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Posts posted by Buzz
Thank you Michael.
Took a while but now my two programs are working on the new computer. Learned a lot too!
My Computer died, but not completely, can still open the two projects in TMG at the present time.
I now have a new computer and have successfully installed TMG 9 from the original disc. Clearly I don't want to lose the data in trying to cut and paste from the old machine to the new.
I would like to know the exact steps to correctly move my projects.
The original install path is C:/users/mydocuments/TMG9/projects
I have Lee Hoffman;s book "The Master Genealogist," circa 2004 which gives the default path as C:\Program Files\The Master Genealogist\sample. I don't think this is correct. Somewhere in my memory Microsoft didn't like mixing data into program folders.
So far I have copied onto an external drive the whole TMG folder containing backups, exhibits projects etc. My inclination is to copy the whole folder into the my documents folder. I have also copied the Backup Folder and Project Folder from the old machine to the external drive.
Thanks for advice on providing the correct solution to my dilemma.
Thanks to all who replied to my topic. I have now successfully downloaded my data from both projects.
Thank you,
I have just purchased a new desktop computer. I have successfully downloaded the TMG 9 program onto the new computer.
From my former laptop I have two projects that I want to import/download into the desk top computer.
The program seems to require a file with a .pjc extension. My projects have a .sqz extension obviously squeezed.
In the new computer all data is on the D: drive and the programs are on the C: drive.
Can someone explain how to import the projects to the new computer?
Thanks Jim for this site address.
Dear Forum,
My laptop crashed, saved all data thankfully but not programs. How can I download the UK Gold Edition as a replacement. I have the serial (product) number from the original download.
PDF - You need to permanently install the PDF printer driver.File / Printer Setup... / [install PDF Printer]
You might also need to do this.
Word processor output (Word, WordPerfect, RTF, HTML) is not supported under WinVista x64.
This is a known issue and the replacement for the word processor library is in development.
Thanks Jim,
Adding a New Port worked!
I have been trying to produce reports in other formats. Using Descendant or Family group sheet to .pdf the computer freezes. Then I cant open the project unless I restart computer. Also tried word perfect similar result except this time got error message "Conversion Erroe #20 - Unknown error. Contact Tech Support. I use Vista on 64 bit computer. I happen to have a desk top with same TMG version 7.04.000, Windows XP and 32 bit system, and it worked fine to convert report to .pdf
Any suggestions?
Hi Virginia,
Just a post scrip to let you know everything seems to be working well now. This forum is of great help!
Thanks Virginia that's been most helpful. I'll follow your suggestions and check out the help subject you mentioned.
Dear Forum,
I recently acquired a new lap top with Vista, my desk top is Windows XP. My TMG UK version is 7.03.0000
At present I am using the desk top to add data and transferring the new data from a backup disk via restore on the lap top. Half way through the restore process I ger an error which reads “Dyna Zip Un Zip error. Error creating output file ( problem extracting file(s).” Eventually I get out of the restore wizard and the new data appears to have been transferred however I am concerned about the message and that the restore is causing errors!
I also note that under Programs 86/TMG/Projects the folder is empty? Under documents TMG the backup file has recent backups shown and the project folder has a large number of files most named Fraser with a variety of extensions. Also two folders "UK Sample" and "Sample."
If I try to check for up-date versions I get an error ‘check to see TMG correctly installed?
In summary I would like to know how to keep the data current on the lap top after adding new information on the desk top, why I can’t check for newer versions?
Also I should mention I don’t have an install disk I installed from TMG’s website then included my serial number. Any assistance would be appreciate.
I have been following this discussion with interest. I think I am mid-level in experience using TMG UK version. Still have lots to learn. I am still confused on a couple of points not raised yet. My own birth certificate (Victoria Australia) lists my siblings in addition to parents plus the standard birth information. In this case I listed that information, siblings and their age when I was born, in the citation detail section for the birth tag which according to advice given in this discussion is normal. I note additional information can be entered in the tag memo ie <[M2].> and citation memo. Typically when and what would be recorded in these areas. And why M2 which requires this || prefix to make the information print in reports. Is this because the source memo, if there was information in this section, would be M1?
Dear Virginia and Forum list,
After playing around a bit more with my layouts I’m convinced the problem involves my custom layouts, not sure why? I have now deleted my custom layouts; by using the Common or Standard layouts the problem has been resolved.
I will re-create a custom layout in the future and see if this works. If not I’m reasonably happy with the status quo.
Using TMG is a learning experience for me. The tip from Virginia to change the layout set me on the right track.
Thanks for your assistance.
Dear Forum,
A few days ago I reported a problem with the flag window not registering correctly. The window distorted the whole layout and the text in the flag window was garbled.
Virginia (member No. 23) suggested a change in the window layout to Standard layout and this fixed the problem for both standard and custom layouts at the time. I reported to the forum that the problem was solved. Actually I was premature in thinking we had the answer. The next time I opened TMG and tried the flag window the problem persisted.
This maybe a software glitch and requires a correction in some future version up-grade. If anyone else has a suggestion or solution to this issue I’ d be happy to try another work-around.
Dear Virginia,
Thanks for your interest in my problem.
