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Sharon Meeker

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Everything posted by Sharon Meeker

  1. List of Sources

    Can someone tell me if there is a way to print a list of all my sources (or some subset thereof) that shows ALL of the information from each source. I have a lot of corrections to make and it would be handy to take a detailed list to the library to check missing info (publication date, volume number or whatever). I would especially like to be able to print the abbreviation (which I have used for my own file number system) and the full source information on one list. Any ideas?
  2. List of Sources

    Thanks for this idea. I'll have to think about what might work best for me. I have about 600 sources and also wanted to check which ones I have "attached" to a repository. I guess I'll put this on the "wish list" for a future revision to TMG.
  3. List of Sources

    Thanks for your suggestions. I have tried the List of Sources reports and neither flavor offers what I want. I did not think of exporting them to a file and maybe combining them. I'll look into that. My favorite library does have its catalog on-line, but sometimes not all the elements I need are listed in full. I also need more source info from some places that do not have on-line catalogs. However, that suggestion did give me the idea of using both my computers to accomplish some of this. I can set TMG up on one and the on-line catalog on the other. Better than trying to flip and manage windows. I have never used this posting method before and I hope I am doing this OK. I read the forum frequently and find lots of helpful people offering lots of great ideas. Thanks again.
  4. List of Sources
