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Posts posted by Namssob

  1. This is caused by having no multimedia folder in the file tree and was just fixed. Contact me and I'll send you updated import components. You can email me by clicking the link below.

    Jim Byram


    btw... Many UFT users have converted to TMG. It would be worth joining the TMG mail list to benefit from their experiences importing from UFT. You can also search the mail list archives for information on doing the import.



    Awesome - thanks! I just emailed you, and will read the TMG archives. I look forward to hearing back from you, thank you!

  2. I have an old UFT database on CD that I am trying to import into a Trial version of TMG 7. It's hanging up on Step 2, giving me a red error message which states:


    Cannot find event library ("V_ELBOOK").


    A quick search on the web found that there are "libraries" contained as part of the UFT database, but they are not included in backups. I no longer have a machine capable of running UFT. So now I'm stuck - can't install UFT to export my data again, and for some reason can't import my data into TMG.


    My UFT backup folder contains a bunch of files...





    And numerous files ending in .DBF, .CDX, and .FPT extensions.


