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About nbradley

  • Rank
    Neil Bradley
  • Birthday 01/10/1955

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Perth, Western Australia
  1. The Discontinuation Of TMG

    I'm saddened that John Cardinal had to go to the lengths that he did to respond to some very uncalled for comments on this forum. In my view the TMG community has benefited greatly from John's help. As a long term Second Site user and a beneficiary of John's help I would like to comment :- - it is an amazing product - the small amount that John charges for it is fantastic value for money. - given the amount of support that John gives to his user community, I suspect that his income per hour would be very small - I would be happy to pay quite a bit more
  2. TMG9 a Huge Disappointment

    John, It looks like there are a few known issues with V9.00 which presumably will be fixed in V9.01. None of these issues have impacted me, V9.00 has worked without a single problem. I don't recall having issues with Version 8. I certainly upgraded the day it came out and took every minor release without issue. If you had problems with 8.00, surely they were resolved by 8.08. The difference for most users between 8 and 9 is pretty minor but if you are still on Version 7 then you are starting to be quite out of date. My suggestion would be to upgrade to 9.01 when it is released.
  3. Paste/Copy Errors TMG 9

    I have never had any issues copying and pasting within V9. Though I rarely use Ctl C, Ctl V. I usually use the mouse to highlight and right click copy etc
  4. Returning to TMG 7.04?

    John, Version 8 solved lots of issues for 64 bits users. I'm very happy and would never consider going back to 7.04.
  5. Generations Import

    Jim, Thanks for you help. Sorry about your test database. I think turning off the citation exhibits heading to Second Site will solve my current issue.
  6. Generations Import

    Jim, I've looked a bit harder at my TMG file. As you pointed out all exhibits are repeated for the spouse. In my case all exhibits are then also repeated for every citation (for spouses) hence when I load the data into Second Site it has a lot of duplicates. Is this likely to be an issue with the Generations source database that I have imported?
  7. Last night I imported a .uds database from Generations into TMG for a friend. I only had a few of the images so I copied them to the default Exhibits folder. The import worked very well and TMG found the exhibits. What is a little strange is that for each exhibit in the Caption section of the Description tab there are multiple paths to the exhibit showing as text. The same text (truncated) is also appearing in the General Tab under Topic. In Second Site in the Photo Gallery I'm getting multiple copies of each image with the paths text appearing under each. Is this just something that needs to be cleaned up manually after importing from Generations or there soemthing that can be modified at the Generations end?
  8. Family Tree Maker Import

    Thanks Mike - useful info. I was looking to do the best possible job in 1 pass. Jim - worked beautifully.
  9. Last night I imported my FTM database as it was in 2004 (Version 8 I think - .ftw) into TMG version 8 as an experiment. I didn't appear to have the option of mapping the FTM equivalent of custom tags (.e.g. Ticket of Leave date for an ex-convict) to my custom tags in TMG. I appeared to be restricted to standard tags only. Have I done something wrong? Would I have greater flexibility exporting from FTM to gedcom first?
  10. F3 Repeat Key

    You have installed a new version. Have you entered anything for the repeat keys to repeat?
  11. Can't upgrade from 8.01 to 8.02

    Michael Version 8.02 has been withdrawn (I think). The website has not been changed to reflect this and I have no idea why. Apparently news of the withdrawal of 8.02 was post on the Rootsweb mailing list. I don't understand why Whollygenes doesn't use this site to communicate to users.
  12. Check for update problem

    Jim makes a very reasonable point. The Upgrade Center Page does still suggest that 8.02 is the latest version. I find the TMG Rootsweb Mailing List a very unsatisfying experience (too many meaningless emails) and hence I have unsubscibed. To me it would make a lot more sense if Bob posted communications of that type here.
  13. Merge 2 Individuals is corrupt

    John, Have you tried running Validate File Integrity and Optimize?