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Ann Shepherd

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  1. TMG project opens but “not responding”

    Thank you very much Jim. I'm very grateful. Am uploading the backup to a folder at the moment and will email the link to you. It's taking a while to upload.
  2. TMG project opens but “not responding”

    Further to my message above. I should have said that I have TMG 9.05. The situation has now changed. I last opened TMG and my project during the day yesterday. After trying to click in TMG and getting the "not responding" message I clicked "wait for program to respond" and left it sitting, with nothing else open on that laptop. (I have a windows 10 laptop I've been using for emails, internet and so on). Last night I went to the opera and checked TMG before I left. It was still greyed out. 6 hours later I came home and it was still greyed out so I sent messages to TMG-L and ultimately this forum. This morning (Australian time) I find that TMG is no longer greyed out and is apparently functioning. (All I've done with it so far is optimise-VFI-optimise. There were no problems found when I ran VFI.) What this means is that it took TMG a minimum of 15 hours to respond after I opened my project.
  3. I have TMG UK Gold 9 on Windows 7 Professional and have a very concerning problem at the moment, never encountered before. Up until late last night TMG was working properly as far as I could tell. The last thing I did with it was close my project (leaving TMG program still open) then created my Second Site output. I let that run overnight and my site appears to have been created correctly. (No error messages.) However since then I've been unable to get TMG to function. When I reopened my project this morning it looked normal but it won't function. Any action leads to a "not responding" dialogue box. I had to choose for the program to close. I can start TMG and I can then also open my project which appears to be as normal with all icons apparently active. Everything looks OK when I open the project but as soon as I try to do anything at all (click on a tag, a name, anything on the menu, x to close, etc,) it greys out and I get the "not responding" message. TMG is completely greyed out (the whole screen is grey, not just some things on the menu). With the "not responding" message there are two choices - close program or wait for program to respond. I've clicked wait and have waited up to two hours but still have a completely greyed out screen. I’ve tried closing the program choosing the close rather than wait option (I can’t close it from the normal X as I just get the "not responding" message when I try to do that). Have reopened TMG after this but the same sequence happens. Any attempted action in TMG leads to complete greying out and "not responding" message. (This is different to the partial greying out I've had a couple of times before when TMG freezes and "center current window" can be used. I can't click on "center current window" in any case.) I’ve closed my computer right down and restarted it but this hasn’t resolved the problem. Have closed down everything except TMG. I can successfully open a different project in TMG and work in it as normal. I do have a backup (would lose 6-7 hours of work) but am concerned that my approx 15 year old project which is very large is somehow corrupted. It's been suggested on the TMG-L list that I post here as perhaps Jim Byram may be able to advise. Thanks in advance, Ann
  4. Journal Reports

    Hi, Just a couple of comments as I've grappled, and am still grappling, with the issue of the large amount of data I wish to produce in journal format. I've been researching for 10 years less than you have but do have a great deal of information and many thousands of exhibits for the 6,500 plus in the family I wish to produce a journal for. As far back as 2008 I tried to get the Master Documents process to work and it failed every time. I asked some of the TMG experts at the conference cruise in that year and they thought it should work, though not many had tried it. One thought was that it might be limitations in Word - but I knew that Word could handle very large documents using the Master documents process as at my work we had done it for a large inquiry and produced multi-volume printed reports. (Though we had to work very closely at times with Microsoft experts in this country who did say we were pushing this to its limit.) Therefore I don't know why my Master docs wouldn't work in TMG - maybe the interaction between TMG and Word for this process with very large files, maybe Word limitations ... So my obvious suggestion is that you experiment very early in the piece with Word output - Master document or otherwise - beginning with reasonably small reports and expanding on them if possible. I tried doing journal reports for individual branches - 3500+ pages. Just not viable as printed output. Custom format is definitely the way to go as you can do quite a few things to simplify and reduce output. In the end I'm opting for a printed book for the 1st 4 generations of the family (using TMG custom journal output as a 1st draft) and Second Site output for the rest. Just some thoughts to add to the mix. I'd be very interested in your experiments and final decision. Ann
  5. Hello all My laptop with Windows 7 has a dying hard drive and I have a new laptop with Windows 10 which I’m stuck with as I can’t get Win 7 here anywhere. I suspected this was happening so am fine with backups etc. My problems are all with trying to set up Windows 10 so that TMG, Second Site etc work with it properly. This PC is solely for my genealogy. I've read Terry's TMG Tips about moving to a new computer but the problems I'm having are Windows 10/TMG interaction ones. I’d appreciate some guidance from the list about …. How do I get my user folder to become ‘Ann’ to match the one on my old computer so that TMG paths will be the same? What do I do to move 'Documents' from the C drive to the D drive? (Meaning my local documents folder I believe, not One drive documents folder) If I do these things will TMG be able to operate on Windows 10 using my ‘old’ file paths in preferences? Can I move 'The Master Genealogist 9' folder that was set up when I installed TMG - from One Drive to the local Documents folder (C or D?) So far .... Laptop has been partitioned into C (478 GB) and D drive (460 GB). I’d like to keep programs on c and data on D, subject to any restrictions. I had a geekservice person here to help me and he changed the automatic user name Windows 10 had given me to make it the same user name as my old computer (‘Ann’) so that file paths in TMG/CrashPlan etc can stay the same. Problem is that the name has changed to my old user name under Control Panel\Users (and its labelled Local and Administrator) but in the C:drive user folder it’s still the completely new user name, ‘annmc’ - not chosen by me, and not the same as the one (‘Ann’) under Control Panel/User. This will mess up my TMG paths if I want to keep them the same, which I do, and is already messing up my CrashPlan, Dropbox and who knows what else. I tried changing the name of my user account in the registry ProfileList, following instructions on a posting in the Microsoft community ('Rename User Account Folder in Windows 10 Preview' - but also repeated in later forums and online technical pages). However this created a new separate local user with no access to all the data and software I've transferred to the new computer. It also warned me that nothing would be saved etc etc. So I returned to the restore point I'd just created and my user account folder is still 'annmc'. So my Question 1 is ... Could someone point me to instructions please on how to change my user folder name, retaining administrator access and access to TMG, Exhibits and all the things I've moved to the new computer? Question 2 ... In Preferences I wanted to point TMG reports, backups, etc to the D:drive – same folder paths as I have now – BUT this is where I can’t remember how I set it up. Most of the file paths in my existing TMG setup are to ‘D:\Users\Ann\Documents’ but at the moment my Documents folder is on the C drive (as per the original setup for this new computer). As mentioned there are two Documents folders on the C drive - one pointing to One Drive and one local. Question 3 ... Have installed TMG which has automatically gone into the Programs (86) folder. HOWEVER the folder for The Master Genealogist 9 has gone into the Documents folder on One Drive. I didn't realise this until trying to sort out why I had 2 documents folders on my C drive. I still don't understand this properly but by viewing libraries it's possible to see the two folders - one pointing to One Drive and the other local on the PC. Can I just move the TMG( folder to the local Documents folder? (As I understand it this folder has to stay on the C drive - but I can save my TMG data on the D drive, which is what I've been doing to date.) Thanks in advance Ann
  6. I have just changed over to Apple Mac and would like advice on installing TMG7.04 UK version please? I thought I should be able to install from the TMG 7.04 Application if I moved that over to the Programs directory on the c drive in the windows partiion on the Mac? I've tried doing this but can't open or run the file. Is there a trick? regards, Ann