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I have created a new Timeline for France based on Judy Jacobson's "History for Genealogists".  There may be some errors in it, but the brief trials I have made show some interesting information when looking at my French ancestors.  I am attaching a ZIP file of the timeline for those interested.  Just download, unZip it, and place the three contained files in the TMG Timelines folder.

Lee Hoffman


France Timeline.zip

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Back in March, I posted a new France Timeline.  It only had 77 events and covered most of my French ancestry at that time.  Since then, I have added a few generations further back.  So, I wondered if I could find a few earlier events that might have bearing on my new ancestors.  Low and behold, all I needed was to look in Wikipedia.  Now, I have created a new France2 Timeline that now has 309 events going from the fourth century to the 21st century.  I don’t know if I will ever find any French ancestors that far back, but if I do ,,,,

I have attached the new Frances2 Timeline containing 309 events based on Wikipedia as a ZIP file of the timeline for those interested.  Just download, unZip it, and place the three contained files in the TMG Timelines folder.  I hope this helps.

France2 Timeline.zip

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I was informed that some of the anglicized French characters in my France2 Timeline were corrupted.  So, I am attaching a new corrected version.  I think this version corrects almost all the problem characters.  Butm there may be a few left.  We'll see.




France2 Timeline.zip

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