMG V7 compatibility. From what I hear I can only hope nothing happens to my computer in the next few months.
I will keep the link re converting files in case I need to give it to anyone thanks.
Thank everyone I will keep an eye on the forum from now on as sure to be more on the subject and will find the older threads to this topic.
Just to add I hear you can keep XP3 on your computer as well as Win 7.
I have made many reports using Windows 7 &TMG (TMG v.7 won't write word-processor reports when running under Win7 64 bit, but that's being fixed in v.8). OPnce the report has been made it is an ordinary Word file and can be e-mailed, copied, etc. I'm using Word 2007 and I have used Word 2003. To the best of my knowledge any of these versions of Word can convert and open files made by any of the earlier versions.formerprof
That is good. many thanks. I think a couple of my "families" were not familiar with computers as I had no problem sending business document drafts to people on their home PCs as well as office PCs. I was using V4 and my reports had to be converted before I sent them which resulted with broken lines but that was ok. V4 suport up to win95. I will be changing back to V7 shortly. I noticed they tried to send me docx formatted file (as Terry mentoned not compatible).
Kaye,First, there is no "Word 7." The current version of Word in Word 2007. Word 2010 is currently in beta and should be out before long I understand.
Yes, I have used Windows 7 and Word 2007 to open reports created in Word format by TMG. Word 2007 has no problem opening current or old reports in Word format. If you save the report in the new .docx format which is Word 2007's native format, users of older versions of Word will have difficulty opening it. You can save them in the older .doc format, or you correspondents can download the free "translator" from Mircosoft to enable them to open documents in the new format.
If you get a new computer with a 64-bit version of Windows you will not be able to create reports in Word format from TMG. Solutions have been discussed at some length on this forum, and include buying a new system with a 32-bit version of Windows, doing without reports in Word format, keeping a copy of TMG on a system using 32-bit version of Windows and doing the reports from there, or installing "XP Mode" on you system and running TMG reports from there. Each of those options have their disadvantages. WG has announced that version 8 of TMG is under development, and will support reports to word processors on 64-bit systems.
Thank you very much Terry. Yes I meant Word 2007. There is certainly a lot to consider. I thought there would have been a thread and expected to be referred to it.
You have actually provided a very apt summary of problems relevant to me as I really have to use Word reports as I intend to write my book in Word (then having a typesetter convert all the different numbered files into adobe into one pdf for the publisher) using some TMG repots in Word but manipulating the data and adding other larger chunks of information produced seperately in Word over the years so that it reads as a book. Currently I have "stored" lots of smaller bits of information as anecdotes and will incorporate these in context. Horror say the purists. I will also add in descendants charts for later generations. Thirdly I am currently getting people to update and check information I have so dont want to use pdf. So far the people contacted by email prefer to make alterations in the report. It is so much easier and the response rate is higher. So as you can see it is important to be able to use Word with TMG. Also the bit about capacity <system using 32-bit version >was valuable as I would not have given it any thought. Unfortunately I hope to be completed by April so need to make up my mind what to do now. Your information has been invaluable. Once again thanks.
Please advise. Has anyone used Microsoft 7 operating system and the office suite Word 7 for producing reports? Just decendants and journal narrative.
If reports can be done in Word 7, will the people using older Word versions have any problem opening them via email attachment? ( This was a problem if Vista not set up properly I believe. I had a few people who had problems opening. I dont know why)
(out of topic) My Word files for reseach go back to Windows 95. Are there any problems in opening with Word 7.
Advice would be appreciated as my computer may be on the way to heaven.
Sorry wouldnt work the first few times. Ansered abov
Thank you so much Virginia. Dont know why i missed it. Love the screen shots. I just wish they were in the manual!!
Kaye -In the Report Options for that report, on the General Tab, take a look at the Surety settings in the middle lower half of that screen. You should have both 'No Threshold' and 'Include blank surety' checked. You may run into the same problem in other reports, so you may want to look at the Surety setting in those cases.
Hello Virginia
Yes I have been doing this since you told me once before. I just rechecked the report V4 that had missing people and it was done. I cant find out how you change anything in the V6 report.
ie options.
The arrows in the children view (or the siblings view if appropriate) indicate that the line continues - that they have children.If you want to see the data for a child, doubleclick on their name to make them the focus in the Detail window.
The Siblings view is of the siblings of the focus person in the Detail view; apparently that person in your layout has no siblings.
Ok thanks. I just went back in and these people do no thave children entered. But they are also the same people not appearing in mydescendancy chart!!
Rightclick in the Detail view and see if one of the filters on that rightclick menu is checked. If so, uncheck it.Virginia
Hi Virginia. Am i doing it right now? thanks.
