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Download FTMSuper Tools

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Wholly Genes,

I downloaded the FTMSTools and it would not let me in? So I uninstalled it 3times and now it will not let me install it. Do I get a refund? Why? What was the problem? I have Visa? I use Firefox? My FTM is Version 9. I have ca 28 different files on my FTM. Most of them are so large the Relationship Calculator does not work. I have a County file using the data from the cemeteries in our county, etc. What to do?

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At what point did FTST not let you in? Had you entered the registration information? Were you able to import your FTM9 data and were you able to open FTST after that or is that when the problem started.



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It never gave me the option to enter the CODE. It just downloaded the program from the exe. file and then when I clicked on it it gave me an error message.


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Something that said I

wasn't reg?

The order of letters from WG was

1.Shipping Info

2. bvelke@whollygenes ....Download

3. support@whollygenes ---

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