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Picklist sort on Surname Soundex

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I have installed V7 and started a new project in V7. The sort order on the picklist when using Surname Soundex, Given Name, Birthdate is not working. There are a total of 267 names in the project. When doing a soundex sort, here are the first three name on the list:

O162 Overstreet,???

S365 Storms, Alba,

E242 Egglestron, Alice

It is sorting by the given name, not the soundex code and then given name. The final 53 names on the picklist is sorted correctly. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? I have not converted my old projects to V7 in fear that they may get messed up.


Lloyd Shenberger

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Hi Lloyd,


I am confused by your posting, since I have several thousand names in my Project and have no problems with the Surname Soundex sort of the Picklist. First, is what you have posted exactly what you are seeing in the picklist? And are you using the Simple Picklist or the Expanded Picklist? (Check Preferences // Program Options // Lists).


I ask because the TMG Expanded Picklist would normally display such names with parentheses around the Soundex code. And some names would have an asterisk in front. Are you not seeing that? Have you recently done the standard set of File // Maintenance routines (Optimize, followed by Validate File Integrity, finished with Optimize)? Have you looked at any of the TMG Name tags of the people that do not sort correctly to see what is actually in each of the fields of that name?


If your data is in earlier versions of TMG I would urge you to convert, as Version 7 has many more features and fixes some earlier bugs. If you are converting from some other software, double check what has wound up the various fields of the Name tags of these people, because you may need to choose different conversion options concerning names to put appropriate data in appropriate fields.


Let us know what you find, as one of us users will probably have an idea to help.

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Michael, You solved my problem. I ran the maintenance you suggested (Optimize, Validate, Optimize) and the sort now works correctly. Thank you so much. Lloyd

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You are welcome, Lloyd, glad it was that simple. I run those routines regularly, sort of like "flossing" it keeps things clean. :)

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