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John Cardinal

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Everything posted by John Cardinal

  1. Second SIte - Chart on Main Page?

    At present, there is no automatic way to do that. You could make a chart in SS and then copy/paste the HTML source for the chart into the main page. In the next version, you'll be able to name custom pages, subpages, and chart pages as "index" and that will make the resulting page the main page. In the meantime, you could make a chart page and then copy/paste the HTML soruce for the chart into the main page content, and remake the site.
  2. how to set up MRINs in TMG

    I am not familiar with MRINs and so this answer may be off the mark. You can add user-defined identifiers to people in TMG using the Reference field. Some users put Henry numbers, etc., in that field. TMG will not populate that field for you, except to import it when you create a TMG project from some other genealogy data. You can set the value manually via the Details window in TMG. Also, if you can create a text file that lists TMG ID numbers and the associated reference value such as an MRIN, you can use my TMG Utility program to set the value. That may or may not be faster than doing it manually in TMG.
  3. Gedcom witnes import

    The GEDCOM standard does not include witness information. Some software may export it, but if so, the author isn't following the rules and most if not all other software won't import it, including TMG.
  4. Checking for multiple names

    One way would be to run a list of people report where the count of non-primary name tags was greater than zero.
  5. Adding Exhibits

    An exhibit attached to an event applies to the event as a whole whereas an exhibit attached to a citation applies to the citation and thus has an indirect relation to the event. In Second Site, an exhibit attached to an event will appear in the main narrative for a person whereas an exhibit attached to a citation will appear in the list of citations below the narrative. In TMG reports, I suspect there is a similar result, but I haven't tested that specifically, so I don't know.
  6. Change place styles

    TMG Utility will change Place Styles and there are no outstanding bugs with that feature as far as I know. If you send me the Log that TMG Utility produced when you modified your project that will help me determine what is happening. One common error is using TMG Utility on project "A" but then opening project "B" in TMG and wondering why no chanegs are visible...
  7. Exhibit File name

    If the changes are systematic, i.e., the changes follow a simple pattern, then TMG Utility can help. For example, if you are moving all the exhibits from "c:\folder.subfolder\ ..." to "d:\some-other-folder\ ...", then you can use the Find and Replace feature in TMG Utility to change all the exhibit paths stored in TMG. If you are making unique changes to each filename, such as changing from a photo number to a filename that includes the subject person's name, then TMG Utility won't help. John
  8. Global reallignment of place names

    You might check out Change Place Parts from TMG Utility. It might be able to help, depending on the specific type of text that has to be moved from one place subfield to another.
  9. Sort order of incomplete dates

    I was not present for the original design discussion, but I've been told that the rule for "after" was based on a discussion with beta testers where they decided that when genealogists say, for example, "he died after 1850" they mean that they have evidence from sometime in 1850 that someone was alive. I am not sure I agree with that reasoning, and either way, I'd prefer that "after 1850" sorted after "after 31 Dec 1850". The solution is to give as specific a date as possible. In the example above, if the other evidence in 1850 was a deed signed on August 6th, the sort date should be "after 6 Aug 1850".
  10. Sort order of incomplete dates

    For various reasons, the sort sequence for partial dates work like this: b 1850 1850 a 1850 b Jan 1850 Jan 1850 a Jan 1850 b 1 Jan 1850 1 Jan 1850 a 1 Jan 1850
  11. Citation Number

    TMG Utility provides those numbers so that a developer with access to the database fields could debug a problem. The event number is (or was--haven't checked recently) available as a filter in the Multimedia log. Even without the use of the record numbers, you should be able to tell which record is involved. The other context information (date, event type, p1/p2, etc.) are usually all you need.
  12. That behavior is by design. In various narrative reports, if the sentence for the first tag has anything before the [P] variable, TMG will insert the subject's primary name to ensure that the narrative starts with the subject's name. Personally, I wish there was an option to turn off that processing, but it's not a bug or anomaly.
  13. Version 7

