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Everything posted by Youngmac

  1. Here's a first for me An event tag, in this case "Marr. Bann.", correctly displays the "Memo" field called for in the sentence structure -- but only for the Groom; it refuses to display it for the Bride's narrative report, which of course shares the same tag! Any ideas? Mac
  2. Hi TMG listers, Probably it's OK to reply to my own post, so here goes. I've found out why my above problem occurs. I think this is a bug, but maybe you don't agree. When entering a Marr or Banns tag, typically using the groom person view, I get a default marriage tag, then go back in and enter "roles", then customize the sentence structure to fit the circumstances. Then I check the one-gen narrative report to see if I like the sentence. Next I go to the bride person view, but don't always check the narrative report. But I do check to see if the new sentence structure is now displayed, not the default (blank) screen. It always shows the new sentence structure for the tag I entered for the groom. Opps!! If I had clicked on the button and launched the sentence structure editor, it would have shown the "groom" role is highlited in the bride's sentence!! That says the bride's displayed sentence structure is not right. I believe when a shared tag is changed in one person's view, the person's display of the other party should be changed to the proper role. As I do the role change, it automatically changes the other marriage party's role, so why can't the program reflect that change in the data for the other party? That way, dummies like me would not be writing to the forum and wasting your/my time. Mac
  3. Thanks, Teresa. Yes, it does, as I stated, the GROOM and BRIDE share the same sentence, that was the mystery to me... how could the reports be different?? Here's the sentence. [P] married [PO] <[PARO]> <on [D]> <probably at [L],> <[M]>. Mac