No I was jsut about to post that I got it back thanks. I have just answered Jim and I still have thos lost people in my report. I posted again to say that in the V6 children view it is these missing people that dont have an arrow next to them..I am using what I had in V4 when I transferred months ago so it is something that has carried forward from version 4. My query was posted to another forum and of course I havent had any replies. Jusdt thought I would let you know. Thanks again
As I said, if you run a Descendant Indented Narrative report and the subject has descendants, those individuals will be included for 15 generations by default.Hello Jim
No descendants were not included. As I said I only got the primary person in the report and no descendants. That is information about this person only. It is called a descenant narrative report and I expected that I would get descendants . I had ticked "use current focus person". This automatically ticked on one person and his number. This is my problem. Obviously I have to tinker with a whole bunch of tasks to get this report. But what do I need to do.
I found I didn't have a primary tag on burial in details page. I clicked on what I though was a primary tag action and now lost all details and shows a "filtered" in red and the burial tag I wanted to add is the only information showing. How do I get the details back again please?
I am new to V6. After transferring data I am working on the deault view. This shows children view on the right of the family details. I have another view for siblings under children but this doesn't have anything in it.
Why am I missing arrows from the children view pointing to the main data which they feature. How do the arrows get ther in the first place?
Can someone tell me please?
The Descendant Indented Narrative is set for 15 generations by default. If you need more generations, change that on the Options / General tab of the report.Thank you. No you misunderstood. I need only the one line. When I did one person I just got his details. How do I get all his descendants. Generations have nothing to do with it. I just want as many as he has. I just tried all project and it went though 45,000 records. This was simple in V4. Obviously I have to put in other info but not a clue how to do this as no expanitory notes.
Can anyone tell me how I can easily get a descendancy narrative report from the main person to include all his descendants please?. In version 4 this is automatic.
Check the 'Last VFI.log' file in the project folder.thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are an ANGEL!
Hello Virginia
I did try it on another line and it was ok. I will try and run it in version 6 as it is there as elll albeit not up to date. Do this later, thanks
Yes the lines just go blank and name dissapears and I am not even working in the system. Right click and the name comes back. Usually in the first line in family(first child in family view) but not the wife on the other side of family view.
Jim it is too late to move me over now. We have made some progress and i was speaking with Vorginia. The question is obsolete based on new information.
Why do you say that Kaye? I read every post to every section, and I suspect most of the moderators and many of the other experienced users do too. I think there may not be responses to some questions there because nobody remembers those details, and most of us no longer have v4 installed.Becaue there is no one monitoring V4 ...Ok if you want me to use V4 forum I will. But as it was pointed out to me before, that no one uses 4 anymore.
Hello Virginia
No it is definately and clearly part of the interface of TMG. I have no other programme that the meesage would be applicable to. I shoudn't have said toolbar. It is at the borrom of the page in TMG. No I only downloaded the Reader yesterday but I did the report printout a few days ago and noticed the missing people. reader is never open. There are no other programmes open except TMGW, this one and explorer.
I just went in to do a report and the message changed to "enter the destination data set". So it is a TMGW prompt.
It is the journal narrative I am doing (custom). Now I just did one line and it was ok. I then did another report for the one I had trouble with before and it jumps from person (child)number 1 to person 5. So in the family view screen I see there is no astrix against child 1 and 3 and 5 and 6. So this doesnt seem to be a related problem.
I am using Windows XP 3.
So the above is a REAL problem. What my concern is in the way in which the names dissapear and also why not all of them have an astrix. Why is this and how can I fix it.? I cant find anything in the manual as I dont know what to look for. I want to get this right so that I can transfer to V6
I havent used this type of report for a few weeks and there doesnt appear to be any problem doing descendants indented charts. I just did one for the same family missing the names and it is ok. So astrix is not the problem, maybe it is something to do with journal narrative (custom) report.
Oh and I did a repair and no problems.
<notice whether you are using a keyboard shortcut in TMG at the time the message pops up? > No never use shortcuts and it doesnt actaully pop up. it is just there in the line and i think we can now agree they are just TMG prompts.
kind regards
VirginiakayePosted Today, 01:18 PM QUOTE (Jim Byram @ 18 Jan 2010, 06:59 AM) If you are working in v4, why did you post this in the v6 forum?
Becaue there is no one monitoring V4 and I hoped Virginia would answer. Most V6 people wuould have used V4.kayePosted Today, 01:15 PM Hello Virginia
i am using XP3. No the message is in the toolbar of the programme. It looks like the programme and it is the line that has the time. But not the explorer time. Is it a tip I wonder. Maybe these messages hae always been there. No I havent downloaded anything at all. Just the latest acrobat reader yesterday.
But my main trouble is to find a way of getting an astrix in the name box sin family view.
may thankskayePosted Today, 01:09 PM QUOTE (Virginia Blakelock @ 18 Jan 2010, 05:48 AM) Kaye -
The message 'draw a screen around this person' sounds like it is coming from some kind of screen-draw software. Have you installed anything like that recently? Check the Window Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Del) to see if a program like that is running and if so, try shutting it down to see if that is conflicting with TMG.
