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(AZ) Tucson TMG Users Group

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Carol Andrews at tmgtug@yahoo.com.


Meeting info:

Meetings are the first Friday of every month. Our meetings are held from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the meeting room of the Himmel Park Library, 1035 N Treat, Tucson, AZ. Contact Carol at the email above to verify the time and date before attending your first meeting. Sometimes meetings may change because of library availability. Once you have attended, you will be put on a mailing list and receive advance emails of each meeting.


Other info:

Each meeting begins with a 30-minute Q&A (preferably submitted to the coordinators at least a week in advance) then a presentation. We have a PC, projector, and high-speed internet access. No food or drink (except bottled water) is allowed in the meeting room.

Edited by TMGTUG

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