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Terry Reigel

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About Terry Reigel

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    Boone, NC

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  1. ID step & Adopted

    Grady, This filter with a List of People report, or in the Project Explorer, seems too work: Mother-Adopted Child ID <> Does not equal 0 OR Mother-Step Child ID <> Does not equal 0 OR Father-Adopted Child ID <> Does not equal 0 OR Father-Step Child ID <> Does not equal 0 End Terry
  2. ID step & Adopted

    Grady, It depends entirely on how you have entered them in your database. How would you recognize a step-child or adopted child if you were looking at them in TMG?
  3. According to the reports on the TMG list, this issue with Trend is not related to installation, but continues every time you use TMG. The user who first reported the issue says he is in conversation with Trend and they are working on the issue, but at last report have not fixed it. They say the issue is not just with TMG , but also impacts a few other programs. You may want to read the posts on the TMG list to understand what is going on. At least some of the posts have the subject "Trend Micro Security software interference". You can access the TMG List at https://tmg-l.groups.io/g/main
  4. I'm afraid I can't help you with this issue, but you might find help if you post on the TMG list on IO groups. There has been discussion there on similar issues with Trend Micro Security software and TMG, among other programs.
  5. Unable to open TMG following data transfer

    After you do that, you need to fix the "Path" issues as described in my article at https://tmg.reigelridge.com/new-computer-version.htm
  6. Printing visual chart to pdf

    Ed, You may find Robin Lamacraft's article on my website helpful. It's at https://tmg.reigelridge.com/Robin-saving.htm As an alternative, another user told me he used the printing service of https://ancestryprinting.com/ and was happy with the results. They can print directly from the VCF file.
  7. Abbreviation

    Well, maybe I cheated. <g> I gave a presentation to the RUG last month on Journal options, so have just studied up on all of them.
  8. Abbreviation

    Lee, How do you ask the report to abbreviate a country? The only option I see is to abbreviate a state or province.
  9. Thanks, Eric. I'll post a note on my webpage mentioning them. Did you have to make any special settings to keep VCF from braking the chart into 8.5 x 11 pages?
  10. Thanks for the info, Eric. I didn't know about them. I'd love to hear how it worked for you. Also, do you have to do anything special, like install a specific printer driver on your computer, to get VCF to produce the chart in the width and length you want?
  11. There is no one so far as I know that can print VCF files directly. However, there is an article by Robin Lamacraft, an expert on VCF, on my website about how to save the data in a format that commercial printers can use. It is at https://tmg.reigelridge.com/Robin-saving.htm
  12. Tag Issues

    Mary, There are no standard tags that include census years in their labels. Any Census Tags you have like that are custom tags. Either you created them or you imported from another program than had them. When you say the information on those you find are different, which fields do you mean? I would expect the Sentences to differ somewhat because the information recorded on the various years differs. Where are you trying to edit the Witness Sentences? You should be able to do that on the Tag Type Definition screen, but not on individual Tags unless a Witness exists in that Tag.
  13. Tag Has Disappeared

    Yes, you can have two sessions of TMG open at the same time. Just open one, then open TMG again. You can open the same Project in both, but TMG will not let you edit the same record in both at the same time.
  14. Jim is not talking about an option in Sources, but rather about the Option in Reports. The report option changes the result for all Citations in that report, regardless of the option selected in the individual Sources. Thus there is no need to make the change in each Source so long as you consistently choose the "no ibid" option in each report you use.