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Posts posted by PeterKramer

  1. I got an advice from G Data which solved my problem. TMG is running as smooth as it should.


    I had to follow the path suggested by Jim: Settings / General / AntiVirus / Real-time protection but at that point select - the following is a translation from German, I don't know the exact terms used by G Data in their English version - "extended" (erweitert). In the new window then opening go to the top line: "mode" (Modus) and select "only check when running" (Nur beim Ausfuehren pruefen).


    G Data confirmed that by this setting the security will not be reduced.

  2. Thanks for your detailed suggestion which I implemented in G-Data. But alas - even after a cold boot it didn't work.


    Now I will wait for the answer of G-Data which I do not expect before Monday afternoon. I will keep you informed about the outcome.


    By now it is 1 pm in Hamburg, I will be off.

  3. I have just finished a process stop - start - stop -start G-Data. THAT'S IT. If I exclude G-Data TMG is running without any disturbances. So I know how to stop the disturbing messages. But as I am using TMG very often for hours I will be unguarded for long periods.. What can I do? Try another program? I sent G-Data a notice if I could enter an exclusion for a memory-resident program (I suppose: not).

  4. My TMG version is 9.05.0000 UK. A few month ago I changes from Windows 7 to Window 10. The program worked well, until last week. Now, with almost every second click, I get the message: File access is denied. c:\users\kramer\appdata\local\temp\tmg6787606\x_event.cdx. 14 .UTILITY.DELETETMPDATABASE. If I select repeat or ignore I can go on in the normal way, but with one of the next clicks the message is on the screen again. Very disturbing.

    I have run the repair routine of TMG 9 and cleaned my temp folder getting the message that a file containing 67487606 could not be found.

    Where is the bug?

    Peter Kramer


  5. Virginia and Vera,


    As both of you understand English but perhaps only Vera speaks German I will reply in English. Since I posted my problem I had been looking every now and then for an answer, only to be disappointed by an empty window. To-day I realised I had been watching the cache image, pressed F5 and found two answers. Thank you very much to the both of you.


    By now I have checked my preferences and found that the corresponding path led to my external drive H:, ending in a Configuration_files directory with files similar to those on C. Contained was a current file Compressed Pedigree.rpt.


    Anyway I changed the path for the default directory on C:, configured a new test-report and ...


    ...got what I had entered. Bright night.


    So thanks again for caring



    Hallo Vera,

    bei dieser Gelegenheit ein Extra-Gruß mit Dank für Terry's und Deine TMG-Tipps, die mir schon oft weitergeholfen haben.


  6. When I want to create a compressed pedigree report and make changes in the report options window, do confirm them with OK and press Create Report I get the standard reprort. The changes I made to places, report title etc. are gone. Same thing happens when confirmed with Save Settings. When re-opening the subwindow I am back to default settings.

    What has gone wrong?


  7. Hi Jim, I've done all this, but in getting to the last stage I find the printer as "Wholly Genes PDF Writer v3. In right-clicking on the effigy and choosing properties I only find 2 tabs: General (my translation, German version of Win 7 says Allgemein) and Hardware. There is no third tab called Ports. I have tried the new settings without solving this last step. My attempt to send a compressed pedigree to a PDF files again ended in a paralysed pc. So here I am, almost paralysed too. How can I go on? Peter
