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John Charles Gober

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Everything posted by John Charles Gober

  1. Desperately need to purchase legal cd of v9.04. Computer crashed. Anyone know an online store that still might have a few copies. Johnny Five Toes
  2. Sorry if this has already been addressed. I have recently gained access to a nice HP4500 designjet with 42 in width plotter rolls. Unfortunately I cannot load my own software onto the network where the plotter resides so I have been mostly limited to MS Publisher. I have been trying to create rather large descendants charts (3 1/2 feet by 50 feet, five generations) but cannot save them as either .vcf or .bmp. I keep getting the message "Cannot save file...'. Is there a file size limit for either of these formats? I have this problem both trying to create directly to file or trying to save after vewing on screen. Current OS is Windowa XP but have also tried on 7 and Vista with same dissapointing results. Any insight would be helpful. John