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how to omit names of female members (spouses) in TMGv7 ?

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Hello, I'm quite new in this area and i have a question. I`m building a family tree for a friend and he wants to omit names of female spouses, which seems impossible to me. I have tried but it keeps returning me to fill out the field containing name of the wife. I`m using TMG v7. Please, give me some advice.

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Hello, I'm quite new in this area and i have a question. I`m building a family tree for a friend and he wants to omit names of female spouses, which seems impossible to me. I have tried but it keeps returning me to fill out the field containing name of the wife. I`m using TMG v7. Please, give me some advice.


What are you trying to make? A box chart, a report? If a report, which one?

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