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Andrew Clark

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Everything posted by Andrew Clark

  1. Future version eight hopes and suggestions.

    I am 100% in agreement for these enhancements for next version - however...... Part of the problem I see is lack of uniformity in use for these metadata fields. Read various articles and you'll see diverse suggestions as to field descriptions and what goes in each field. For example one field can be varuiously called "user Comments" in one program, through to "description" in another. Personally, what I believe we need first is a defined set of XMP fields for use in the Genealogy industry. For example, we have a photo of Mary smith; outside the town hall; Anytown; Anystate; in Mycountry, whilst on a European holiday trip in 1923. If there is not a defined set of MetaTags for family history and we all second guess Exif fields then any interpretation by TMG could be useless as differing bits of data will end up all over the place. The caption for the above photo could equally end up as "Mary Smith" or "outside the Town Hall" or anything else. My Thoughts are: Do such standards exist? Is there a group working on such standars? Is TMG involved in any such push? Cheers, Andrew