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Diane Hosler

how to reset lost color to a flag

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When I switched to TMG,  I added a W to the ?,Y, N, in the 'Cleaned' flag for people who have been posted on line, which is a large number. The W was colored coded.  Suddenly the color is not there.  I can't figure out how to color back to the W flag.  Diane Hosler

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Colors are controlled by Accents.  File / Accent

Maybe the accent that you created for the flag Cleaned=W isn't loaded (assuming that it was saved).

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I have a large data base.  As people are posted on line they were/are given a W flag which was in color, so I could instantly see when I went to their page that they were posted.  Now the color is missing on all those records.  The W designation is still there.  I have searched Terry's book for information on how to get that color back for those individuals with a 'W'.  

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My answer still stands although your first post is confusing. You appear to have a Cleaned flag with a W setting for those people. So you need an accent for the flag Cleaned=W.

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