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Everything posted by revwarldy

  1. I started doing genealogy more than 20 years ago, and my data has been moved from Roots to UFT to TMG. Somewhere along the way I set something wrong and many of my event tags have roles set to something other than "principal". This causes problems with sentence structure when building reports. My first question is: How can I build a list of events where the role is something other than principal (such as child, deceased, bride etc.) Second question is - is it possible to globally reset all roles to "principal" Thanks Dianne Bell
  2. Can't unlock the program

    I was having the same problem installing to my laptop. I found that there were six spaces inserted before my first name in the original confimation email. When I entered my first name with the spaces, the program unlocked. Dianne Bell
  3. My database is a mess, to put it bluntly. I started doing genealogy in Roots, migrated to Roots II, III and IV, then to UFT, and finally to TMG. Somewhere along the line I stopped actively researching, but now, I'm ready get going on it again. Right now, I'm trying to clean up the master source list and it would be very helpful to generate a list of individuals who are linked to a give source on the list. How do I do this? Thanks, Dianne Bell