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Dennis S

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About Dennis S

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    Dennis S

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  1. Cleaning Up ID # with Merge

    Michael, Thanks. Will look at Terry's info. And yes, you are correct. I merged several projects to create a single new project containing all them. Dennis
  2. I have managed several data sets for each of the primary families I am developing. I want to have a single data set of all of these families and have merged them together. I noted when this was done I ended up with changes in the ID #. I am hoping to revert back to a single number for the ID rather then the format now showing, i.e. 1:1 or 6:45. How would I go about accomplishing this? Thanks. Dennis
  3. No Application

    Thanks Virginia (and Jim). That worked. Dennis
  4. No Application

    I am running TMG 7.04 on my Vista laptop. When I try to check for updates, using the "help" option I get the following Associated Application Not Found No application in C:\program files\the master genealogist v7 is associated with the update engine so it cannot check for updates. Please make sure that this software is installed properly. I have downloaded and reinstalled the software and still get this message. Is this a known bug or is my download still bad? Does not appear to be any problems with the normal operations of the program. Thanks, Dennis
  5. Missing Exhibit Folder

    Jim, Thanks for the info. I switch over to my laptop and my file locations are different from where they were on my desktop. Will make the change. Dennis
  6. Following the most recent update (7.04) I began getting the following message: Exhibit Folder "C:\Program Files\The Master Genealogist\Pics\" was not found. Do you want to use default exhibit folder? Not sure what caused this as I have a pic folder and have not changed anything with regard to exhibits in quite sometime. Appreciate any insight to this.
  7. Family Grp Sheet Display

    Vera, I reinstalled v7 on the Vista machine and all the reports now look correct. Thanks. Dennis
  8. Family Grp Sheet Display

    Vera, No I don't have v6 installed. Had it but determined I didn't need it any more so removed it and reinstalled v7 as a clean copy. After I posted my first message I noted this problem also appears on numerous other reports. Will let you know if the restore helped. Dennis
  9. I just looked at a Family Group Sheet report using v7 and Vista. It appears that for each event which I have a source record for I get the following (example): Birth* 2 Nov 1857 Glauchau, Sachsen, Germany. <FHELVSS75>1 The <FHELVSS75> is always displayed with each source reference. I check with v7 on my XP system and did not see this. Problem? Dennis
  10. Font Size

    Doug, I was able to change the Family and Tree view using the preference options but cannot find an option which will increase font on Person view. I've tried all the various options and nothing seems to change this. Doug, Thanks I just found it. To change the Person view you need to address the Lists view options.
  11. Font Size

    I recently purchased a new laptop with Vista. I imported my TMG V6 over and set up with Jim's directions. It seems to work just fine. However, the font size is now too small to effectively read. I have tried changing the resolution on the laptop screen but this does nothing to the TMG display. Any help or ideas? Thanks.
  12. I've read the help option for merging source records and its quite simple. However, the "Merge" option is grayed out even after selecting a source. This is also true of the "Delete" options. Are these uncompleted features in TMG 6.12 or bugs? Appreciate the help. Dennis
  13. I just purchased a new laptop with Vista and a 17" screen. I was able to bring over TMG V.6 following Jim's directions and moved my files accordingly. The thing I'd like to do now is be able to read the screen. The window are small compare to the view option and the font in the Person view is really small for these old eyes. Is there somewhere to increse this font and viewing size? I found a section to change font size for Family and Tree view (I think) but they don't effect the Person view. Thanks, Dennis