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Michael Hannah

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About Michael Hannah

  • Birthday January 7

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  • Location
    Los Ranchos, New Mexico, USA
  • Interests
    Genealogy, Computers

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  1. TMG to the Bitter End

    First, if your PC techs were able to retrieve your TMG backup files, maybe they can retrieve your old emails? Your license code would have been sent as an email and maybe that message can be found? As a much more difficult route maybe they can retrieve your Windows Registry? That contains your unlock code buried somewhere in it. As a last resort I believe you can still purchase a new V9 license from Harry Goegebeur.
  2. Hi Oliver, Sorry I did not see your question earlier on the TMG list. That was the better place to post, and I have answered there. Since Wholly Genes ceased monitoring this list in 2014 few users post here and only a few of us users still try to answer questions here. Most posts here focus on system problems actually trying to run TMG.
  3. .fpt error

    Charles, I have heard mentioned of a rare few cases where the specific filters "Is empty" and "Is not empty" do not work, as reported in my on-line list of remaining bugs in TMG9. I am not totally surprised that a different report will work with that filter as that seems common. If you care you might try the operator "Contains" in an Individual Detail report if you can think of something like the text "the" which they will all contain. P.S. I am still actively using TMG9 with SecondSite output.
  4. Odd Errors

    Hmmm.... Jim has the best knowledge about all this so always follow his advice, but your comment about videos in your backup raises a red flag for me. While it is legal and sometimes convenient to do so, in my experience one should get in the habit of never including any image exhibits in TMG backups. In my opinion all those imgage exhibit files should be backed up as a separate action OUTSIDE of TMG, using something like WinZip or equivalent. This is probably especially true of video files, as these files can be quite large. Note that the TMG backup is creating a single file containing everything being backed up, including all those separate image exhibit files and videos. Thus that single file can get quite huge and may be the source of problems. You say "Fingers crossed it is working". Yes, for now. But I suggest that you DON'T do a new backup which includes the image exhibits.
  5. Read only files unlock

    Your TMG program is probably locked by reverting to demo trial mode. You will need to re-enter your serial number. See this post: http://www.whollygenes.com/forums201/index.php?/topic/18219-repetitive-request-for-serial-number/&tab=comments#comment-71970
  6. Language Relationship Translations

    Lee, As you know, when this was asked on the TMG list I was unable to answer all of this. However from the examples the meaning of the hash (#) seems clear. Field one will have only one hash, field two will have two, etc. Then the output text will use the hashes as variables to output the "number" which TMG calculated for the field with that many hashes. And I would agree with your guess that these templates are only used if there is not already a template for that specific set of numbers in the fields, such as larger numbers of generations. At least that seems to be their purpose. As for the formula for the first five fields, one could probably figure it out by careful analysis of the examples. Michael
  7. Source Reminders

    Susan, glad to hear that worked.
  8. "Variable Go Term Not found" msg in windows 11

    Jim has given you the appropriate pointers to what is almost certainly the cause of your problem. He mentioned the "User program data folder" and included a truncated screenshot from Rod. If you have not seen the screen Rod included before, you access it from within TMG under the Help menu by selecting the menu item "Access Folders". That screen will also identify the location of the "User program data folder" as the second item in the screen, which is cut off in the above screenshot. Where the installer "expects" various data to be in Windows 11 is almost certainly not the old computer locations which the Restored project still points to. As Jim said, you update the pointers for your new computer in Preferences for that Project. There is one path defined in "Program Options / General", but most are in "Current Project Options / Advanced". Finally, if you have not already seen it, I strongly recommend you review Terry Reigel's excellent web page listing all the things you need to do when you transfer TMG and a project to a new computer, operating system, or version of TMG. He specifically describes how to update the paths Jim is indicating in that page. See: https://tmg.reigelridge.com/new-computer-version.htm Hope this helps, Michael
  9. Source Reminders

    Susan, Thanks for the clarificaton of the Reminders you mean. As this is happening for only one person, there must be something different about their setup. The following is "clutching at straws" and is dangerous unless done very carefully, but may be worth a try. I am "guessing" that the Reminder window may be opening off the screen somewhere. BACKUP the Project first. In TMG, click on the menu Help, then Access Folders. Record what folder is the "User program data folder" (second line). Now (IMPORTANT!!!) completely exit the TMG program. Now use Windows to browse to that folder. Find the file "app.ini". MAKE A BACKUP COPY. Now open "app.ini" in a TEXT editor (e.g. Notepad) and scroll down to find the entry: frmcitation21HintTLHW=..some numbers... Replace the numbers (no spaces) with: =0,0,270,375,15790320 Save the app.ini file AS TEXT. Now open TMG as see if the Reminder shows. If no help, restore the backup copy of app.ini. Let me know if this helps, Michael NOTE: Never work with, modify, or restore the app.ini file when TMG is running.
  10. Source Reminders

