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  1. TMG 8.0 Imports

    Installing 8.04 eliminated the database error, but after importing 18% of 145,000 names in the FTM 2008 file, the program stopped. I recreated the FTM file and attempted to import it with identical results. The PAF import failed immediately, as with 8.00. The gedcom file set the language to ANSEL, so I changed that to ANSI. The simple wizard import of the gedcom got to the point that the project file exceeded 2.0 gb faster. During processing there were frequent messages beginning with "expanding . . .," for example, "expanding for extra high level numbers," and "expanding for extra long pointers." Then I used the advanced wizard and picked the "bare bones import," which worked. That stripped out all of the comment/note fields, but now he can see what the Second Site files look like. Thanks so much for all of the insightful comments. Al
  2. TMG 8.0 Imports

    A friend of mine asked me to convert his database to TMG so that he can build a website with Second Site. The database contains 145,000 persons, and is remarkably clean, but contains many lengthy and informative research notes. TMG 8 spent about 20 seconds looking at the PAF and locked up. Importing the gedcom failed also, apparently because of the lengthy notes--the program quit when the project file exceeded 2 gb. Then I purchased FTM 2012, which cheerfully imported the PAF, with few warnings. I then exported the project file in FTM 2008/2009 Backup format. After unpacking that file, TMG 8.0 exclaimed "Error opening file C:\ . . . External dynamic-link library returns error "-4", VistaDB Level 1 Error 80040154h: Class not registered Any suggestions? This is a fine database that deserves its own Second Site website, I would hate to see it picked to death on Ancestry.com. Al Field
  3. That strikes me as a needless and unproductive limitation, which was not present in TMG 4. A better solution would be to allow the correct sourcing of each element of the data entry screen all at once, regardless of how many sources per bmd item were appropriate.
  4. On the Add Person screen, as soon as I enter a citation, the "+" dims and a second or third citation can't be entered at that point. I tried restoring all preferences to the default mode, but the behavior persists.
  5. My Data Entry screen displays a memo field only for the Name tag. Can I display and enter memos for the Birth, Death and Marriage tags directly from the Data Entry screen? Thanks
  6. I get the following error message trying to import TMG 4 files (including sqz files) into TMG 6: Folder C:\TMGW\ is missing 1 necessary tables Not very descriptive. Second Site also encounters probably the same problem: Second Site Version 1.9 Build 07 Error -1 from [CTMGDB.VerifyIndexFiles] [LOC=11] Index files are missing (see below); open the dataset in TMG to build the index files, then close TMG and try again. Index file(s) missing: ALFIELDi.cdx I have not had this problem before, so obviously something has gone haywire with 4.0. I've jumped through all the hoops I can find, but can't get 4.0 to satisfactorily regenerate all of the CDX files. 4.0 is running just fine. Al Field Washington, D.C.