I am a long-time use of TMG. When the announcement of discontinuation of TMG was made I updated to 9.05 and down loaded the installer.
In September I upgraded Windorw from 7 to 10 [big mistake! lots of issues and problems]. After the update to Windows 10, TMG 9.05 ran fine with no issues. In November a major problem arose in Windows 10. I tried many fixes that I found on line. With these fixes I must have corrupted TMG 9.05. When I launch TMG, I get a window asking me to unlock TMG. After entering my name, email address, and serial no. I get an error message:
Unable to Modify Windows Registry.
Please log into Windows as System Administrator....
I am the system administration. I'm the only user of this PC and I verified my status in control panel.
Any suggestions?