Hello together,
again I've a situation that I don't understand:
I add a (female) Spouse to a person and TMG ask me to create the marriage-name. I click "ok", and everything works fine. (The following situation describes only NEW Data-entries!)
But when I look to the project-explorer, there isn't the alphabetical order "Surname, givenname". First there are the born i.e. "Doe, ..." and thereafter are the persons with the marriagename "Doe,...". Additional I've checked this in the List "search person" - same situation, BUT: every position with marriagename is shown as "[surname], [givenname] ([title])".
When I open the entry "mariage-name" of these persons (mostly the wife) and click "ok", the entry seems to be safed again, and until now everything works fine.
In my opinion there is a difference between the "add person" - with "marriagename" and the addition of the entry "marriagename". But I#ve no idea to solve it myself.
Please has anyone an idea, how to handle without open every name-entry again / twice?
Thank you for your patience and help
and many greetings from Hannover
Mark A. Waldmann