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Problem with the new syntax for embedded citations

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This is to alert other users of TMG of a change to the syntax of embedded citations which may truncate their citation detail. According to Bob Velke, one of the "improvements" to v7 was announced thus:


o Embedded citations now support inclusion of the citation memo,

e.g., [CIT:]124; citation detail; citation memo[:CIT].


What this means is that if your citation detail text happens to include a ";"(SEMICOLON), that semicolon and any text following it will be treated as a citation memo, and will be truncated from your reports. I do not know of any way of fixing this problem except by going through all my embedded citations, scanning for citation detail text which uses includes a semicolon, changing that to some unlikely-to-be-used token (say "$%"), then creating a macro in the wordprocessor program to which I export my reports to change "$%" back to the ";" I originally intended. If anyone has any better idea about how to fix this problem, I would be grateful to know of it.

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Thanks, John. Noted.


Terry suggests that you should be able to use the new escape character (\) to 'escape' the ';' characters in your embedded citations.


Change "text; text" to "text\; text".


Of course, you still need to locate them. :sad:


Terry and I just tested this and the escape character doesn't work in that context. I wrote Bob and requested that he change that so that the escape character does work.

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Thanks, Jim (and Terry). We can only hope. I wouldn't have picked this up if I hadn't taken the precaution of producing the same report in both v7 and v6, and comparing them line for line until the output was discrepant.

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