I posted about this in 2019 and I'm back again. I was able at that time to create a wide printable descendant chart and get it printed at a printing service. I've reviewed what worked as a solution at that time, but I've since changed laptops (was running a Mac with Parallels and am now on a Win11 machine).
I've created a chart in TMG9 using its visual cart function. The problem last time was changing the settings in the Microsoft print to pdf printer so that it would print the entire chart as a single page pdf, reading the chart dimensions in TMG and then changing the pdf printer settings to accommodate that size page. All this so that I could take the chart to a printing service and have it printed as a wide chart. I've read online posts suggesting I could go to >printer settings>manage, but can't find any such option on my machine. Am I missing a simple solution?
Ed Dunscombe