drla06 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2009 I almost always go through the legal description of property about 1/2 dozen times before I understand it and have it transcribed correctly. Pencil sketches help, but they usually get lost. So the attached property grid created in VCF was my solution to understand and display property transactions. There may be better and easier ways to accomplish the task. Also, the grid really only applies to the Federal land states where there is the nice grid layout. The chart in the examples reflects my limited experience with property transactions in the U.S. Midwestern states. VCF allows the plots to be color-coded or pattern-coded to distinguish the transactions. If desired, the finished VCF file can be exported to a jpg format and attached as an exhibit to a deed tag. This format is early in the development stage and I not sure of the final usage, but I'm pleased enough with the result to consider outputting in a journal report. One of the attachments shows the master grid file. The other attachment shows the grid to display land purchases in Clayton County, Iowa. I plan to add additional grids to show when and how the family disposed of the land. Method to create master grid: -Start with a fictional person, with absolutely no family ties, and make a descendant chart for him. The box size was the determining factor so two 16-square grids could be placed side by side on a printed page. I settled on 66 x 66 pixels for the full size box. -Repeat the exercise with a 66 x 33 pixel box to create the half-size box. -On the VCF master grid file, make 15 copies of the full size boxes and assemble the grid as shown. -Add a vertical and a horizontal line so it is easier to pick out the quarter sections. -Add the text in the boxes, to increase plotting accuracy. For the half-size box, I made one copy horizontal and then rotated the second copy to make it vertical as I have observed both types of plots in land transactions. To use (a copy of) the master grid: Code the boxes as desired and add text to explain the transactions. Hope this gives you ideas for additional VCF uses. Linda Share this post Link to post Share on other sites