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  1. I admit the dimensions are rather extreme, but I did not plan to print it - just view it on my screens (which is 4x 1980*1080 so that's huge too). Current VCF size is 6000mm x 500mm by the way. Still, I think a reports like this can be a practical way to see how the persons are distributed in the tree. It's really I view I wanted to use for my research only, not to display for an audience. I understand that in your project, being 20000mm broad, lines got a bit confusing though.
  2. Hmz, I read the article you linked to. I'm a bit disappointed there seems to be no way except for linking different sheets, but that would mean a lot of manual work (1200+ people in the tree). The idea of one big chart was to get some kind of overview because right now I lost it
  3. Seemingly easy question. I'm trying to figure out how to create a box chart that contains each and every individual in my project (yes, I know, it'll be huge). I don't seem to find out how to do it: whether it's decendants only, ancestors only or hour-glass. Quid?
  4. I don't know the inner workings of TMG good enough to answer the second question, but the first question: TMG 7 shouldn't be problematic on W7 x74 (I'm running it on the same OS). The error you encounter, is it an error form TMG or from Windows? I know Windows often says it failed to install an application when, in reality, it did install successfully.
  5. Windows 7 task bar TMG (2)

    The shortcut you made was a copy of another shortcut. That's why it added (2). You can just edit the name and remove the (2).