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Project Corrupted

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I'm running TMG 8.08 US on Windows 10. While re-indexing my project database, Windows crashed. Upon restart, in TMG I got repeated errors when trying to open my main project. Eventually, when restarting TMG, it said it was in repair mode. I was able to successfully open the sample project, but when I try to open my main project, it starts creating indexes, I still get many errors, I click ignore many times, TMG wants to open a dbf file, and eventually it tells me the project is in use elsewhere.


I believe my project data is intact, but something is corrupt. Can you help?


Thank you,


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You need to send me the project and I'll check it and repair it if possible.


Make a copy of the project folder with the 48 files that comprise the project.

1 .PJC file

29 .DBF files

18 .FPT files


All that I need are those 48 files.


Make a .ZIP file of the folder with those 48 files and send it to me. If the ZIP file is too large, you'll need to post the file on a server so that I can download it.


You can contact me by email by clicking on the mail link below.

Jim Byram

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Thanks to Jim Byram for his knowledge, his kindness and his willingness to help. Through his work, I've recovered my project and learned a valuable lesson about frequent backups.


Thank you, Jim

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