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John Stark

How do I transfer data between place elements

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I have thousands of coordinate place elements that contain data with the format



text qualifying the accuracy of the coordinates


Migration to V8 fails to translate the coordinates into the new decimal format, presumably because of the additional text.



I would prefer to leave the coordinates elements in my current format and have them imported to V8 successfully, but failing that, I can move the additional text to Field 10 which is currently unused. I assume migration would then work OK?



So, how do I do this. I don't know FoxPro, but in the data structures I'm familiar with I could achieve this in seconds. I can't find any way in TMG to do this, other than by hand which will take weeks if not months. Not an option. I assume the data is in the _pd.FTP file. If so, how can I get at it and edit it? (Buying FoxPro for £600/900$ is also not an option, especially for a technology in its death throes).


(i've had a look at John Cardinal's TMG utility, but can't see a solution there).

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