I changed the view to Standard and that solved the problem. Then went back to my custom model and the flags window was normal. Sounds like your tip resolved the issue.
Thanks again for your timely reply.
Each time I attempt to open the Flags window the information ie sex etc. is garbled. Expanding the window distorts the entire page. Closing the Flags window removes the distortion and program is normal again. Any suggestion for repairing this annoying problem?
You say "new data set" but it sounds like that data set is in a new Project, which is what I suggested.I'm afraid there is no reasonable way to do that.
If you created a second Data Set within your working Project for the practice, you could copy the person with the new tags. But, you would then have to either merge the two copies of that person or reconnect all the relationships and joint tags. Either is error prone.
As is having your practice data in the working project - there is great potential for entering new data in the practice data set rather than the real one.
I think the best solution is to open two copies of TMG side-by side, with the practice data open in one copy and the working data in the other. Then manually copy whatever you did that you like in the practice data to the working data. Windows Copy and Paste works fine between the two copies of TMG.
Thanks for the kind words. I try to make it useful and understandable.
Thanks for your helpful suggestion,
You're welcome, Buzz.Actually, for a practice data set, I'd recommend a totally new project. That way, you have zero chance of messing up your working data with experiments. And, if you should decide the practice data has gotten too messed up for further use, just delete the whole project and start again with a clean slate.
You could create it by making a copy of the people into another data set, then coping that project. But it may be easier in this case to put the people you want in the practice data in a focus group, then use the Secondary output of the List of People report to create a new project with those same people. Or, what I do, just make a copy of the whole project and use it.
Dear Terry,
I have now, as you suggested, copied my main project as a new data set for practice purposes with its specific file name.
Let’s suppose in my practice set I make significant changes to an individual like new tags etc and I’m happy with the result. How do I transfer this modified individual to the primary file to replace the original person?
By the way I have read both your articles on flags and Accents and found your information very easy to follow and useful.
You can make a backup copy of the program files, but it won't do you any good because the program has to be "installed" in order to create the several entries in various places required by Windows. While there are some backup systems that are supposed to solve this, the simplest way is to retain a copy of the TMG installer, along with a record of your un-lock code. Then, if ever needed, you can just re-install.The full installer is available on the WG website, under "30-day free trial" and using that is the easiest way. But if downloading that is a problem because of a slow Internet connection, you could keep a copy of the last full installer you used, plus all the various "update.exe" files that are in the folder where TMG is installed.
Thanks Terry for your advice.
There are a couple of ways. The easiest is probably:1. Open Data Set Manager (File menu) and Add a new Data Set.
2. Collect all the people you want to move into a Focus Group.
3. Use the Edit > Move Person(s) command to move everyone in the Focus Group to the new Data Set.
However, I wouldn't do that. It's better, in my view, to leave them there as Shaundm suggests. If you want to be able to easily identify them, create a custom Flag and set it for them. Then, use the flag to Accent them in a distinctive color so you can easily recognize them in various screens. See my article on Accents for details.
Thanks Terry,
I'll follow yours and Shaundm's advice.
I note that in "Getting the most out of TMG" there is a recommendation to have a dummy (practice) data set established. I guess I could follow your steps above, with a copy instead of move command, to build a small data set as a learning tool.
I will review your article on 'accents.'
Dear Forum,
I want to remove from my data set the parents and siblings for my GG Grandfather because I am longer satisfied with the original evidence that placed them in the data set on the first place.
Rather than just deleting these people I'd like to retain the group - parents marriage, other children's birth/baptism etc. - in a new data set just in case I later find more compelling evidence that they were the correct members of the Tree in the first place.
What is the procedure for transferring this group into a new data set and removing them from the original data set?
Dear UK Forum,
I have just downloaded the 6.11 version TMG UK.
Can I legally make a backup copy of the lates version of the program files for my personal use - incase of a hard drive failure for example?
If this is allowed by Wholly Genes what is the procedure?
Thanks to both Robin and Virgina for your interest in my dilemma.
When I checked more closely the relationships I discovered that in both cases, for the mothers, they were both missing the child who was a direct line ancestor. When I applied a son-bio tag to the mothers the report printed correctly! I think what must have happened is that I discovered the father son relationship and later found the wife and neglected to add a mother son relationship.
This forum is terrific I’ve received gracious assistance on other occasions.
Many thanks,
Dear Forum,
Happy New Year and a successful 2006 to all readers.
I manage two separate data sets within my project, both data sets work well.
With one data set I'm having trouble retrieving ancestral marriages as part of the hourglass box chart.
What comes up, with two couples in particular, is the progenitor box appears and from him the proper child but the progenitor’'s wife is not shown?
Within the same chart other couples (ie husband and wife each have a separate box) and their direct line ‘issue’ are fine. I've dabbled with the ‘options’ to try correct the problem with no success.
I tried just printing a descendants box chart and found the same problem persists. I checked to see the marriages were entered correctly and are primary tags in both cases.
Strangely enough in the other data set, box reports are just fine and the ‘option’ settings are exactly the same as in the data set where I’'m having the problem!
Any ideas how I can correct this situation?
Windows 11
in The Master Genealogist v9
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Will TMG 9 run on Windows 11?