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Bob Greiner

printing selected event information in tabular form

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I am trying to use the List of People report to print in tabular form basic event dates and places (BMD) plus certain other event information (e.g. immigration date/place) for a group of people. However, when defining the event information to be printed in the output columns, there is only a limited set of event types to choose from. You cannot choose to print the immigration date and place.


Is there any way, in general, to print on a single line a list of selected data fields for each person, from the basic tag type groups as well as from any of the tags in the other group?


I found that I can create separate reports into Excel of the basic tag type information (to get more than the maximum 8 output fields), including the ID number, then cut and paste multiple columns within Excel to merge identical individual information. That works for the basic event types (BMD) that can be printed by the List of People. However, if I print a list of the same people with a particular event type, some may not have that event tag, so the resulting list would not have the same number of people in it. That makes it difficult to merge within Excel.


Can you think of any other way to print lists of various events for a group of people in such a way that the separate lists can be merged onto a single line for each person?

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I would suggest two ideas, though I'm not sure either does just what you want.


Take a look at the Individual Detail report - you can select which tag types are to be included, and you can use a filter or a focus group to include a number of people.


You might also look at the List of Events report. You can filter it by ID# of Principal 1 and/or 2, and also by tag type. You only have eight filter terms which would have to be used for both the ID# and Tag Type so you are limited with how many items you can include. But you could make a series of reports, one for each person, send them to Excel, and then combine them in Excel.

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Thanks for the suggestions. The individual detail report contains too much information. I am looking to create a single line (row) of fields for each person.


The list of events report works, except that if a person does not have the specific tag type, they are not included in the report. When I use Excel to merge this report with two or more list of people reports, I could not think of an easy way to insert extra rows for those people without the event so that I have the same number of rows in each report.


The solution was to ensure that all people that I choose to select have the desired tag type added to their record. I did this by first selecting the group of people I wanted to include, and setting a flag for all in this group. Then I found all people with the flag who were missing the specific tag, and added the tag to that smaller group. I had to do that manually, as I could not find an automated way (even in TMG Utilities) to add a tag to a select group. (I should add that the custom tag that I added is only expected to be used once per person. Otherwise I might get multiple lines per person in the list of events report.)


Now I can run several list of people reports for the same group of people, each with a different list of output fields, but with the ID# common in all reports. I do the same for the list of events report. All are sent to Excel. Then I simply cut and paste the desired columns from each report into a single Excel worksheet to get my desired result.


Thanks again,



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