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About Dorothyt

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  1. Customer, Jack Lovelace wrote... When tabbing between fields on the Citation Entry screen, the sequence now goes: Source #, Citation Detail, Surety (1,2,D,P,M in sequence, as required), Citation Memo, Reference. This change was introduced with release 9.0. I prefer the sequence: Source #, Citation Detail, Citation Memo, Surety Values, Reference. This is the sequence in which version 8, and earlier, worked.
  2. Customer writes I called up a sample project and clicked on the import button in the file menu. I selected to import a .SQZ file into the new program using the simple wizard option. The new version was able to tell that I had some 49000+ names in the .SQZ file which was encouraging. I made it to the final step and clicked the "finish" button, and up popped a window entitled "ltocx13n.ocx" and it is looking for a file type with a .ocx extension on it. I am unable to find anything with that extension. When I click "cancel", I get the following pop up: OLE error code 0x80040154: Class not registered 44 FRMWIZ4TO5.WIZPAGEFRAME1PAGE4.CON.MFINISH ===== I was able to import this v4.0d backup file without any errors. Could this problem be caused by a bad install?
  3. Fatal Error # 41

    It sounds like you are using our version 4.x? If so, I would like for you to run the external repair command again after a fresh reboot of the computer. TMG should be closed (Start, Programs, The Master Genealogist, Repair). Run the command until all damage files have been repaired. This may take a few times. When you go to open up TMG and get the welcome screen please choose the "dataset" tab. From there click on the bottom right box to start TMG with sample dataset. This should let you into TMG. Then click on the menu item File and choose open and select your dataset. If you should have any further questions, please let me know. Glad to be of service, Dorothy Turner, Tech Support
  4. DynaZip UnZip Error

    Jon, I recommend that you move the backup file from the flash drive to your computer, then do the Restore option. If you get the same error again, please email me at dorothyt@whollygenes.com Glad to be of service, Dorothy Turner, Tech Support
  5. No Exhibits when copy project

    I recommend that you use TMG's backup command: File > Backup The backup wizard will give you the option to include external exhibits. Take this backup file (.sqz) and move it to the other computer. Then use the File > Restore option. The Restore option can be found on the Welcome Window of TMG. If you should have any further questions, please write to me directly at dorothyt@whollygenes.com Glad to be of service, Dorothy Turner, Tech Support
  6. Half Off Offer

    Hello James, With the Message Manager Window open, check the box "display previous messages". If the Gift option does not appear, please write to me directly at dorothyt@whollygenes.com. Glad to be of service, Dorothy Turner, Tech Support
  7. Error 58 REPPUSH

    Hello Sandy, I sugges that you run the following from the menu item File > Maintenance: opitmize (which performs a re-index first) validate file integrity If you should have any further problems, please write directly to me, dorothyt@whollygenes.com Glad to be of service, Dorothy Turner, Tech Support
  8. TMG half off offer

    Hello Laura, With the Message Manager window open, check the box "display previous messages". (bottom - left). If the message regarding the Gift does not appear, please email me directly at dorothyt@whollygenes.com. Glad to be of service, Dorothy Turner, Tech Support
  9. Report printing problem

    Helly Jenny, I see you wrote an email to support. Your email has been passed over to Phil (phild@whollygenes.com), he has sent you a reply.
  10. Narrative report

    Hello Tom, Having your event start on a new paragraph is controlled by the sentence. You may wish to do a global change of the sentence, this is done by: clicking on the menu item Tools and selectiong Master Tag Type List locate the event on the left, highlight it hit the Edit button the Tag Type Definition Window opens click on the Roles and Sentences tab add two carriage returns [:CR:] [:CR:] to the beginning of the sentence If you need further instructions, please write me at dorothyt@whollygenes.com
  11. Hello Alison, Our report List of Citation, will print out a report in source number order, showing you what person/event the source has been cited. Or if you like you can run a filter, to search for a particular source number. Dorothy Turner, tech support dorothyt@whollygenes.com
  12. Gedcom Import

    The cause of this is the character set used when exporting the gedcom file. To correct this problem, select "ANSI" for the character set. Create a new gedcom file and then do another import into TMG.
  13. Use of Software key

    Please forward the email with your new version6 serial number to: support@whollygenes.com. We will check it out and get back with you.
  14. Yes, using the report, List of People with the filter "Last edited date" is the way to go. If you should have any further questions, you can email me directly at: dorothyt@whollygenes.com Glad to be of service, Dorothy
  15. At this time the option to print the "relationship" is not available for the List of People report. It is currently on the wishlist. Glad to be of service, Dorothy Turner, Tech Support dorothyt@whollygenes.com