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Joel Hartley

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Everything posted by Joel Hartley

  1. Hartley, Joel

    I created my web pages with TMG and a free HTML editor that uses HTML tidy. I've updated the pages over the last 10 or more years. I have been browsing the web sites here and I'm quite impressed. I thought they would all be the yellow web pages like I have! Lately I have been posting production updates to my pages as it has been difficult to update all the links and narrative with my pages when I update the undelying information. However, when I do a code check I get thousands of errors using the HTML Register report from TMG. I think that using HTML tidy gets rid of most of the errors. Here is my main page: http://jmhartley.com/Gendex.htm I recently bought a domain from Namecheap and hosting from iPage, so I'm not sure if all the links work. I used to post on Comcast but that was difficult to use. Now I use Filezilla and may start to use Kompozer, a free HTML editor that has WYSIWYG. Thanks to everyone else who has posted web sites. They really are a notch above the other genealogical web sites that are out there! Joel in Massachusetts