What operating system are you using?
VirginiakayePosted Today, 01:07 PM Hi Jim
I am using Windos XP2 with three updates. I dont want to change because I wont be able to run a lot of my programmes.
cheersJim ByramPosted Today, 06:59 AM If you are working in v4, why did you post this in the v6 forum?Virginia BlakelockPosted Today, 05:48 AM Kaye -
The message 'draw a screen around this person' sounds like it is coming from some kind of screen-draw software. Have you installed anything like that recently? Check the Window Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Del) to see if a program like that is running and if so, try shutting it down to see if that is conflicting with TMG.
What operating system are you using?
VirginiakayePosted Today, 04:42 AM I went back to V4 to record data as I like it much much better. I will transfer to V6 soon. But suddenly in a journal narrative report I noticed I was missing 5 people. This has never happened before. On investigation I found that some of my names in the family view have no primary tag (astrix) next to name and children are not numbered. There is just a question mark. This is happening in at least 5 of 9 names. Then suddenly, when I am not even doing anything a name will dissapear from the screen (child in family view) until I right click on the space to get it back. So this is visually happening in front of me. I cant recall seeing the missing tags before. Forgetting all but the basic features,which is all I use, what am I actually looking for in the manual to see if I can rectify this. If I go into edit and "make primary" I find it is not relevant for that action.
On the bottom of my screen in the tool bar I have a message at different times "double click to draw a screen around this person" and " click on a tab or use the view menu to draw a screen around this person". It doesnt say which person and no idea what this means and who for. Is it relevant?
Looking at my data only my first family (1) has children numbered. As i said I dint know how long I have had this. i need to stabilise before I transfer data which wont be for a few weeks.
please adviseReview the complete topic (launches new window) English Lo-Fi VersionTime is now: 18 January 2010 - 05:35 PM//
If you are working in v4, why did you post this in the v6 forum?Becaue there is no one monitoring V4 and I hoped Virginia would answer. Most V6 people wuould have used V4.
Hello Virginia
i am using XP3. No the message is in the toolbar of the programme. It looks like the programme and it is the line that has the time. But not the explorer time. Is it a tip I wonder. Maybe these messages hae always been there. No I havent downloaded anything at all. Just the latest acrobat reader yesterday.
But my main trouble is to find a way of getting an astrix in the name box sin family view.
may thanks
Hi Jim
I am using Windos XP2 with three updates. I dont want to change because I wont be able to run a lot of my programmes.
I went back to V4 to record data as I like it much much better. I will transfer to V6 soon. But suddenly in a journal narrative report I noticed I was missing 5 people. This has never happened before. On investigation I found that some of my names in the family view have no primary tag (astrix) next to name and children are not numbered. There is just a question mark. This is happening in at least 5 of 9 names. Then suddenly, when I am not even doing anything a name will dissapear from the screen (child in family view) until I right click on the space to get it back. So this is visually happening in front of me. I cant recall seeing the missing tags before. Forgetting all but the basic features,which is all I use, what am I actually looking for in the manual to see if I can rectify this. If I go into edit and "make primary" I find it is not relevant for that action.
On the bottom of my screen in the tool bar I have a message at different times "double click to draw a screen around this person" and " click on a tab or use the view menu to draw a screen around this person". It doesnt say which person and no idea what this means and who for. Is it relevant?
Looking at my data only my first family (1) has children numbered. As i said I dint know how long I have had this. i need to stabilise before I transfer data which wont be for a few weeks.
please advise
Kaye,I know you said elsewhere it would be a while before you could respond, but when you do, could you indicate the quantity in your dataset of these "History" tags that you have assigned to only one person? Just order of magnitude, 5? 50? 500? 5000? You said earlier "I have a large data base of 5,000 people" but on average how many such tags were used with each person? It could affect the suggestions offered by us users.
Hi Michael
I sent a very big reply to you but I didn't get a receipt. then when I went to reply on anothr post of yours I got the message <You have posted more than the allowed number of quoted blocks of text>
So now I dont know if you got it or not. I saw another post I was interested in but couldn't reply. It was about using internet explore to filter a list. Your post are not appearing in my messages.
I wanted to know how to do a filtered list in reverse. I have a gedcom and a family tree package that TMGW supports but only want part of the data. I got it into version 4 but couldn't merge and really dont want to merge. I am retyping all the data and with this new package it will take forever. Can I select partial data from imported files and how do I do it. What are the keywords I am looking for?
Version 7 TMG using Verson 7 Microsoft OS and OS
in Older Products and Versions
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Thanks Terry, such a lot to consider. lets hope I last out for 6 months.
many thanks