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Relation Tag

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I've noticed the relation tag only calculates the relationship through 4th cousins.  Fifth cousins are labled as "no blood relationship".

The auto relationship tag is calculated when you first toggle auto relationship and is not changed until toggled again. When you add a new person, if you add them to the parent that already has a relationship the new person's relationship will show correctly at this time. To recalculate relationships as each person is added would significantly slow down the program. To-recalculate the relationships during a session, [Refresh relationships] from preferences. An easy way to accomplish this is to add "Toggle Relative auto-tag" to your custom toolbar. Go to: View > Toolbars > Customize. Toggle the tag off then back on to recalculate relationships.

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I've noticed the relation tag only calculates the relationship through 4th cousins.  Fifth cousins are labled as "no blood relationship".


Try turning the relationship tag off and then back on (or Refresh relationships) and see if you don't get the calculation. TMG will not calculate a relationship if you add an individual to a non-blood related individual. For example if you have an uncle who is a blood relative and you add a child to the family but add it with his wife (your aunt) in focus no blood relationship will be calculated as you aunt is not a blood relation.

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