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Everything posted by nbradley

  1. How to handle Wales, Cornwall and the like

    Robert Looking in you might regard Enland, Wales, Scotland and N Ireland as States/Provinces of the UK. Hence unless you have lots of Parish/Sub Town data the US Place Styles work ok for a lot of UK locations. Those from within may obviously take a different view but unless they are at the UN and the Olympics it could be viewed as somewhat generous to call the sub entities "Countries"
  2. Minor Bookmarking Issue

    It's an odd one. I can't replicate it.
  3. Windows 7 64 bit and TMG 7.04

    Shirley If you can print from your laptop then you shouldn't have any real issues. I'm doing something similar. Beware of buying the "Home" version of windows 7 because you can't load up XP in a virtual window if you have applications which wont run under 64 bit. You need the higher level versions (professional or ultimate). I find the Virtual XP machine to be very useful. The other issue you will have already coped with if you are using Vista - the paths are different between XP and Win 7.
  4. I use Genmatcher from Mud Creek Software.
  5. Descendancy Report Spouse Information

    Norm, I use the Journal Report rather than the DIN for the reasons that you have highlighted. The DIN has some shortcomings.

    Roger Focus Groups is what you want.
  7. Check for update error & report errors

    I agree with Terry. TMG works really well under 64 bit Win 7. The known issues have been discussed on this forum multiple times. It might make sense to "pin" a topic on the known issues at the top of this forum to slow that rate at which these issues are being recycled.
  8. Reference numbers

    Options, Names, Identifiers
  9. I know the last post has a similar header but it didn't actually deal with the issue. A local user has rung me asking for help to move from version 4 to version 7. I've hunted around this site for specific details on what I should do and what the "learning issues" will be for someone moving from V4 to V7 but I have obviously stuck in the wrong key words because I haven't found exactly what I wanted ... hence this post. Studying the HELP it appears that I can import his V4 Project either directly or via his backup into V7 (I only started at V5 so my knowledge of V4 is zilch). I'm also assuming that there wont be any problem running both V4 and V7 at the same time. If my assumptions are correct then what I would like to be able to do is to explain to him the major changes in moving from V4 to V7.
  10. Vertical Lines in Memo

    I'm pretty sure that John Cardinal's TMG Utility will help you get rid of the vertical lines. Look under "Other - Find and Replace"
  11. Associated Application Not Found

    Carol Have a look about 4 threads down. You will see where Jim has responded to similar issues from other users. I'd link you t the thread but I haven't worked that bit out.
  12. pk You can use the utility. Look at the help under "Events, Add Events". From your existing data you should be able to output a list of people report showing their tmg id and your imported ref field. Save the report as a text file and then edit it based on the TMG Utility rules for adding events from an external file. It looks a bit daunting but it isn't that difficult once you work through it. Try it with a small test file first.
  13. Descendant Indented Report

    Have you run "Optimize" recently (file, maintenance) ?
  14. Starting from backup in W7

    Peter, To fix your exhibit paths you have a few choices (at least) :- 1. Manually as you only have 4 to worry about (right click on the exhibits, properties, load and then find your file) 2. Validate File Integrity (file, maintenance, vfi). Tick - "Search for missing external exhibits", click on "Specify the folders to search" and add the folders where your missing exhibits are stored. This function is ok if you only have a few exhibits or if you store your exhibits in a small number of folders. Sadly it does not search sub-folders so it has limited use for me. 3. Buy Pathwiz - which you obvoisly don't need in this case but it does solve the problems of the shortcomings of the VFI search.
  15. .sqz to .sdf?

    Second Site uses .sdf for its definition files
  16. Windows XP pro to Windows 7

    Jim I store my exhibits in about 50 folders which roughly mirror my family trees at a high level. Moving from XP to Windows 7 without Pathwiz would have been a nightmare. There is some functionality within VFI but it is very limited because you have to specify every individual folder you want it to search. If it looked at sub-folders then the problem would be solved.
  17. Windows XP pro to Windows 7

    After I moved to Windows 7, I worked out pretty quickly that I needed Pathwiz. It worked!
  18. Journal Report

    John It might be stating the obvious but my 4 year old 1 meg XP machine was only just coping from a speed point of view. I have just had my son build me a new machine ( 4meg, dual core, fancy mother board etc) and the difference in speed is amazing. If it's taking 30 minutes to create a new project from a focus group you might have a similar problem to mine.
  19. Date Filter

    I'm trying to create a series of filters to check where I have a Year (not modified) but I don't have the Day and or Month for BDMs. I think I'm missing something because I'm not winning.
  20. TMG crashes when optimizing

    pktropics I have had a similar issue since late last week which I assumed was something to do with Windows 7 64 bit. I have reported the issue to Wholly Genes Support but they wouldn't yet have had much US work time to look at it since I contacted them. The quick fix is to close TMG and delete the index files in your project folder (*.CDX - 29 files I think). When you start TMG up you will be okay for a while. My issue is occurring when I try and update a focus group from within the project explorer with a filter on. I have now been able to replicate it 5 times.
  21. Date Filter

    Michael The penny has now dropped. I was trying to filter the Project Explorer where those date options aren't available. However, your suggestion to use the List of Events Report will work - thanks.
  22. Date Filter

    Michael That's what I had intended to do but I'm not seeing the "Date - Day" or "Date - Month" choices under the Subfield when for example I select Birth to filter on
  23. Richard I suspect that most of the gurus are off-line at the moment. Which version did you buy? WG Support are pretty good at responding but you need to allow for the time difference from where you are.
  24. new computer, Win 7

    Be careful, if you change flags manually those people will also have the Last Edit Date changed. It would be wonderful if we had the option to turn off the updating of the Last Edit Date from manual flag changes.