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Helge Haugland

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Everything posted by Helge Haugland

  1. TMG in a Cloud VDI?

    Is anyone running TMG in a VDI cloud like Amazon Workspace or Paperspace? Will it work? What are your experiences? I have mostly switched to Linux, but TMG makes me keep the dualboot with Windows. As I understand, with a cloud VDI, I can access the application through any browser.
  2. TMG in a Cloud VDI?

    Oh, ok. Thanks you for the explanation.
  3. TMG in a Cloud VDI?

    I take this to mean you are using TMG from a Cloud VDI and it will work. Thank you for your help.
  4. Moving away from TMG

    I am worried about Wholly Gene's ability to continue support and development for TMG in the future. But I have more than 20.000 names in my genealogical database, many with custom tags, sentences, roles etc. These customizations will not transfer to other programs with GEDCOM? What are my options for moving away form TMG? Are GEDCOM the only way of getting data off to another genealogical program? Helge
  5. Moving away from TMG

    Thank you for the answers. I have looked at some of the online solutions but have not found any I am 100% comfortable with.
  6. DIS-Oslo/Akershus TMG usergroup

    Contact: Grete Emblemsvaag (grete@emblemsvaag.no) Helge Haugland (hhaugland@gmail.com) Meeting Information: We meet at Lakkegata 21 for presentations and talk about TMG topics. Meeting Dates: Last wendesday of the month. Meeting will be announced at DIS-Oslo/Akershus meeting overview.
  7. TMG has crashed twice on me, once yesterday and again today. No error messages neither from TMG nor Windows XP. I can start up again just fine, all my data are saved, but the crashes are strange. I have gotten it when I'm "browsing" my database and double-click on a person in the sibling windows. The persons were different each time. I'm using TMG ver 6.08 with WinXP on a laptop with 1 GB RAM and with 28 GB free space on the harddrive. What can I do to avoid crashes like this? Helge Haugland
  8. Are there any alternatives to SecondSite for presentation of TMG data on the web? I want a database-driven tool, but one which knows and uses the extra features in TMG, such as witnesses. Popular presentation tools like phpGedView and TNG use GEDCOM as input. I'm thinking of coding something myself, but I find it hard to believe I'm the first to want to present all my genealogical data in the most accurate way. -- Helge
  9. Crash when choosing sibling

    I'm only using Norman Virus Control.
  10. Crash when choosing sibling

    This is the error from the log file: Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2006.04.17 03:30:58 PM. Error log file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\vfp7rerr.log Called from - tmgmain line 586 {C:\Programfiler\The Master Genealogist\tmg\programs\tmgmain.prg c:\programfiler\the master genealogist\tmg.exe} Hope this helps you track down the error.
  11. The choice between dynamic or static site should not have anything to do with TMG features, but for other features like ease of use or resources available... I started this thread becasue I am looking for a dynamic site tool which honors TMG's features. None of the tools mentioned here does. I am thrilled to hear that you are planning such a thing. Will it be for 2006, 2007 or later? :-)
  12. By dynamic sites I mean sites that are generated from a database on-the-fly. Example: I want to show the common ancestor between x and y. The chart could be something like this: http://geneweb.inria.fr/roglo?lang=en;m=RL...8;l2=4;i2=23485 (from Geneweb). If I must generate static pages like this for 20000 persons X and Y I can't imagine how long that would take to do and to upload to my ISP server. A dynamic site does this by generating the requested output from a database. Helge
  13. SS still produces static pages. I was looking for something dynamic.
  14. I'm sure SS will output almost anything I put into TMG, reading the database files directly.. I don't like the long pages SS create. I am looking for something with a database backend as I think the possibilities with a database are greater, e.g. creating charts. With SS my visitors are depending on the uploaded .htm-files. With 20.000+ individuals there are many .htm-files... -- Helge