    Thanks for the explanation. If I were to implement something—and this is not a promise or even an indication that I will—I would not use flags. I think it's more appropriate to use Surety values on the relationship tags to indicate which type of line should be used, given that Surety is intended to indicate confidence in an assertion.
  14. I am not sure whether you'd call it user friendly or not. TMG Utility's Find and Replace feature can be used to modify exhibit paths. If the paths have changed in a systematic way, then Find and Replace would probably do the job pretty quickly and easily. For example, if all the paths used to start with "c:\program files\tmg\pictures\..." and now they start with "c:\exhibits\..." then Find and Replace will fix things up in a jiffy. If paths have changed in a more random fashion (perhaps after reorganizing files and folders into a different structure), then the TMG feature Jim described is a better way to go.
  15. Version 7

    I am not familiar with the "convention of dashed or dotted lines in pedigrees" so please explain what you mean. Under what circumstances would SS produce dashed or dotted lines rather than solid lines?
  16. Export - JPG

    The VCF map contains the internal TMG person number. You can convert that to an ID# by reading the _$ table in the TMG database. (Per_No is what VCF uses, and Ref_ID is what users see.) For Q3, only Wholly Genes can answer, but I suspect you'll have to post-process the HTML map file. That's what Second Site does. If it's not feasible for you to convert the internal number to the TMG ID#, you could use Second Site to do it for you, and then edit the HTML produced by Second Site. Create a one-person per page site in SS with Static Page Assignments turned on. Import the chart by adding a VCF Chart User Item. Make the site. In the MAP for the chart page that SS makes, the links for each person will be to "pN.htm" where N is the TMG ID#.
  17. Exhibits and Images

    What's an "Image section"?
  18. Image Citations

    As of TMG v6.12, I don't think TMG reads IPTC or XMP meta tags. Where are you storing the "citation" and where do you want it to appear? FYI: In Second Site, if an exhibit file includes an IPTC caption (I think the actual meta data field name is "Caption_Abstract") and there is no caption defined in TMG's exhibit record, Second Site will use the IPTC caption. You can't include a true citation in the caption text, but if you include source information in the IPTC caption field it will be displayed in the generated site.
  19. Suppressing a relationship

    Doug, Many reports support filtering data via the Surety settings. It sounds like the reports you use have that option set. Open the report options window for one such report and review the Surety settings. They are on the "General" tab of the Report Options window. Adjust the settings if they aren't what you want.
  20. Second Site V-2, TMG V.7 Issues

    Second Site v2 (and v1) work with Vista. You should follow the rules outlined in a document by Jim Byram that explains how to install TMG v6.x on Windows Vista, and if you do so, you'll have no trouble with Second Site. (SS accesses the TMG data files and if you don't follow Jim's Vista instructions, those data files can be inaccessible to SS) A couple SS users have reported difficulties under Vista, but so far those difficulties had to do with install issues. In one case, for example, the main EXE file for Second Site had a compatibility setting assigned (no clear reason why that happened) and once that compatibility setting was disabled, Second Site worked fine.
  21. Version 7

    I am not sure whether or not your comment is referring to Second Site or not. If so, I was telling you what Second Site can do today. It's quite possible to add symbols to charts, but features aren't added solely based on whether they are possible to implement. The B&W issue doesn't really apply, as Second Site produces web sites that are intended to be distributed electronically via the web or via CDs that you share with relatives. You can print the pages created by Second Site, but browsers don't print particularly well. If you were referring to TMG's reporting and charting capabilities, I suspect that adding symbols is not technically difficult, but rather it's a prioritization issue. There are thousands of requests for features.
  22. Version 7

    This is not a TMG feature, but Second Site, the web site builder for TMG, has the ability to add symbols that denote gender. They can be added to name indexes and the main person display. That feature does not extend to charts, but chart boxes can be colored by gender.
  23. Version 7

    Neil, I am excited about this new feature: New window resizing method and a Preference option to use the old method. That's a change that has a major impact on TMG's User Interface, but may not look like a major change on the surface. As demonstrated by Bob at FGS, when expanding a window, controls that can make good use of the extra space will expand to do so. So, for example, when a window contains a columnar list, and resizing provides more width, more columns will be visible. Other controls, like buttons, stay the same size. For a more specific example, expanding the Edit Tag window provides more space for the memo text box. The old method, where items in the window scaled up or down with the size of the window, is still available for those users who prefer it.
  24. Census data

    PDF files are not a good way to store images. One of the compressed TIF formats is a good lossless format, and JPG is fine for most images if you are not going to edit the original.