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Exhibit Log Properties error

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After installing TMG 8 I have been having error with the properties screen of items in the Exhibit log. I used to right click on the exhibit and choose Properties, and edit the properties that way. But now whenever I try to access the exhibit item properties I get the following message:


Function argument value, type, or count is invalid. 43 CUSSHORTCUTMANAGER.SHOWMENU


My options are Abort, Retry or Ignore. Abort seems to simply close the properties dialog without any side-effects, but Ignore opens a bunch of error messages making the only realistic option to force end the program. It seems to have no adverse effect on the exhibits or data in the exhibit log.


So, now I am forced to use the "Properties" button in the Exhibit Log dialog rather than right-clicking the exhibit as I was used to. Is this is known bug, is it reproduceable, or is it just me?





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Just tried this with my TMG 8.1 (US Version). I had no problems right clicking on the image from the exhibit log and getting the properties window to open.


Dave O.

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