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  1. In UFT you may create a source (i.e. 1850 Census - Polk county, Iowa) and then attach that source to many events providing details (ED, Page, Line, etc.) for each of the events you to which you attach it. This does not appear to be the case in TMG. It appears that each source is usable for only the one event as the detail information is in the definition of the source. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance. Charles
  2. In UFT you can have multiple individuals associated with an event in the same role. On import it appears that at most two individuals in a role are recognized. For example, in an LDS baptism event you might have some 10 or 20 baptismal candidates in the same record. It appears that the import routine only attaches that event to two of these individuals. No errors, nothing in the listing file, just no event participation for the remaining 8 individuals. This is a major drawback should I decide to convert as I would have to either create individual events in UFT or rekey the data in TMG. Thoughts? Thanks in advance