SoCalRivethed 0 Report post Posted September 22, 2008 I am not a coder or scriptor, but would like to customize my outputs in VCF. I found chart style I really like, but only place I have seen it is from the creator who wants to sell his charts to you. TMG exports one similar (Wheel chart I think it isicalled), but the text is all screwy. How do you correct the text alignment in the output of the "wheel" chart. Or do you have to manually edit them by hand? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Virginia Blakelock 0 Report post Posted September 23, 2008 That is the Fan Chart with the option for fan dimensions set to 360 degrees. There are examples on the WG sample report page here. The center column on that page lists several variations of the Fan chart, including the full 'wheel'. Click on the chart thumbnail to enlarge it. The text can appear a bit 'screwy' by the nature of the curved chart configuration. You can experiment with the number of curved text generations on the Chart Style tab in the report configuration. While you are on the sample report page, you might want to check out the other box chart styles, especially some of the user examples. BTW, the sample report page is just a click away in TMG - on the Reports drop-down list, below Book Manager. Virginia Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoCalRivethed 0 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 thanks, but the examples on that page show exactly what I mean the text emanates from the center outwards (parallel to the imaginary radius line), a really poor way of representing the data, IMO. I am looking for a way to A) have the text perpendicular to the radius line (I.e., 90 degrees from it's current default orientation, and Be able to generate similar charts further down the line, but that is only 10 % of my nweeds. I think moreso what I need t oknow is what do each of these variables do/control: [WCVars] wc_maxgen=12 wc_orient=3 wc_gapv=5 wc_gaph=30 wc_toffv=0 wc_toffh=0 wc_offv=50 wc_offh=15 wc_maxcgen=0 wc_stangle=90 wc_degrees=360 wc_bordw=1 wc_bords=3 wc_bsizeh=166 wc_bsizev=0 wc_linew=1 wc_lines=1 wc_colline=RGB(0,0,0,0,0,255) wc_slinew=1 wc_slines=1 wc_colslin=RGB(0,0,0,128,128,128) wc_stepwid=200 wc_curvedwidth1=7 wc_curvedwidth2=8 wc_radial=1 wc_fntdef=Tahoma,8,R wc_fnttitl=Tahoma,12,BI wc_fntname=Tahoma,8,R wc_fntdate=Tahoma,6,R wc_coldef=rgb(0,0,0,0,0,0) wc_coltitl=rgb(0,0,0,0,0,0) wc_colname=rgb(0,0,0,0,0,0) wc_coldate=rgb(0,0,0,0,0,0) wc_colback=RGB(0,0,0,255,255,255) wc_backimg= wc_backs=1 wc_idtype=1 wc_pnstyle=2 wc_align=1 wc_lifetyp=1 wc_smax=5 wc_sblank=Yes wc_rmblankln=No wc_UsePLStyle=No wc_overlapgen=No wc_sibling=No wc_missing=No wc_boxport=Yes wc_wordwra=Yes wc_fmonth=No wc_rinfo=1 wc_arrows=Yes wc_lifespa=Yes wc_cctext=Yes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RobinL 0 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 THe fan chart has very little control over the content of boxes, and the format of individual lines of text in those boxes. A number of persons have made requests for a more flexible form of fan chart layout and content. However, in my experience few people have sufficiently complete ancestral data to warrant the use of this style of chart. It may seem like a nice technique but it needs the right extent of data and extreme control over font sizes (to get smaller font height as the person gets further from the centre of the chart). Some other Family History programs also produce this kind of chart, but in my experience these charts can be untidy - in one case the PDF production truncates and distorts text characters when the chart is over about 600mm in diameter. I would advise you to describe what it is that you wish to show onn the chart so that others can give you some suggestions about ways of getting the output that is most effective. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoCalRivethed 0 Report post Posted November 23, 2008 ok, here is a chart style similar to the one I would like to use: I wish to know if VCF is capable of custom out put like this, The text is readable without spinning it around. It is expandable, and linable with a bit of touch up work, and I like the overall look. (not necessarilly all the embellishments). The only data I wish to have is: Full name, DOB, POB, DOD, POD. I designed one in Photochop, more to my design likes. Thanks fro the input. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Virginia Blakelock 0 Report post Posted November 24, 2008 First, I don't know a way to duplicate her chart in TMG, but I also really like the overall (sans embellishments) look - and the fact the charts can be printed on letter-size paper. I found even more impressive and interesting the All Ancestor charts and the examples from her own 'working' notebooks here. Check out the various creative ways she numbers and highlights lines and people and indicates the follow-up charts. With these charts, Kathleen Wagner is doing in a particularly artistic and innovative way the same thing I do - using one-page working charts in notebooks (I include a FGS with each chart). As much as I admire her beautiful charts I think, for everyday use, our standard ancestor/descendant VCF charts are both more practical and easier to follow - and still leave room for innovation and creativity. Thanks for posting the link! Virginia Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mike Talbot 0 Report post Posted November 25, 2008 ok, here is a chart style similar to the one I would like to use: I wish to know if VCF is capable of custom out put like this, The text is readable without spinning it around. It is expandable, and linable with a bit of touch up work, and I like the overall look. (not necessarilly all the embellishments). The only data I wish to have is: Full name, DOB, POB, DOD, POD. I designed one in Photochop, more to my design likes. Thanks fro the input. These are the nicest "text only" charts that I've seen. I know of no other service that can compare. Thank you for pointing them out. They might inspire some ideas. However, to me, the most fun parts of genealogy charting are the inclusion of portraits and other relevant pictures. Without such exhibits, I'd settle for text only reports. Best wishes, Mike Talbot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoCalRivethed 0 Report post Posted November 25, 2008 I am not currently collecting pictures, or at least do not have enough to even consider including, yet. But the style I really like and though there might be away of making them in VCF. If I could figure out howvcf ports out the charts, it could be done I think, but I guess like editing the place DN in FTM 2008/2009 (can't be done which is why i switch to TMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), it is an itch I just can't seem to scratch Well, happy T-day to you all on the state side, and if anyone has any ideas on this, let me know.. Sean Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoCalRivethed 0 Report post Posted November 26, 2008 ok, I figured this much out, in the fan report, option button, chart style tab, int eh chart size section, the curved text generations, will rotate and curve the text for the specified number of generations (with no regard to box size in the outer sections). So that solves the one issue I had, now if only we could force custom chart designs/framework. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mike Talbot 0 Report post Posted November 26, 2008 ok, I figured this much out, in the fan report, option button, chart style tab, int eh chart size section, the curved text generations, will rotate and curve the text for the specified number of generations (with no regard to box size in the outer sections). So that solves the one issue I had, now if only we could force custom chart designs/framework. Glad to hear it. I'm not certain about what you mean about Custom chart designs/framework. Are you familiiar with importing pictures into your VCF chart? If not, study the VCF tool bars. On the right, there is an icon that resembles a moon rising over two mountains. Click on it and you can load any picture (JPG, etc file) into your VCF chart. You can expand or shrink the picture to the desired size. Select (left click on) the picture, then click on one of the handles (little gray squares at the corners and mid-points of the selected picture) while holding down the left mouse button and move the mouse. To preserve the aspect ratio of the picture, hold down the shift key simultaneously. You can then force the picture to the back, as full or partial background by selecting it and click on the menu icon that resembles a yellow square partially covered by 2 smaller gray squares. This can solve one interpretation of framework that can be further dressed up with other pictures in either the forground or background of your chart. Good luck and best wishes, Mike Talbot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoCalRivethed 0 Report post Posted November 27, 2008 Thanks Mike, but not what I am trying to accomplish happy t-day everybody! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites