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About jcdinga

  • Birthday 12/21/1942

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  1. I am a long time Legacy Family Tree user, but I am in the process of switching to TMG. Trying to correlate some of the functionality I used in LFT, I have been trying to print an LFT style event report in TMG. For my genealogy research I find one of the most useful and interesting bits of information in the event report in LFT is the age of principal1 and principal2 for an event. Although this is possible with LFT, I cannot find the same capability in TMG. Does anyone know of a way to get TMG print this information in the list of events report or a similar columnar report, or is this just not possible with TMG. The only ways I can find to “marry” principal ages and their tagged events in TMG are with narrative reports. If it is not currently possible to do this in TMG, I think it would be a great additional capability to the program. As I said LFT has the capability, as also does Family Tree Maker 2012 and Roots Magic (with an additional add on), so it must be useful to other researchers.