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Everything posted by JimMiller

  1. I start with a GGGF as Focus Person. My son is missing when I create a Descendant Box Chart, but he appears in a Descendant Indented Chart. My brother's children appear in both. My son's Living flag is set to ? The number of generations is sufficient to include my son and the Surety is set to No Threshold (Include blank surety is checked). Please advise what I need to change to make my son appear in a Descendant Box Chart. Thank you.
  2. Yes, he's on the Decendant Box Chart too. Thanks again for your help. Jim
  3. And my son now appears as a * Son-Bio tag on my Details view. Thanks again, Jim
  4. OK, he's there now. From my son's person view I double-clicked on the father line and entered my ID number. My son now appears on the DCB. Thanks for your help. Jim
  5. Terry, The program is not letting me remove the primary father designation. From my son's person view, I highlight the father line, and click on Primary. I'm asked if I want to remove the primary designation, and I click yes. When I highlight the father line again and click on Primary, I'm told I am primary. Jim
  6. In my Details window, my son does not appear. In my Children window, he's there. Jim
  7. To answer Terry, yes, my son appears in an Indented Descendant Chart. Virginia, in my person view (of myself, that is), my son's birth does not show as a tag. On my son's person view, I'm there as his father. If I highlight the Father line and click on the Primary button, I'm told me that I'm already his primary father. Jim
  8. I start with a GGGF as Focus Person. My son is missing when I create a Descendant Box Chart, but he appears in a Descendant Indented Chart. My brother's children appear in both. My son's Living flag is set to ? Please advise what I need to change to make my son appear in a Descendant Box Chart. Thank you.
  9. Thanks for your suggestions. I verified that the number of generations is sufficient, and that the Surety was set to No threshold (Include blank surety is checked), but am still having the same problem. I've now posted the question on the Visual Chartform section of the Forum. Thanks again for your suggestions.