Thank you both for your suggestions. I have selected UK style in the dataset manager and have also checked that the uk style in the master style list is OK. When I add new person and anything else associated, on the tag entry screen the place style button indicates UK Standard Place and when I hover my mouse over the button it tells me the output is: Addressee, Detail, Village/area,Town/City,County/Region, Country etc
however, the corresponding buttons indicate the following: Addressee, City, County, State. Country etc.
If I click on the place style button the place style selection screen opens indicating that UK style is selected, I close it and the buttons on the tag entry screen change to what they should be. Although I can cope with this it is very confusing and has not happened to me before - I have one project that has 5 datasets within it and each time I created a new dataset (in TMG versions prior to 9) I didnt have this problem so I am very confused!
I seem to have solved the issue albeit in a round about way! If i look at the master tag type list and edit a particular tag, the tag type definition general screen indicates that nothing is selected for the default style, if i change this to 'use dataset default style' it solves the issue so all I have to do is change every tag type I use - a good few hours work!!