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  1. Unlock code for TMG V9

    Terry The email address you stated appears to be incomplete. Terry
  2. I have downloaded TMGV9 from the installer placed on this forum on both of y computer one running XP the other running windows 7, however there is no unlock code available. Where does one obtain the unlock code? Will TMG 8.4 and V9 work on the new windows 10?
  3. Registration for TMG V8.4

    Thanks Jim My next question is why would I want to upgrade to v 8.08 if 8.04 is working fine for me? If I must up grade to 8.08 where do I go to do that and will the registration number change?
  4. I have been running TMG v8.4.0 since it first came out and just recently I have been having problems with the registration. After a week or so when I log into the program it telling me my trial version had expired and to enter the unlock code, which I have, however when I do this I get a window telling me that I have to Log in as administrator in windows, I am the administrator. I have to projects going and the registration gives me the same result when I enter the unlock code. However when I go to the sample project it takes the unlock code and I'm good to go for until it happens again. Is there a way to correct this problem?
  5. Will TMGv8 still operate without tech support or do I have to fine another Family History Program?