    Susan, Thanks for the clarificaton of the Reminders you mean. As this is happening for only one person, there must be something different about their setup. The following is "clutching at straws" and is dangerous unless done very carefully, but may be worth a try. I am "guessing" that the Reminder window may be opening off the screen somewhere. BACKUP the Project first. In TMG, click on the menu Help, then Access Folders. Record what folder is the "User program data folder" (second line). Now (IMPORTANT!!!) completely exit the TMG program. Now use Windows to browse to that folder. Find the file "app.ini". MAKE A BACKUP COPY. Now open "app.ini" in a TEXT editor (e.g. Notepad) and scroll down to find the entry: frmcitation21HintTLHW=..some numbers... Replace the numbers (no spaces) with: =0,0,270,375,15790320 Save the app.ini file AS TEXT. Now open TMG as see if the Reminder shows. If no help, restore the backup copy of app.ini. Let me know if this helps, Michael
  11. Buttons graying out

    Hmmmm... I have not heard of this before. If you click "Help" on the top main menu, then click "About The Master Genealogist" does the information show your serial number, or does it say something about it being a trial version? Windows can sometimes cause TMG to lose its Serial number.
  12. Source Reminders

    Hi Susan, Terry and Jim have made some good suggestions. But in an effort to be sure I understand the issue I need more information. There are two different Reminders which can be defined for Sources: A Reminder for the overall Source Type (e.g. Book), and a Reminder for a specific Source Record (e.g. a specific book). Which has a non-empty Reminder: Source Type, Source Record, or both? [Forget this, I see you said earlier it was green.] When the user edits the Citation is the light bulb icon alongside the Source # in the Citation subwindow Green or White? When you say "cannot get the source reminder to display" which of the following occurs when you click on the icon: Nothing happens A Reminder subwindow opens but it is empty (if this what does the title of the subwindow say) An error subwindow opens claiming there is no reminder for this source. We do want to try to help,
  13. Hi Trinity, Over time there have been many different numbering systems for genealogy, each with their advantages and disadvantages. I recommend reviewing two on-line sources on this topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genealogical_numbering_systems https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Genealogy_Numbering_Systems_(National_Institute) It appears you are using what looks like the Henry descendant numbering system: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genealogical_numbering_systems#Henry_System The key to the Henry system is that it is based on beginning the numbering with only one ancestor. As I have heard, for the marriage of two people who are BOTH descendants of that one ancestor, one should use the "largest" number of either parent as the base for the children. Thus the number indicates the "greatest" number of generations from the ancestor. But you might explore some more thorough descriptions of this numbering system for other suggestions. Hope this gives you ideas,
  14. Missing Exhibits TMGU Can't Find

    Carl, You commented: But you did not say how you checked the exhibits for these people. If you simply click the Exhibit Log icon when viewing a person's details, the log opens with the default settings of "Sort: None", "Focus: A Person", "Type: All Types". But that only checks the exhibits linked to this person, and possibly their events if you have checked "Show event exhibits" at the bottom of the Exhibit Log screen. Even then you may be missing checking some exhibits associated with this person. Try the setting: "Focus: A Source". This will now list all exhibits linked to any Source Record. Based on the names of the exhibit files I suspect? these exhibits might have been linked to a Source Record which was then cited to the Birth event. The Exhibit Log will identify the ID number of the Source Record that the exhibit is linked to. If that doesn't show a missing exhibit, try "Focus: A Citation". Just a wild guess, but worth checking.
  15. Program Lockup

    It is unclear what you mean by "locked up". Can you provide a copy of any error message you got? What messages make you believe it was backed up to a "zip read only file"? You asked: "How did that happen if I didn’t do that?". Is it possible you have some background program, like OneDrive, which is automatically backing up your files? P.S. Please note that Wholly Genes does not answer this forum ever since they closed on July 29, 2014. Some of us dedicated users of TMG volunteer to try to answer this forum as long as the forum stays on-line.